I'd like to personally thank Portugal for creating Port wine

I'd like to personally thank Portugal for creating Port wine.
Truly the greatest of darkskin civilizations.
What other Moorish civilizations have civilized inventions and have contributed to the human race as a whole since the 18th century?

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come and say that here, mate. Guns won't save you against Gunões.

Thank you for the wine, yes.
Inshallah and Allahu Ackbar to you, too.

The moor mem. triggered

>fight in war
>you're moor
>let your women get blacked for free
>pure aryan

Have to be honest, I gave a hearty kek desu
Seriously though, thank you Portugal for truly being the greatest of black moor countries.

Someone's got to do it. And it ain't gonna be them swedes.

At least they try, but they will never be as based as Portugal.

Offensively-ignorant American card well played, desu. You're halal, and a friend of moorslam.

Portubro when are we going to exterminate Moors to vindicate our ancestors?

When they truly piss us off, and when we fix our country from the german jews.

C'est l'heure pour la jour de la corde mon ami de moor

hopefully soon, invade through mellia/ceuta, war of extermination.


Portugal and Spain stand strong in the destiny against the Moors.

Port wine is terrible. It's far too sweet.

The French have to learn it. It's a rite of passage.

We only really care about home, for now.

Didn't the Brits create Port?

No. We had it when France cut them off of theirs, and they liked it so much we started producing more of it to export, but it ended up being liked here too at the same time.

It does have drier variations.
Tawny port is a little too sweet.

I grew up with Port and Mateus pretty much always on the dinner table (diasporafag) and never had one I liked. I like Dao wine, though.

Dão wine is what we used to drink at my parents' house. Port is more for occasions, I think.

I dunno, I personally don't drink.


Kek. I do love me some pork, though.

You won't find anyone in Portugal that doesn't, desu. We only have moor blood, not culture.

This is the Iberian thought of Moors.

How's Mateus viewed there? It's considered cheapskate wine here.

I have no clue, I don't drink. I think it's pretty cheap here too though.

Portugal is a great country, honestly.

Every time you post cuck porn you make our entire nation look like shit. Please use a Swedish proxy next time, thanks

Must be hard for americans to deal with the retardation you get associated with by the sheer number of people.

You guys should really have more distinct state flags so they could be implemented, to get rid of all of it.

Moors were not black for the twelve trillionth time.