When you see this flag, what do you think of? And I don't just mean initially, but on a deeper...

When you see this flag, what do you think of? And I don't just mean initially, but on a deeper, more thoughtful level also.

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Racism and xenophobia

tea, fleet, yellow teeth, pirates

- beta cucks
- ultra ugly women
- decent money for cleaning toilets and other shit jobs

Boring, the most boring empire to have ever existed.

Crushing disappointment, wasted potential, my own life thrown away when I could have had a decent quality of life in another country

Like what? You're a USA cuck?

The ugliest people in the world, both on a physical and metaphysical level

>Decent money for cleaning toilets
>Poland thinks that's decent money

Fucking hell. No wonder you left Poland.

Flag of better days

Austin powers

>but on a deeper, more thoughtful level also.
I'm not that attracted with flags and xenopatriotism.

But it's a really cool flag though. One of the most modern and unique flags in Europe, unironically. Reminds me of some stereotypical Englishmen which I read about in my English language book at school.

I heard plumbers' salaries are quite good actually. And memes aside most Poles work as fruit pickers, factory workers, dish washers, hotel room cleaners etc.

Colonial Oppression

>Fruit pickers

Yeah, I can verify this. Used to know a few on a strawberry farm I worked at. Basically any job where you don't need to interact with other people, the Polish get.

I don't know where this stereotype of Polish plumbers come from.

Nearly every plumber local to me is an Englisg bloke. Maybe one or two have an apprentice who is Polish. If you asked anyone around me if they wanted cheaper plumbing from polish people they'd tell you to fuck right off. Not because they're polish mind you but because they wouldn't trust cheaper plumbers.

They're not plumbers, they're cleaners. They work in office buildings, banks, hospitals, etc etc.

the only people capable of being almost as merchant as those crafty joos

International Jewery

What's wrong with that? No memes

Nothing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being American.

I like british women, they are kind of trashy and slutty like american black women but arn't black.

Cozy cottages

how there are a lot of people that hates us, not that it's ever bothered us

nothing but hating your own country in favour of another should be punishable by exile

Damn, They treat you like an illegal Mexican.

"Great "Britain



It's a nice flag that used to belong to one of the few empires that wasn't all bad

Literally Mexicans.

The 60s English fashion.

Thanks Austin Powers.


good drinking buddies

An old man dying of aids (Muslims) who depends on his rebellious son more than ever, yet berates him any chance he gets.






I think about the United Kingdom

The UK has won. Won everything. Won civilisation, humanity, world conquest.

The UK has won the culture war, the English language and Anglo media is the worlds most prominent and overruns weak indigenous tribal "cultures" like German, French and Chinese like a tsunami

Won the the realm of education, establishing the worlds top universities in the UK or founded by the British elsewhere. No, your quaint little tribal Shaman-hut universities outside the Anglo world are just there for flavouring.

Won the game of science by inventing the modern world, digital information age, industrial world

Won the game of colonisation, beating out all others soundly, the only successful coloniser which reshaped the face of the planet in Her image. In thousands of years the borders may still remain and to the people of the future, if disconnected from the history of the past, may very well believe the artificial boundaries and cultures of the world were created by God, when it was really just the UK


Better days


The blue part of this flag will disappear in the near future.

Violence and anger

Oppression and tea taxes get revolted against faggot


The people we beat in a war

how did your books describe the stereotypical englishman?


you are going to make me cry, the world of then is dead, the splendour and glory is gone.

A once great man who ruled the world is now bedridden with diseases like Muslims and millennial communists.

oppression , violence and tea

Shameful to admit as an American, but I think "Rule Britannia!"

