C is objectively the best programming language in the world. Many will try to replace it...

C is objectively the best programming language in the world. Many will try to replace it, but everybody always come back crawling after every (obviously failed) attempt. You better get used to it.
icube-icps.unistra.fr/img_auth.php/d/db/ModernC.pdf (by Jens Gustedt)

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more like rust4twomoreyearsuntilitdiesaslowpatheticdeathlikerubyhaslmao

sorry, couldn't hear you from all the way up here


Zygohistomorphic prepromorphism


I absolutely hate it when books have color. It's extremely distracting and I can't concentrate on the ideas if the whole freaking page is yelling at me.

And yes I have autism. Fuck off.

you realize a lot of pdf readers have a grayscale mode, right?

I'll complete k&r in a week
What next? OPs link?

What's the best way to learn c++ along with c?

What does the program in the picture do?

do the exercises or else you aren't learning shit. but yeah, that is the next book in the reading list.

it's a quine

Is the C standard "available" somewhere, i.e. at no charge? Preferable ANSI C89 or ISO C90.

C is a shitlang whose only saving grace is its minimalism.

>C is okay
>Everything else is so fucking obtuse that C rises to God-tier

Then again, I don't really know how to make a language better than C at the core.

Really, all you need to do is eliminate some of the inconsistencies and bad implicit behaviors and figure out a superior alternative to the preprocessor.

There's plenty of openly available PDFs.

>2018 - 1 week
Wew, lads.

For me it's just the header files. I can't stand them.

Maybe someone in here could walk us through the benefits of that sort of linking.
I remember a comparison against D and Rust once somewhere and all the compilation times were equal.

Rust is horrendous and it needs to abandon the safety gimmick to stand a chance.

>safety gimmick
Look, an NSA agent.

Header files aren't the worst thing in C, but I'm sure there must be a superior alternative. I don't see why object code can't contain metadata for data types and function prototypes.

Does the Rust compiler reject valid programs because it cannot prove memory safety?

You don't understand the meaning of the word.
What C excels at is that it's at a sweet spot for abstraction and defined behavior where it makes dropping to asm very rarely needed. Now as processors evolve this gets less and less true. But it has held up remarkably well and there's nobody serious who sees reason to actually attempt to replace it. That said there's obvious flaws.
People that make languages like Rust and Go are clearly not interested in replacing C and fixing what's bad but rather they're targeting a compromise between the wastefulness of many high level languages people enjoy and the low level. Go's GC is a prime example. It's not advantageous to anyone who has been working in C really. People know how to do MMM and have done that for decades now.
>multithreaded programming
I've asked people before about this. What does Rust actually do with this that isn't just safety nets for lazy disorderly programmers? Is there anything that could help a programmer who knows what the fuck he's doing? Most language features target the lowest common denominator and prevents mistakes. That's not really what saves you effort.

Rust doesn't let you acquire multiple mutable references to an object. This is supposed to be a good thing, because it's safer.

Oh man how exciting..
I hope they've also implemented revolutionary things like defaulting memory to being single thread scoped.
(if you didn't catch the sarcasm it's your fault)

What's the worst thing in C then? sizeofArray not being in stdlib and stdio?

Yes, just like a compiler of a statically typed language rejects valid programs it cannot prove type-safe.
>What does Rust actually do with this that isn't just safety nets for lazy disorderly programmers?
It's like calling everything more complex than asm "safety nets for lazy disorderly programmers". Rust statically prevents data races by preventing multiple threads from accessing the same memory, which prevents a lot of concurrency errors.

A really shitty weak type system.

error handling in general is weak because there's no multiple return or tuple return

What? Are you saying that because of casting? That flexibility lets you optimize stuff like no other language can.


Casting is good, casting is explicit. Implicit conversions and deceptive declarations suck.

I like JavaScript, though.

I chuckled

is that an obj-c joke

>no namespaces or modules
>no methods
>pointer hacks over slices and first class functions
>bad error handling
>hardly portable, many std libs in wild to work with
>chaotic linking and dependency management
>bad type aliasing
>flavor of the week thread implementations
C is only good because any brainlet can write compiler for it. But because GNU EEEd it with extensions, you can't make a compiler that strictly follows only standards to work in real life. C is hell.

>>bad error handling
I bet you think exceptions are good.

no I just don't think errno and forcing signed int over unsigned to use negative range for few error codes is good

ok cool

Would definitely prefer it if we could return multiple values and do go-style error handling. Variant types are a little too high level for C.
I also think first class functions are.

I had a class with the author of that book

>I need abstractions because my ronrons hurt when I try to understand how things actually work under the hood

That's like saying everyone should be programming assembly.

You're so intelligent, building everything by banging rocks together.

>C is objectively the best programming language in the world. Many will try to replace it, but everybody always come back crawling after every (obviously failed) attempt


C was objectively overtaken a few years ago, you autist.

t. Buttblasted JavaScript artisans

>reading comprehension
And now everyone is crawling back, that is what your data shows.
Found a free ebook with exercises, although they aren't as demanding as K&R's. publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c_book/

How can I stick to learning, Sup Forums?
I own K&R, I own C the Hard Way
I have only a Chromebook for compiling
No video games anymore
But I still can't just think like a programmer and solve ez problems on euler
What the fuck can I do?

Looks like programming in general went down lol