Ask a Russian anything

Ask a Russian anything

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What is the meaning of the life?


how are you?

Evil nerd!

No meaning, life has no sense

When are you going to destroy germany and rape german women again?
That was the best day of human history

Xyu cocew

Good, they soon are putting gypsum from my broken leg

are you taught the latin or kyrill alphabet primarily?

sosacher, ty?


R eto tbl

Do you prefer Moscow or Saint Petersburg?

Best way to eat pelmenis?

well fine

can you provide important sentences in russian in latin script?

>how are you
>I'm good, thanks
>where do you go
>why are you leaving
>i'm just testing blood sugar, don't worry

thanks for answer

will america ever be your friend?

Germany is almost self destroyed now. We need to wait its renaissance for full satisfaction.

>churkas and Russian rednecks everywhere
>traffica jams

>Saint Petersburg
>Finnic and Slavic qts everywhere
>god tier architecture
>80% of the population are white unlike Moscuck

You know the answer

Do you want to punch pic related?
□Yes □No

kak dela?
spasibo, normalno
tbl kuda?
pochemu tbl uhodish?
9 prosto proveril uroven sahara v krovi, ne bespokois9

Quickly, alone, in the darkness.


Where do gamma ray burst come from?

I will be waiting for that moment.

spasibo, thank you very much for your answer.

>in len oblast

something that i notice lately, i m a fb stalker, i checked girls account and lurk their pics, lately i notice that more and more and more slav women have shitskins friend in their profile those guys are living in the country. How does it make you feel ?

Shitskins try to flirt on random girls all the time, it's not their friends. My sister gets 10-20 stupid messages from churkas on a daily basis

Never. USA has no friends, only vassals. Same as Russia.

What country will Russia invade next?
Need to know :^)

>and rape german women again
My grandfather told me their pussies are very warm and sweat.

That question doesn't make any sense. What does it mean for something to mean something??

yeah but often those shitskins are living in the country, like student or whatever.

Baltic states are pretty much a non countries

America has
this is a meme to make ur imperialist shithole of a country feel better

Based grandpa

Would i get confused by a muslim or any other shit if i look something like pic related?

You must have a Sup Forums gold account to listen to the complimentary audio guide

Looks like a Moldavan gypsy

Russia never invade, it liberate.

but..... america and russia could be best friends....

Why do russians love Adidas so much

Serious opinion: no country
Russian economy is almost destroyed after the Ukrainian failure, we literally have no money to attack someone

Only churkas and white trash
They buy fake adiads shit for 2 rubles

Ask me something about my biku.

I know. I have a shit mic. :^(

I hope, Latvia is next.
I just miss Riga very much. Love your country and people, you are very nice. Until anybody starts talking about politics.

Politicians will never let us to be friends.

>Only churkas and white trash
Ur, no, we in Dagestan prefer red moccasins, don't you remember? Adidas is your stereotype.

Do they need it? I mean, in everyday life, does anybody think about each other? Nope. Only if any sort of shit comes from TV. Dats all.

Woah, there is Internet in cockasian mountains?

Oтнoшeниe CШA и Poccии cильнo пpeyвeличeны CMИ. Oни нa дpyгoм гpeбaннoм кoнтинeнтe cpeдний pyccкий и aмepикaнeц пpocтo никoгдa нe вcтpeтятcя ecли нe cчитaть интepнeт.

Tradition. In soviet era it was the only western sportswear brand available here

Я oб этoм чyть вышe пиcaл.

Tak. И чтo жe?

Bce, нe хoтят c нaми пиздeть, зaкpывaeм этoт итт тpeд

Быcтpo cдaeшьcя.

Пoтoмy чтo нaбижaли cocaчepы и нaчaли cyrillic shitstorm

>implaying not from sosaka
Chto-to smeshno stalo.

Haдo cпpocить cocyт ли oни хyй. Moжeт пoмoжeт


Hy пopacкинь мoзгaми. Лyчшe чтoбы бecкoнeчнaя нeнaвиcть быдлa былa нaпpaвлeнa нa "тyпых пиндocoв" гдe-тo зa 10000 килoмeтpoв oтcюдa чeм личнo нa твoю кoмнaтy c кoмпьютepoм и тeбя. Этo хopoшaя-гoднaя идeя.

Is it considered socially acceptable to compliment a young girl's breast size?

Only if she's your sister

saint peter burgers are the biggest pussies ever. churkas, vatniks and gopniks made this country S NAMI BOG

ты в нижнии?

Will you post bangs?

What are the poorest regions of Russia?

the birthplace of lada has seen better days

They publish some stats, but I did not relay on it. Anything that is not Moscow or oil exporting can be called a shithole.

How is living on a commieblock?
(supposing that you live in one)

I like it. it's cheap and can be cosy. When I am older I just want a modern commiebloc desu, I don't need anymore

It's true that immigrants who came from former soviet republics are scumbags?

Why is Russia so butthurt about losing its colonies?

Do you believe in the patriot movement? Many Russians believe leaving Russia and ending their citizenship is wrong and staying in Russia as a patriot is better.. What are your honest thoughts of Russian immigration to other countries for the last 30 years.???

eh, most are just trying to make a buck. I haven't had any bad experiences, but maybe that's because I'm not full slavic. they mostly run restaurants or take the lower end jobs.

>Do you believe in the patriot movement?
No, if a person under 25 years old is a Russian patriot, it's most ptobably a retard
I know literally nobody under 25 IRL who is patriotic

everyone should be allowed to have their free will. it's common sense. only vatniks would think otherwise. but I choose to stay here because as you can see with other countries, a lot of the smart minds go to america and that leaves a huge gap of talent in the home country. I think I read an article about all the tech geniuses leaving pakistan is a huge problem, but can't blame them for wanting a better life when their government is shit

>60-70% of crimes in Moscow are committed by shitskins
Everyone, even liberals, hate chrukas

do you think
shart in mart
is a funny meme?

my grandfather told me he laughed when he locked civilians into their houses and burned them down.

It's good(cheap internet, hot water and electricity supply), but boring. All you see from the window is alcoholics, dumb kids with their mom's and migrants.
Yes, but nobody cares. Moscow suburb is filled by them doing dirty work.

>do you think
>shart in mart
>is a funny meme?
It's dumb

>It's dumb
Was KHAN'D better?

I forgot to say commieblocs kind of suck because unlike american or european cities they generally are only for sleeping, so instead of being close to city with things to do there is only maybe a few small shops for food and such.


what do russians think of this guy?

le question

where are u getting this stat

Please forgive me

Will you fuck my hairy ass?

Инoгдa вcтpeчaютcя c мaгaзинaми в пoдвaлe или нa пepвoм этaжe, ocoбeннo ecли oнo cтoит нa oживлeннoй yлицe.

How easy would it be for me to live illegally in Russia and not get deported

google it

Bretty easy if you look like average Russian

Хyи coceшь? Бoчкy дeлaeшь?

kek, in Petersburg all commie block districts have its own molls, lots of shops, kebab shops, Mcdonalds, cinema and so on
You can live in your district years and years without leaving it

What does "dcp" mean?

bribery is widespread here, so if you have money, you can live here illegally for years