Do Ruskies actually like this man?

Do Ruskies actually like this man?

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Some do. But whocares when the opposition are just as shit or literal memes.

gib one legitimate reason to hate him that isn't muh west

he's a dictator that fucked over the government to illegally install himself as permanent leader of russia.

I already told you. When I see his ugly little face, I start puking

Russians are proud to serve president Putin.

wut? none of that happened. he's elected. don't believe everything hilary says

His current approval rating is at 82%

someone post good russian vs liberal russian comic it always makes me laff

gib? taw yefhmoha gib

Russia is filled with Slavs, and we know, Slavs are racially inferior. They're concerned with being "strong" instead of having a working society. Everyone in Russia is pretty happy about the annexation of Crimea and about Russia showing off its strength in Syria.

Russia may actually even collaborate with the K*rds in order to piss of Turkey.

>he's a dictator

Only cucks elect their chief.

This is exclusive to Russians. Poland pre-partition was the closest thing to a modern democracy in Europe besides Switzerland and some Italian states. Read a history book.

Pooland is a failed Slav state. The only reason why Poles are doing any better thank Russians is due to Prussian and Germanic influence.

Poles aren't pure Slavs, they are mixed with white blood. While Russians are mixed with mongol blood.

whatever floats your boat, dude

whatever sharts your mart, m8

Just as if USA weren't concerned with being strong, every one of your presidents speak about it in every single of his speeches. That was the thing that caused so much butthurt to Putin.

Pfff, Poland was just the concurent of Russia, you're always buthhurt 'cause you Commonwealth wasn't able to conquer us years ago and how events turned on in the end

>Poles aren't pure Slavs
Poles are the most pure Slavs of all, their genetics show they are extremely homogenous.

Rival, you fucktard. Go learn some English.

t. memelogist

he assassinates political dissidents

They have to.
It's not like they have anything to say

lmao doesnt matter if they do

loll why do they have buildings shaped like dicks in russia?

is it a cultural thing?

if your dick is shaped like that I pity you

>Slavs are racially inferior

Gen. Le Meme is here, everyone



damn sounds like you guys got BTFO pretty badly

No we don't. Thread closed

How accurate are these polls though?

Not accurate at all. Putin's approval rating is 146%.

He genuinely is, but for two reasons
1. No reasonable alternatives
2. He kills people who vocally disagree with him and gets the Church and news stations to only speak positively about him. You never hear him criticised even though he's an evil man.