Why aren't you using a superior calculator, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you using a superior calculator, Sup Forums?

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Because I'm not retarded enough to need a calculator for basic shit like that.

How would one write something like this?

install gentoo

In Javascript.

Because I know ocaml

Because google does this exact thing

Bixby / Google Assistant does this for me.

I've always wondered what type of people need a calculator to know what $7 times four equals, or let alone, do simple conversions.

What does this have to do with OCaml? I've used SML

lol i remember there was a mac program in like 2006 that did the same
well basically my iq is > 100 & i know how to keep track of what i'm calculating

am I the only one who thinks this is kinda cool? Or should I kill myself??

Because I use bc

no RPN? out the window it goes

but i am

see: mathematica

looks pretty cool but it looks like an electron app so it's shit

>dc -e '2017 1+p'
>not using dc

Into the trash

Linux has something of similar value here:


> Electron
> No Windows/Linux support
> Developer hasn't commented on the issue asking for other platforms
> Bio says he is a "iOS/macOS guy"





Why learn to walk when you're going to be using a mobility scooter anyway?

> ganoo plus linucks

>not just using based MATLAB

> Not just running Windows 3.1

>not building and using a working version of Babbage's analytical engine

calculators are mobility scooters of brainlets

Can it into wavelet series?

Some people look for exact directions about tenperatures and times when grilling a steak. I just fucking do it because I'm not a nerd loser and math is gay. Guess what? All science is bullshit. A system that only .000001% of people understand and can use is a shitty system. Imagine that only 1 out of every 500 people knew how to use language. We would change the fucking language. By the time I post this, every ivory tower will be nine elevened and we will entire a new Golden Age of Libertarianism. We will all play life like a video game instead of like those fucking retard humans in the matrix who were just batteries for jealous jews.


Is there some sort of online Sup Forums translator? I'm kinda curious what the fuck this person is even talking about.

> Not using Bonzi Buddy


>Shell 47.4% Vala 35.6% C++ 9.4% CMake 5.7% Makefile 1.9%

It comes for free on raspberry pi.

But my favorite calculator is frink


user@anon-laptop:~/bin$ cat frink

exec java -cp ~/opt/frink/frink.jar frink.parser.Frink
user@anon-laptop:~/bin$ frink
Frink - Copyright 2000-2017 Alan Eliasen, [email protected].
1 foot -> inches

This is only the tip of the iceberg of what frink does. It's the best thing since sliced bread


to the trash it goes

>a calculator for literal retards
>only for macos

I get the feeling it's trying to be so natural that it's absolutely horrible to actually use effectively.
Programming languages are different from natural language for a reason

>not using Emacs Calc

I think it is

>science is a scam because I don't understand it

Gif instead of webm... You disgust me

>not using sagemath

You could do the exact same thing in the OP with ocaml in its interpreter

this one is probably done in Electron (JS framework that creates bloated apps).

You could do this in any language... Electron has super low barrier to entry. Ruby's "Shoes" blows. Go, from what I hear, isn't awful.

Ultimately, you're going to be listening for a "keypress on Enter" event. Parse the line. Output some shit based on what the user typed.

I'm going to go ahead and assume most folks in Sup Forums have Unix-like command line open nearly at all times. Making a vim/emacs-like program would be more impressive IMO.

That said, kudos to the Numi folks on the design.


Does it have some decent numerical algorithms implemented?

Stuff like integrals, derivatives and large(>10^6 x 10^6) systems of linear equations.

>Entire browser framework for a fucking calculator