I think if there is any kind of Brexit or devolution that England has every right to keep the Union Jack as their flag anyway.

tea dumped in the harbor

I don't think it's shameful at all. All of our bad blood is behind us and they did rule the world's largest empire

My second thought I can't blank from my mind the image of the Union Jack in the Rolling Stones song Get off of my cloud......they got there first


The conqueror of worlds. The true master race.

arrogance over literally nothing

*smacks lips profusely*

strict law of house design


Heritage. Maybe it may seem to some like I'm being one of those "I'm 0.4% Polynesian" Americans, but all my grandparents were from Mexico and yet I still associate heritage with your flag in my mind. American culture is powerful. Here's an excerpt from The Federalist Papers:

>Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people –a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence.


bad tourists

my perception towards hasn't changed that much: white folks having tea and discussing topics that aren't muh guns n shiiiet with a funny accent (as well as a bit of racism). Today, i'd just add shit tons of muslims and this man lamo at momma merkkel:

The British ruled Eritrea more harshly in 10 years than the Italians did in 50 years.
The British have a terrible sense of taste. Had they not imported any foods from outside their country their tongues would be seriously underdeveloped.
The British think they're so good at football but I haven't seen a great international performance from them ever.
The British carry a mildly haughty attitude going back hundreds of years ago. Arrogance and the English go hand in hand, fortunately their mentality is changing.
The British claim credit to many inventions and theories that existed long before. While Newton may not be the most fraudulent scientist, Brits have embellished his career to the point where it seems silly (he 'discovered' gravity with an apple, he 'founded' calculus by himself, etc)

The British value education to a great degree, and an extensive array of school programs and resources that shape the minds of generations to come.
The British have blessed the world of literature with some of the greatest authors to live. Shakespeare is not my cup of tea, but there exists many brilliant writers that have left their mark on many of our bookshelves.
The British know how to take advantage of opportunities in their midst, even while they lack supposedly 'superior' genes. From mass industrializing their cities, to building the Enigma machine, and kickstarting the Manhattan Project, Brits have sharpened their wit and power to make important decisions.

I can think of more but I might save them for later.

I think of an empire that left as quickly as it came.

freedom and prosperity

Cucks that lost 2 wars against their own colony

you're a big boy

A pathetic has-bin trying to take credit for the accomplishments of their more successful colony while still having delusions about being a great power.

colonialism and the spilled blood of a thousand slaves

that shithole my mom immigrated from who still refuses to become a Canadian citizen and swears up and down that it's a better place to live despite being in Canada for the past near 50 years

leafs when will they learn


Canada is way better tell my mom and sister to shut up about the UK I'm not going with them and reassure my Canadian born sister that she isn't British and sounds ridiculous using shit-tier words like whilst

I fucking hate that word, fuck whilst

Butthurt and has mommy issues

A flag that used to look nice before it was ruined.

As long as you'll pay good, we don't mind it ~

no I have a strong relationship with my mom

I don't care about my dad though and legally changed my last name to my mom's lol

the birthplace of westernism that is dying

Jesus Christ you are worse than I thought

You get shot a lot.

And you have to deal with people shitting in the mart.

For jew

chill out

it's the name I've always been known by, the legal change was simply to make my government ID line up with the name everyone knows me by. I didn't just one day tell everyone to start calling me a different name instead

What did your father do user that you hate him

Based Red Coats

Creator of the modern world. Largest empire on earth. Tea.

Their meme food.

Vest friennemies forever


Kujo Karen is cute

He's a Quebecois m8

I don't hate him I just hardly see him since my birth was a mistake and my parents were never married(and already separated before my mom knew she was pregnant), he bought me tons of shit though like video games, computers, and a dirt bike

changing my name had nothing to do with him it was just easier that way rather than telling everyone my actual official name, when my mom signed me up for school she put her name so I've always been known as having her last name

it's not that interesting of a story but yeah, also my dad's family is both famous and infamous around town. Depending on who you ask they'll either love you or hate you based on the name.


Ah k, sounds just like a buddy of mine here. But I'm sure it's not that uncommon

Richard Dawkins and Maajid Nawaz

fish and chips and dirty teeth

which tastes fantastic unlike the raw fish, seaweed, and other bullshit you eat

desu sushi is so shit. i don't know why i eat it at all.