I used Kotlin to write an Android app for browsing Sup Forums (Chan Orange)

This is my first serious attempt at android development and it took me 3 months to write it. I wanted to share my app, Chan Orange, with you guys and here are some of the features

- Supports catalog view for boards
- Board contents are searchable
- Carousel for thread images
- Swipe right to dismiss view
- Easy board selection management


I hope you guys find it enjoyable. This is the first iteration and I am still working on other features. Like getting catalog view and search working for the reply feed.

Other urls found in this thread:


but is it open source?


It's working.

It's just that catalog mode layout needs work.
Needs better presentation. That's my biggest complaint.
Other than that, it just werks.

Did you like Kotlin?

F-Droid and source code. Plus how can we be sure you never have ads in the future?

F-droid/GitHub link?

>implying you read the source code

I found this:


>anime wallpaper


Looks ugly. Like dashchan but worse

It is leagues better than writing the app in java. I like how they made things less verbose and the pseudo compile time null checker. I work on a java code base for my day time job and I appreciate the changes

Yes I read source code. And in order to be on F-Droid you need source code fag.

B-b-but user, why use kotlin??


poor lad

Not in its current form, I would still like to make a number of changes

Probably because it's much less shit than Java.

Kotlin is the future.

Stick with Clover. Floens is our nigga.

I'll consider it when you put it up on f-droid.

I like it. Suggestions..

Dark theme
I would expect tapping on the title to take me to the thread by default. Even when the google search is enabled, maybe create the link on the title once within the thread?

Java is terrible. Also C++ is hell

Auto refresh after posting

What does this uneven layout called again?

Deeznuts answer our questions.

I checked out the app.Overall it actually is really good for a first attempt at making an app or even for a 1.0 of any app to be honest.
With some minor improvements this can be a legit competitor to something like clover.
Here is some feedback if you are interested:

First of all it really lacks a 'pull to refresh' on top and bottom of the page.

clicking the refresh button gets you to the top of the thread and you have to scroll all the way down.

Didn't find any themes.Just a simply Light/Dark switch would do just fine,the white theme is too much for some people like me

For some reason when clicking on the TITLE of the thread 'as in the underlined text ' it takes you to google search with that title and doesn't just open the thread.Needs to be addressed

Also a 'watch this thread' or 'add to favorites' from clover would be great.

Again, a great app.I will keep it installed and check out any future updates if you decide to keep improving it


Thanks for the feedback! and I'll look into them. Also there is a pull to refresh, except you have to be at the top of the thread to pull it and I know that is pretty much useless.

When are you going to release source?

Also for the title like, you can turn that off in the settings

As an Android dev myself I would really like to see the source code.

About 3 month from now when I look for a new job and I need it on my resume, jk

But seriously I don't know, I don't want to show it off in it's currently state

Dev is refusing to talk about source code.

Will take a look when you cleaned it up and released it. Good luck until then.

>Sup Forums installing someones botnet on their phone
haha, what a morons

I am not. I will keep Clover.

>what a morons

Kotlin is comfy as fuck.

I second that opinion

jesus christ. there's already a bunch of these. we don't need more. this is the 'fragmentation' shit people complain about. instead of making a whole new app, why not try to help improve upon one that exists already that's open sores.

Because people need projects to fill up their portfolio with?

Features i want:
Dark Theme
Highlighted Posts you Posted yourself
Refresh without going to the Top
A Watchlist

All i want, love the wat you handle image viewing, gonna use this App for a while and will yell at you when you fuck up.

Thanks and Good Luck

Another user here
Make it more easy to reply multiple people
Flag change for pol
Sage easy switch
My reply disappears if sending unsuccessful:bad captcha or other reasons

After reply you should not need to refresh to see it.

>botnet play store

whats a kotlin


this looks cool bro

Does it respect my freedoms?

