Itt jokes only nerds will understand :)

itt jokes only nerds will understand :)

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haha, good post!
great to see some oc on this board :^)

hahah because
if ( eggs == true ) {
milk == 6;

>he can't into .this
What a brainlet joke. It wouldn't even work that way.

milk == 6;

Try again sweetie

balrus :DDD

unironically miring that september maymay

problem is he still lives with his mom?

how is this a problem about being a programmer?

i read it as two separate statements. Get a bottle of milk and get 0 or 6 eggs.

why is this a thread please leave

Its an old joke about poorly structured conditionals in code.
Pseudo code to summarize:
>get bottles of milk
>if eggs available, milkToGet = 6

Person asking should have specified type Eggs if she wanted eggs. Otherwise the 6 applies to the only type in the statement, which is milk.

Varies by language but the "humor" is there

The actual joke is that more than a decade ago it went my wife told me to get milk. Not my mom.

he would have come back with 7 bottles tho

C brainlets ladies and gentlemen.

>if ( eggs == true )

The absolute madman

if eggs == true
milk = 6

milk =+ 6
you cretin

>milk =+ 6

What did the autist mean by this?

I don't even know anything about programming but what you said is wrong.

>go to store, get milk: OK
>if eggs aren't available: 1 milk
>if eggs available: "bring 6"

>the problem about lacking communication skills

It's a poor joke, just like the person would have to be a poor programmer.

if(function (eggs)
return !!eggs;
return !!egs;
} !== false)

// forgot what I was supposed to buy


acquire_milk_bottles(1, store);

acquire_milk_bottles(6, store);

Pajeets not knowing how to use an if

Its a boolean. Just do
if (eggs)

The == true is pointless.

Hahahaha really cracked me up :)



Its a boolean because its whether eggs are available at all or not. MyEggs is probably 0 anyway because hes being asked to get some.

for(i = 0; i < 6; --i)


>not using if isset($eggs)
If there are no eggs then eggs won't be defined. How are you going to handle it then?

Who the fuck writes a shopping list in PHP

What language is this? Why is eggs both a function and variable? What is the difference between
if( function (eggs))


And what is !== false

Typos in eggs in your else by the way

Apply yourself


I write everything in PHP.

>honey did you go to the store yet
>no this apache update fucked the SQL DB

#define b buy(milk);
b b b b b b

See me after class.

($eggs ?? null)


$eggs ?: null

It's a closure user. And true !== false.

if doesnt return anything. And why not use == true instead of != false
it is != btw, not !==

if eggs:
user gets arrested for shoplifting 5 bottles of milk
user hangs out at the store with his one bottle of milk


Looking forward to august desu


It takes 10 programmers to change a bulb, 1 to swap it and 1 to hold the ladder.

It takes 0 programmers to change a bulb, 1 to hold the ladder and 1 to swap it.

That's 10 programmers

>error: 6 is an undefined variable
nice job making undefined refrences. nowhere does it say to assign 6 to milk
>hurr Im le nerd memesterd XDD
fuck off.

saging cancer


At best its 1 programmer if his arrays index at 0

or for fuck sake, you are bunch of autists!

import egg
import milk

huevo = egg.create()
leche = milk.create()

if huevo.status == True:
leche.status = 6 + 1
else if huevo.status == False:
leche.status = 1
print("I forgot to buy everything.")

Did you hear about the computer scientist who died in the shower?

His shampoo bottle said "lather, rinse, repeat!"

>6 + 1
How the fuck do you even get that?
It doesn't even say "buy 6" but "bring 6".
Why would you then bring 7? Fucking retards.


You're right
Unsigned int Milk = 0;
/* Go to the store and buy 1 milk */
Milk += 1;

if(Eggs) Milk += 6;
printf("Milk: %d\n", Milk);
/* 7 would be displayed */

The OP was first a statement, then a question.
>Get milk.
>If there are eggs there, then get six.
The "get" can be assumed to be milk since the data in Milk was the last thing changed


>then get six.
No you fucking mongoloid.
It says "bring six".
"Get" and "bring" have two different meanings.


