Got any tips for noobs starting out from 0 knowledge to learn programming?

Got any tips for noobs starting out from 0 knowledge to learn programming?

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First ask yourself what you want to do with programming. From that we can guide you on what to learn


What if I want to make esoteric graphic stuff and gaymes?

Pick a popular language and just go with it.

The most important thing is that you stick with programming and continue to go deeper. Learn *how* to code - programming paradigms, data structures and algorithms, etc. then it all transfers over from language to language moderately easy.

Python is a safe bet for now.
C++ is still in demand
JavaScript is all over
Java is meh but is a common first language.

then learn C++

Well I've been inventing to create and patent things but I also have a lot of ideas for apps, programs, and websites.
Seems like I'm missing out on a lot of opportunity, I should learn the basics so I can at least express what what and how I want to create, if not just do it myself one day.
And all the advancements being made? All the programs that are going to be made in the coming years incorporating ai? I'd like to be able to understand how it works if not help make it a reality one day. Maybe one day I can help work on things like this or even fund a startup using my other projects if I can ever get any of them to work out. Not much I can do if I never even tried to learn though.
Just don't want to watch everyone else ride the wave of the future I suppose while I'm in the sidelines with blinders on.

What's good to learn for bioinformatics? Need to put this Biology degree to work. R and Python?

Are their new languages being used to create things people couldn't make before?


python first, R second.

>And all the advancements being made? All the programs that are going to be made in the coming years incorporating ai? I'd like to be able to understand how it works if not help make it a reality one day. Maybe one day I can help work on things like this or even fund a startup using my other projects if I can ever get any of them to work out. Not much I can do if I never even tried to learn though.

Could learn Solidity and develop smart contracts on Ethereum.

>JavaScript is all over

you mean its on its way out e.g. dying?

or its all over in that its literally everywhere you look?

the only reason i ask is because one of my close friends has suggested i learn javascript as he thinks it is a very important language


Good suggestion. Also rust may be a good option. This guy sounds like he may want to roll his own, and the lack of established tools will hurt him less.

tfw you've got all but ~3 of these nailed down

ahh yep I see how that could be confusing.
I meant it's all over the place, everywhere you look. Super prevalent but basically everyone knows it.

Start with C or C++. Its much easier to learn languages with manual memory management first than it is to learn garbage collected languages first and then learn manual memory management languages.

Then learn from rigorous material

This isn't hard to do. What are you doing everyday at 6am? Sleeping? Well wake up and put in 2-3hrs doing those courses. In a year you'll have finished most of them.

Waste of time.

The EVM is filled with bugs. Use Cardano instead for things like this until something better comes along, at least it's design is amenable to formal verification and their VM isn't a pile of shit. It's also cheap, so you can dick around with it without going broke.

someone tell how to learn java? no oracle site either please

Go on and look up 'software development' it's 100% free, you only pay for certs if you want them

At the same time, look up any software engineering course at a university, like CMU, and read all the slides, read all the recommended reading (it's a lot), Then go find a java open source project ( a billion of them) and make contributions until you are a half decent programmer.

Note all this reading:

Also note, object oriented programming is kind of bullshit, but everybody uses it so you're stuck with it for now.

u have any recommended course?
the one u linked says $800
how bout this one?

I can see you can't read, so forget about programming. Read my post again.

Think of something to build and build it in whatever language is best

Best Java MOOC: