Are Finnish girls aesthetically superior to white girls?

Are Finnish girls aesthetically superior to white girls?

Their flat round faces, slanted eyes and high cheekbones make them the most beautiful

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I want to racemix with a Finn and produce half-white-half-finnish children.

t. a delusional ching chong in toronto

Herman Lundborg, the father of Swedish and Nazi German eugenics was 100% Finn.

you need to sober up

It's Slavic features, though

That makes him a self-hater desu

Russians are Finnic rapebabby

maybe russian features

slavs generally look white

define white

True. Ironically there is a Finland-Swede on Sup Forums who idolizes him. He probably has a shrine dedicated to him.

white is the opposite of mongol

Slavs typically have deeper eye sockets, wider chins. They also tend to have shorter? faces so their facial features are really close together giving them a disproportionally small face when compared to their head size.

are scandinavians white?

whiter than Finns but not as white as canadians

>disproportionally small face

is this how white americans look like?

Who are whiter, Finns or Syrians?

Literal autism the post. Slav is linguistic group you retard

No, slavs are those faggots 'squatting' with the sportsjackets and old mens hats. Everybody knows this.

On a more serious note: dirty yugos often have disgusting dark eyelids. That shit makes me puke.

Slav is he who speaks a Slavic language and most share genes depending on region.

Would be odd Since we are genetically far from Slavs including Russians. Not that there's anything wrong with non-Russian Slavs.

Captcha: Karjalan Lennosto