I seriously hope you didn't fall for the (((Intel))) meme user?

I seriously hope you didn't fall for the (((Intel))) meme user?

I literally bought an expensive Intel CPU a week ago.

>T H I R T Y P E R C E N T

I'm not installing the fix,

Enjoy your coin-miners user

Whats wrong whith intel?

I'm mining coins myself, I would notice right away if something else was utilizing my hardware

Silently change your coin address :)

I'm afraid that's also not how it works. I would notice immediately if were to mine to a wrong address. Also, can you describe in detail how a malware that has access to kernel memory would install a miner in my system?

You can't be serious. You need to patch it fa.m.

Also, if you run w10 you don't really have a say to it.

>its ok because i wont notice getting fucked by intel
holy fuck so this is the true mindset of intelgoys

I'm not a complete retard so of course I would never run w10.

Nope, because of the embargo. You can read all about the stuff ready to rape your system shortly after it's lifted.

>its ok because i wont notice getting fucked by intel

Elaborate how this particular read-only exploit would lead to getting me fucked

>I'm not a complete retard
I'm glad you clarified because your statement about not patching made me doubt that.

Try to think of ways to get in a system if you can read it's internal state. Thinks about heartbleed for example.

>read-only exploit

Please tell me more.

The 30% will be allocated to a Bitcoin Miner

so any real estimate at how bad this will be for cpus

I have a macbook not some 1000 jiggywatt grunter. 30% is gonna fuck shit up.

You'd eat up any shit they're sending down in an update, even if it means throttling your CPU? Have you even ever been hacked? Do you have any idea what consequences this particular exploit might incur?

I got an Atom @1.6
it already runs like shit and if I patch I will not be able to play vanilla wow anymore

>even if it means throttling your CPU?
For some datacenters this would be bad, like going-out-of-business bad but for users like us it's only an inconvenience. Don't think a 30% performance impact is worse then having your system compromised.

>Have you even ever been hacked?
Unknown. A good hack isn't detected.

>Do you have any idea what consequences this particular exploit might incur?
No, because of the embargo. Since that embargo exists I can assume it's really bad and I need a patch but until it's lifted I don't know.

>30% isn't a big deal

it will kill the netbooks

That's an annoying $200 setback but better then your files being posted on the interwebs or being held hostage by some ransomware.


When does the KAISER patch hit!??

Apple can easily resolve this issue just by disabling cpu throttling and no one will notice any performance change except last model owners.

>Used only AMD since K6-II
>Time to upgrade, lets see what we have
>Why are all the AMD cpus so much slower!? Guess ill get an i7 then


Lol poor goyim.

Go support Mother Lisa Su and buy Ryzen or raven


I fell bad, got the non overclockable qh8f and now this.. My machine already feels slow to begin with... what the fuck? But I won't use my pc for anything but music listening anyway


>There's people right now who will install the fix

It was all a clever ploy to get os makers and intel a piece of that bitcoin money.
>these plebs can't utilize all of our performance
>lets change the code so we can use that wasted power

G-guys... will my i5 take a really big hit? D:
>only bought my pc for about a year ago


>forgot the picture

Just go back to Windows 7 before 10 fuck your PC forever