The reason I have dropped every Sup Forums "app" and still using the website. Does not show 5 last comments.



show us that pajeet code, boi
wanna see what 4chins brand of autism does with discount worse-is-better scala

Go home, Richard.


refreshing is a paint in the ass
theme is pic related
may try if it gets decent in the future

Use a proper name in the next iteration, and I will use it.

why do you put proprietary software in your ass?

i'm not opposed to proprietary software.
i prefer free, but i won't let anyine dictate what software _i_ use.
freedom of choice.

It's your decision to put proprietary software in your ass. Dragon dildos are not enough for you.

sorry hitler. please don't gas me.

post code or GTFO nigga

Is there a night mode?

Consider adding a black theme/background, on phones with super amoled screens the white text on black background looks great and also makes the display to use less battery.

>have nothing to do
>hey lets make a Sup Forums app
every autist on this board ever

but seriously good job

>friendly reminder to ignore op until he posts source code

Not gonna lie but given the amount of requests and this ungrateful shitter. It seems like either one of two things.
Niggers want to make an app and are too fucking lazy to write their own shit or peeps just want to see if there's anything funky in the code that'll tickle their phones asspussy.

Is having freedom being lazy user?

did this faggot actually pay to get this app to the google store?

He did unfortunately instead of getting it up on F-Droid and will never touch his app because of that. I do not want Google apps on my phone let alone the Play Store.

that's not how a logical disjunction works, user

the style is called masonry

the most retarded design decision ever

can u still use java libraries on kotlin?

Ehh, I like it. It's much better than monotone layout that Dashchan uses.
Now if only it's not limited to two columns, it'd be even better.

It looks good, but the number one thing I look for in a Sup Forums app is the ability to browse other imageboards and archives if needed (8ch, 4plebs, desu archive, 420chan, etc), which this one is missing.


wow, thanks for all the feedback guys. Seems like a lot of people want me to
- add a option to have a darker theme
- preserving feed position offset when refreshing
- fast scrolling with draggable scrollbar

I guess I'll work on those next. I am also thinking of the adding in the following features soon
- a way to tell if you downloaded an image already
- jump to the position where you left off in the feed then next time you go to it

I was thinking of doing that but my friend told me nobody on Sup Forums wants that. Guess I'll look into it. To be honest, I don't really go to other chan sites myself so I didn't prioritize add them.

Your number one priority is releasing source code and getting the damn thing on F-Droid.

Can't swipe between images and text is too large. Dropped

OP is a faggot as usual.

>>this ungrateful shitter
>coming into chinese cartoon forum without thick skin and expecting to not be butthurt
you realize where you are? peeps shit over everything here, for the sport of it
> It seems like either one of two things.
>Niggers want to make an app and are too fucking lazy to write their own shit
eyy, I was considering fucking about with Kotlin for Android/desktop(tornadofx) tools, so I was interested in how the questionable language design trade-offs affect code
>or peeps just want to see if there's anything funky in the code
you bet. and shit all over every possible nit to pick
>> that'll tickle their phones asspussy.
>installing bolivian tapestry imageboard software without manually inspecting the code and building it yourself

quit whining and give up that buss^Wcode

>a paint in the ass

gotta get that direct lead to brain injection

>Can't swipe between images


Looks great!

dont do this, muh sekrit clubs

It looks almost exactly like Mimi.

do do this (at least for API-compatible mirrors, where the effort'd be just swapping the endpoint URL), various mirrors may have better availability or bandwidth compared to the main

Open source it bitch

Yea, you can call any java methods in kotlin. You can also have kotlin compile down to java code.

Everything looks shit compared to dashchan

The scrolling in the catalog is really wonky due to the auto hide for the boards.


Release the source code nigger or this app isn't shit.
Until then open source clover for me it is.

closed sauce
why you even here?

>not scala
>not open source
are you even trying?

You're right!
Just yesterday, I wanted to make a kernel, but I was too lazy, so I just copy/pasted the one made by Linus. Gonna sell it on the play store now :^)

not gonna lie, that looks nice
