How much would you pay for a legitimate Australian passport in your name with an accurate photo and information?

How much would you pay for a legitimate Australian passport in your name with an accurate photo and information?

Nice pokeball. I bet they catch asians on that passport

I already have one so nothing

Would tell their citizenship to fuck off. Only third worlders would like it.

1 shitpost

$5. Or I could just put tape on my eyelids, pretend I'm chinese and get in for free.

But that would be downgrading

But you are a thirdworlder user...

Mine cost about $250 south pacific pesos

Quite a bit desu. Would probably move to NZ with it, but it's more powerful than the British passport all over Asia I think.


but can you do the accent?

giv pls
i want working holiday visa for glorious nippon

You would have to pay me, I don't want that shit

Plenty of passports will be better than a British one soon

Great, please convince the 1,000,000 already over here.

I would pay with my body, I would sexually please the person who made this happen

Amen. I'd rather get rid of the odious 457 Brits than the diligent hardworking Pooloos

leb detected

joke's on you, amerishart. I already have one

Nothing wrong with being Leb


wouldn't want that shit even if it was free lmao

i'm armenian, which is probably worse

Rather have a Kiwi passport desu.