>all these "milk = 6" and "milk +=6" faggots who don't understand how computers work
When did she ever mention milk with respect to 6, cretins? 6 was just the a number placed in whatever place the current grammatical context left hanging.

It's something like
write function pointer to "bring milk" in a register
move to the parameter register
place the number "1" in the current register (the parameter register)
if( they_have_eggs)
place the number "6" in the current register (the parameter register)
go to (function pointer) using the parameter register in the call stack

Execute in the assembly language of choice

lol there's no way someone is this stupid and greedy

>guess I have a new fetish

Bringing 6 does not mean buy. So the dude should have stolen the 6 bottles.

if (eggs == true) {

>buy a bottle of milk, if you are thirsty, bring 6.
>here are your 6 thirsties m'lady

if (eggs):
print("Because they had eggs! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯")
Imagine being at computers

So the problem with programmers is that they're poor communicators? Sounds right.

abstract class (Egg){
bool existence?? == true.
bool buyMilk = false;

public egg Egg(int amount_of_eggs, string exclaymation)
if (amount_ofEggs = 0)
console.PrintLine("no croissants today, boss" + " " + exclamnation)
else if (eggCounter >= 1)
buymilk = true; //set buymilk to true.

milk = eggs ? 6 : 1

import grocery

if "egg" in grocery.stock:"egg", 6)"milk", 1)

int bottlesOfMilkToBuy = theyHaveEggs ? 6 : 1;

even better

import grocery as g"egg", 6) # throws a StockItemNotListedError but gracefully returns False if they don't have eggs"milk", 1)

Now the retarded version

import grocery as g

g.stock.check("egg", 1)
except StockItemNotListedError:"milk", 1)
else:"milk", 6)


It'd have to be:

True==milk==eggs ? 6 : 1


>thread is still active with retards still not discussing the obvious flaw
int milk = 0;
bool eggs = 0;

while( shopping){
milk + 1;

if( enumerate_eggs() ){

can you find the error? (hint: what gets incremented by 6? (fucking nothing))

Nothing should be incremented by 6 because it doesn't say or even suggest to add 6.

Which means there is no error. Your code, despite not compiling, isn't wrong in that regard.

Oh and I forgot to mention the loop that won't run.

yes Im aware that the code wouldnt compile or loop. Although if you have +6 instead of =+6 it will comile without error in gcc.

The point I was trying to make is that the position of the 6 makes the "bring 6" out of context much like it is in the code I posted. It doesnt say what to bring 6 of, its garbage.

Mrs Nesbitt is spicy as fug.

the guy only bought one bottle of milk, but he brought six home
he wasn't requested to steal the remainder - does he just have five spare milk bottles on his person entirely for this contingency

>food analogies

Clearly he was Jesus.

>if(eggs == true){

You fucking moron, you're supposed to do it like this:

if(eggs === true){

It's Christmas Eve or Christmas and you faggots are trying to figure out how to write the best pseudo code for grocery shopping.

You guys are fucking retards

If eggs > 1
Milk = 6
Milk = 0
End if

Was that so hard
>Pic relate is everyone itt

there's no point in saying this but that joke is more an english grammar joke than anything else. if it was specified "6 eggs" explicitly as was meant, the programmer would have gotten the groceries correctly. the better joke is the one that goes like "go to the store and get milk, and while you're there get 6 eggs if they have eggs" and the programmer never returns from the store.

Na, the programmer would return from the store with all the eggs.


What if eggs are 0.5?
>Pic related you're brain

$eggs = $_POST["eggs"];
if($eggs == true){
$milk = 6;

There are languages where implicit typecast to boolean is not allowed.

t. CS graduate
he would wander around the store with a cart holding exactly 6 eggs (unless the store is out of eggs, in which case his cart would have no eggs)

And if the store is out of milk he goes into a fucking coma because null pointer exception

But what if its false?

So he bought one bottle and stole the other 5 to bring right?

A programmer becomes a father.
A friend asks: "Is it a boy or a girl?"
The programmer answers: "Yes."

Wait, this joke wouldn't even work nowadays, would it?

t.pretentious faggot




buy(milk,(eggs == true) ? 6 : 1);

You are complicating it too much