Do you know any site where can i download or read IEC or ISO standards for free?

do you know any site where can i download or read IEC or ISO standards for free?


Pay me and I'll tell you :^)

I found a shit ton of them just using Google.

there's often only amendments or previews
i'm looking for 60884

Aren't they free? Why the fuck would you put a fucking standard behind a paywall?

You'd bet.

And there are a fuckton of standard bodies for every country. Why we can't just have ONE standard for everything? Do I need to purchase ISO standards, ASTM standard, DIN standars that all regulate a same thing with subtle differencies and a lot overlap?


Standarizing companies are private and most of the standards are not required by law, so you can make your researches and calculations on your own, but you take the responsibility. It takes a lot of time to do it. NFPA standards are free to read. I agree that standards required by law should be free to access.

If a private company is setting a standard, wouldn't they want it to be available to as many people as possible?

This was well discussed in the KRACK vulnerability debacle. The 802.11 "open standard" sat behind a paywall so hard the only groups that bought it were Chinese chip manufacturers that had no shits to give about reviewing it for security.

scihub and maybe ligen

it's not about that. they are spending their time to write this paper and they take law responsibility for it. they just want earn money.

can't find ligen, gimmie link

it's libgen

there is a few, not one i look for, but thanks

You didn't try sci hub? Proxies change from time to time so you should check in a months time to see if anything is available then.

nope, can't find it there or i don't know how to use it...

on archive org is a lot of standards also, IEC and IS, that are based on IEC

Just input the DOI of the document you are interested in. The thing does the rest.

Just input the DOI of the document you are interested in. The thing does the rest.
Are you sure you are entering the website through this addres?

Same Q but for Aus/NZ standards

and how to find the doi? xD

Go to any website that lists information on the document and search for it in the description.

got ics, tc, sc and isbn but not doi, i have to give up