Please don't come

Please don't come.

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I will

Come on, you aren't that bad

i wasn't planning on it anytime soon to be quite honest famiglia

I won't but your memes are still superior to other memes

I don't want your country is a shithole

ill get there to see Valderrama

ok, but don't send shit here

Isn't Armenia pretty comfy tho?

no, it's shit just like every single place of this country doomed by god

>Congolombian posters keep shilling for their country and their butifel women
I won't be fooled.

What? Their girls are goblins with monkey face

this is true, everyone is ugly, stupid and retarded, don't waste your time coming here

Mate, we have tons in Spain

Madrid is Spanish Medellín with panchitos, cubanos y todo eso

spain is also shit, poor and third world
shit gets along with shit
there is no spanish speaking good country

ok indio


What genocide?

There's a city here called Armenia

Yeah that was the joke.

why? there are better places like Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Chile

I will. Pretty soon btw, already looking forward :)



prepare to see murder, poverty and drug traffic everywhere

I want to see whole SA

>Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Chile
Those are in my list too.

Sure thing. Murders and drugdealing in broad daylight, right?

wew, you sure like to live in the edge. Only decent places for a european traveller are Chile Argentina and Mexico and maybe Southern Brazil

how many bloks away is your closer dealer?

yes, everyday everywhere, also expect disgusting prostitutes in every corner being fucked by guerrillos

If you are in the wrong place, it actually can happen.

But there are safe places everywhere, desu.

Dank bundas

If you travel through latin america take a flight from ecuador to Panama and skip Colombia, I'm not trying to scare you but there a helluva lot of things here yo might not be used to seeiing

>Implying Moroccan girls are not better looking

Why the fuck not? Colombia has the reputation of having the most welcoming people. Besides, I'd only want to visit, I ain't staying.

*disgusting bubble butts

Nothing can compete with Latinas

That's a fact.

I don't know, only those who do drugs on a daily basis know where to find a closer dealer.

>disgusting prostitutes
All smeared with cocaine I hope?
>being fucked by guerrillos
At gunpoint I hope?

That's my point. I think I have enough common sense to avoid dangerous places.

welcoming and retarded, stupid, brainless, and dumb people
please just kill us all do the world a favor

>Nothing can compete with Latinas
And yes, that's true.


really do you want to visit congolombia?

Nothing but sweeden.

You would stick out like a sore thumb in manletland and virtually no one speaks english. you wouldn't enjoy it

my house on the left

yo creía que Colombia no era tan malo, pero se ve horroso, encima harroso encima dan sub a subnormales como el rubius



se ve casi igual que españa
colombia es feo horrendo no hay nada bueno en el

cuanto es el salario mínimo allí? es que parece que solo hay chavolas

ni de coña, ni en los peores sitios de España parecen eso

el rubius es creacion ezpanola, como los millones de visitas que le dan vida.

rubius en congolandia

si gracias a los sudamericanos por hacerle rico

300 dolareques. Este es un pais al nivel de Africa

Algo teniamos que devolverle a los mayores consumidores de nuestra cocaina en europa.

300 dolares? americanos?

va to escoltado el cabrón, yo iría igual, allí te destripan por un euro

si el equivalente a eso

mira esto

Ni con escolta te salvas Manolo, aca los mestizos malignos los destriparian a ti y todos tus escoltas por centavos

es mejor que marruecos, ya decía yo...peor que ese agujero de mierda es imposible

It seems self hating chilean can use proxies now.

hay paises en africa como gabon o guinea ecuatorial que tienen el doble o triple de pib

speak english

no enserio si voy allí me destripan, si me pagan 500.000 € voy con escolta y tanques

A sample of Africa in south-america


What if we combine Colombian society and Greek financial planning?


Yes so ?


Here there's more of the ''97% european'' country with very high hdi
what a joke

and moroccans, move to france lad

igual pa' que venir teniendo Francia, Portugal o Marruecos a un paso. Todos son mas seguros que aca

Literally no moroccan in your pic


>Good measure

we could as well be nuked my man

shithole just like colombia
this continent is doomed
someone pls nuke

al menos sois marruecos

As an argentine citizen I recommend you to, when in Latin America, visit Colombia, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Uruguay and Brazil (especially South Brazil)

Hopefully you won't need to land and stop over in an argentine ''''airport''''' since all latin american countries have direct flights with each other.

no sois*


enserio quieres ir a ese infierno en la tierra?

>le byooteefool gurrls meme
Stop it. Get some standards and stop drooling over manfaced girls with disproportionate tits you fucking retards.

>recommending Colombia lol
Venezuela and Colombia should be avoided at all cost at keast for a couple of centuries. that's why our citizens migrate to usa, spain or chile because there are not many opportunities here

al menos puedes caminar tranquilo en marruecos sin pensar que te va a robar Brayan

don't you feel shivers up your spine when you think about ending up in argentina? a death trap, the lowest of the lowest in latin america, and I think we're fighting with sub-saharan african nations for the N°1 shithole world cup.


But not even men in colombia have manface. Indian blood give you round soft features.

>Better than Morocco


>All this selfhate

spanish heritage is strong

Girls look manly and guys look girly. Is this too hard to understand?

Meanwhile in Namibia (Pic Related).This level of development doesn't exist here

not even comparable

ya sabemos hijo , si hay barrios en Madrid llenos de sudamericanos.

el día que me enseñen una mujer de Colombia que tenga nuestra sangre y no sea de la tribu althcotec me diras.

accepting reality and warning innocent people of the dangers of such terrible places existing in this very world is no self hate mi amigo, it's doing god's job.

>Girls look manly
>implying that's a bad thing

Infrastructure built by colonists

that's gorgeous, I wish we had places like that in argentina, we're still stuck with fucking dirt roads and mudhuts
though some people can afford luxury neighborhoods called 'villas'
pic related is an exclusive argentine villa

Why would people waste their hard earned money coming to a continent with basically nothing when they can go to Places in Asia with thousands of years of history

bueno allí se follaron a las indias y naciste no eres full indio claro

>implicando que no soy un negro importado del africa

Why all the violence though? In Colombia, Mexico etc. Is it about who controls the drug routes and revenue from smuggling it to the US?

It would still be Colombia.

Planing is a non-existent word in our vocabulary. Colombian tradition says that you must start something when you feel like it and see how things develop. You don't plan things ahead. That's for faggots