How do you do it anons?

how do you do it anons?
I want to try the software that's been in my thoughts.
how's the new Firefox?

wash your feet

that's hair. my toe is furry. although my toenail is dirty...

wtb cure for foot disease

what if guile and execline combined?
I want MuQSS scheduling my processes! StumpWM and Wayland, when? Is Wayland bloated?
musl is awesome! I wish tinycc could benefit from machine learning.
Would machine learning help libre/coreboot learn how to run on more motherboards?

its fine once you get past the fact that the seeds for streaming drm were quietly sewed into the browser and are just waiting for enough people to adopt it before youtube flips the switch.
Soon websites, youtube, everything is going to be drmd and you will have no other choice but to watch the ads.

Firefox still can't remember the fucking sort type in the Bookmarks Manager. In fucking version fucking 57. In the fucking OOH SHINY QUANTUM release. Fuck Pozilla.

someone could make an external bookmarks manager. Chrome has its flaws.
it'd be nice yup have the option to download the page you bookmarked alongside your placeholder.
I can use an external bookmark manager with my smartphone by sharing a page to my note keeping application. indeed newpipe is breaking on some videos for me personally

kind of a scrapbook so to speak. maybe I'm just a kleptomaniac though.
I wonder if Firefox has improved its extensibility.
I lost some brain cells last night I think. woke up n there's a guy in hazmat suit with stop sign and respirator mask when I'm omw to bus. I had slept with window open and felt like apnea Dx

Ah I see your using a Plum84! I'm more of a HHKB user myself, I know 75% is supposed to be better but you know what they say... old habits die hard.

happy repeating digits fellow patrician
I love the layout personally. a happy medium between minimalism and Function-ality (couldn't survive without my function keys)

just bought some raw milk
yesterday I bought some CDs (Liz Phair, Mal Waldron, some other band)
I was thinking about starting an internet radio station.
presently I'm waiting to have access to a computer wherein I can plug an SSD that I need to recover files from before I format it and install gentoo.

I wish to emulate Uriel and create an OS that unites the less harmful

maybe it requires porting all the developments that have occurred under linux to another kernel, but I hope it won't. I think linux could be beautified though.
also I want an unscheduled ring
basically VMs
maybe linux will be booted by a microkernel in the end.
ontological and such.


Go see a doctor you filthy fuck. What the hell is with your toenails.

they were worse when I was an anorexic cross country runner in high school
I saw a doctor then and they didn't do anything
I am a robot btw.

going for a bicycle ride on my road bicycle, which incorporates the following technologies:
spinning bespoke hoops
rolling pin type belt contraption
continuous pulleys
seats and more!

>How's the new Firefox

George Soros approves of it, that is all you need to know.


looks like tes
my man Soros spreading the fiery furry love