Get 4 year CS degree

>get 4 year CS degree
>spent 2 years learning theoretical shit like theorem proofs and algorithms
>other 2 years was gen eds that was completely irrelevant to my degree
>i still have no clue how to program
how the FUCK am i going to get a job?

You won't, kys asap please.

>CS degree

you where taught computer science, not programming, any monkey can program, thats like doing a math degree then complaining you can't do basic arithmetic.

2 years of gen. eds; are you stupid? It's 1 semester to 1.5 semester; or about 24 credits.

If you left CS without being able to program then you probably went to a shit school

As someone who can actually program and has a degree+ projects + internships but can't even get a foot in the door on a national level you won't

I dont want to poke fun, but you prob aren't good at interviewing?

The one thing college cant teach you is how to interview; its always funny seeing those "types" in school.

Fake it til you make itâ„¢

user looking for a job? Cryptocurrency startup here. Yeah i know but we actually have innovative tech

Doesnt work in the technical interview lol.

I personally love destroying juniors when interview for dev jobs who don't even know what the fuck polymorphism is.

Faking it only works until:
1. The interview;
2. If you somehow get the job you'll fail on the job;
3. If you somehow succeed in the job, you wont learn anything and are just wasting space; kill yourself.

How does it take 4 years for you to realize you're not learning anything?

> hahaha OP thought liberal cuck
> profs actually knew something
> about computers

Start making powershell scripts
Interview for a sysadmin position
Get $$$$ and quit bitching

Bootcamp it up. You spent 4 years, you can spare 4 more months.

>don't even know what the fuck polymorphism is
internless failure here trying to apply over the next spring
define "not knowing what polymorphism" is
a lot of people complain about new grads not knowing how to code, and i think i'm pretty garbage, but people seem to exaggerate how little people know i feel

Alright you haven't realized it yet so ill tell you. If you're just trying to get in and out to a job the point is to memorize everything in data structures.
Then spend every minute of your free time solving those ridiculous HR code questions till your runtimes blow them the fuck out. This is the endgame

This. Literally the only thing that actually matters is being a "people person" and being able to network and interview well. Absolutely everything else is secondary, like distantly secondary.

>tfw too smart to get hired

Dude, so... I don't get this. I learned how to program getting my associates from a community college. I learned OOP (through C++) and all the shit my second semester.

How the fuck can anyone get through 4 years of school; especially CS and have no fucking idea what polymorphism is? It's literally OOP 101 (and I hate OOP).

I ask "what polymorphism is?" as an interview question because:
1. No one else asks it
2. It's elementary programming; if you don't know I wont hire you anyways

I only hire the best on my teams; which means the high learners.

Did you read OP? He straight up says
>i still have no clue how to program
You must be pretty fucking desperate

what's an acceptable answer for "what is polymorphism"
because i'm a brainlet i would probably just give a tard answer like "uhh it's like when you treat objects of one type as another. usually if they're all implementing the same interface or inheriting from the same superclass"

I got 4 internships when I was in school and they really helped me develop my skills and find a job before I graduate. Also you will always have to learn new stuff when you are working on CS.

Maybe you should try answering it? If you copy paste me an answer from wikipedia you're only hurting yourself.

What's polymorphism?

What the fuck IS polymorphism?

I didnt do OOP I flunked out so I took a fuck ton of math classes and did functional programming

i didn't even copy that from wikipedia
that's how i would legitimately answer that question

I can code anything but don't ask me to remember all the terms you don't use anyway.
It's useless knowledge. And practically you have to look up structure anyway all the time because after 10 years and 6+ languages it all blurs together.

Thats like asking you "what is a function?" and you give an excuse like "ah ye i know 6 langs it all blurs together". No.

Granted, If you don't do OOP and you arent hiring for OOP then the polymorphism question is useless. I only ask that question if I'm an interviewer on a team looking for someone to code in some shit language like Java.

Now, if I am hiring Python devs; I do ask questions like "what are some weaknesses in python?", "How do you deploy apps in python?", "what is GIL?", "what are list comprehensions?", etc. If you program in python and can't answer those questions then you don't know what you are doing.

Poly means many
Morphisim means forms

Its an object that can take the form of an Inherited object

I really hate programming. I'm thinking of just getting a business IT degree, but I also hated working as a sysadmin. How do I kill myself? Does anyone want my GTX 980?

I know this is a meme but this shit actually happens, I've met CS retards who have no clue how to program.

I don't even have a CS degree and I managed to land a decent programming job, what the fuck do they even teach you?

Polymorphism is literally one of the three core parts of OOP, not knowing that is like saying "Oh, a variable? Is THAT what those are called? Haha!"

I want your GTX980

Also killing yourself is barbaric, civilized people drink.

Dude, as someone who has a cybersec degree and knows many program langs and actually is employed with 6 figured; I dont know how some of these people get through the programs.

I learned how to program first and second semesters.

I think it's diploma mill schools like University of Phoenix or some shit. Maybe a Pajeet school or something.

define class Shape
attr int X;
attr int Y;
attr int height;
attr int width;
virtual func Draw () -> [base method task];

define class Circle derive Shape
override func Draw() -> writeln("Drawing Circle") -> base.Draw();

define class Square derive Shape
override func Draw() -> writeln("Drawing Square") -> base.Draw();



This is why I ask it; it's literally a core part of OOP; along with inheritance and encapsulation.

If you do not know those 3 and you got through the CS program with a degree ask for your money back.

>paying for college
>wasting time in college
>not teaching yourself masterrace
College is complete garbage and will continue on a steady decline in value until we remove women from education. Women have tanked every industry they've joined and have royally tanked the one important industry they've abandoned, the nuclear family. At the very least we need separate schools for males ans females. They can have "girl power" college where they learn at a "special ed" pace with lots of safe space infrastructure. And then Patriarchy University where you only get in based on merit and the competitive nature of the all male environments produces stronger and smarter men. The problem isn't that women have gotten stronger or smarter, they haven't. The problem is that men have become weaker and dumber. Co-ed environments are not going to produce stronger men. Co-ed environments will only create drama and distractions.

State schools are under a lot of pressure from local donors and businesses to pump out more CS grads, so the easiest way for them to accomplish it was to water everything way the fuck down. It's also why there are so many people getting MS degrees now, because they realize they're not idiots and that their undergrad taught them fuckall.

I can smell the roleplay from here

Kill yourself