Is this the most autistic thing bill has done?

is this the most autistic thing bill has done?

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>tfw bill gates spits on you to show his respect


No. The most autistic is when he pooped in his pants on live event.

Thankfully Steve Jobs took over

why do they keep pushing for this fucking trash. Why can't they keep pushing for desalination.

I don't want to drink my own S H I T

Then don't you can always drink someone else's shit

helping africa is the top of the list

>not reclaiming your own waste to survive the harsh desert sands of an alien planet

Thats what I meant to type.

>is this the most autistic thing bill has done?
Literally dumpster diving for a copy of an OS.

Paul Allen was the Chad of Microsoft. Bill the virgin.

In the future, we will be viewed as autistic for literally wasting our drinking water by shitting in it and flushing it down the toilet.

>ITT retards don't understand where their drinking water comes from already or what waste management centers do
I would just like to let you all know that every time you smell a fart, be it yours or that of someone else near you, you're breathing in tiny little shit particles, which is why it smells bad.

All of you need to grow the fuck up and get over your disgust sensitivity. Drinking the recycled poo water is safer than drinking rain water in a lot of places.

kys scatfag

I'm not even a scatfag. I'm just not a fucking retard like 99% of Sup Forums is now.

Not all waste management places do that. Most do LGP or fertilizer. Not all do recycled shit water.

They might say its safe but think about all the shit people flush down their toilets.

bleach, blood, AIDS, fuck that.


he looks fucking terrible and he's not even that old
what the fug

farts smell bad because of gas produced by bacteria in your gut and has nothing to do with faeces you fucking brainlet
you're retarded too. water treatment facilities smell terrible because they're remove all the poo, piss, hair, cum, tampons, and everything else that goes down the drain. the water from your tap has had piss and shit in it before. it also makes you gay. buy Alex Jones purified spring water.

>spend your whole life in front of computer
>look like shit

>the water from your tap has had piss and shit in it before
no it doesn't. it comes from water catchments like dams.

What third world country do you come from?

all water is fish poop water if you think about it

it's not like he had much to work with

jokes on you, with this technology that he will sell to India, he will have legions of loyal pajeet code monkeys willing to code their hearts out for him

I just read an article the other day about how a mob of pajeets beat another pajeet to death because he offered to pay them like 2 rupees to use a toilet they were shitting 3m away from. Pajeets don't want toilets.

But how can she slap?

>farts smell bad because of gas produced by bacteria in your gut

Feces definitely plays a factor. My farts only stink when I'm within a few hours of taking a shit.

Not because of "little shit particles", but because more hydrogen sulfide being produced in your intestine.

Bullshit. You can give someone pink eye by farting on their pillow.

Yes bacteria escapes with the gas expulsion

But feces carries that bacteria. And clearly the insides of the colon will have feces on it. The expulsion of air would definitely blast some of those particles out.

you are too stupid to talk to

absolutely not

What do you think waste treatment plants are, you retard?

I only drink bottled at the source glacier water

Great argument. Really changed my mind. Explain again to me how pressured gas exiting an orifice whose innards are lined with feces will not expel shit particles?

there is not just fermenting in your gut 24/7 you fucking retard
go back to high school

You think the colon is squeaky clean between shits? Obviously traces of feces remain, dumbass. Do you give yourself daily enemas or something?

>not doing a daily colonic flush

Faeces contains those bacteria in large quantities

Feces is actually mostly dead bacteria and fiber. Our bodies are pretty efficient at extracting nutrients.

It's true, anything you can smell, is literally, molecules of that particular item. I was taught this in grade school.

do you think the primary smell of a fart is more from the relatively large quantity of waste product gases your gut flora produce, or the 0.1ppb fecal matter particles? really making me think

Almost certainly the chair jumping. He would literally beg reporters to let him do it, sometimes going so far as to threaten canceling the interview if he wasn't allowed.

pretty sure you dont live in a 3rd world country


jokes on you shit eating urbanite, i have a well

where are we going to put the salt? dumping it back into the oceans will fuck up the concentration

use it to make more nuclear waste graveyards.

Him jumping over chairs is pretty autistic

I mean drinking that shit water was pretty autistic but I'd have to say the most autistic thing he has ever done was write a basic interpreter for the Altair 8800

Do you legitamately think that this is the biggest issue around why we cant use desalinization plants?

>desalination plant
>on third world countries that barely have any lakes let alone a sea

Is Bill from Arrakis?

Yeah desalinate that ocean water in the middle of the African continent

not a thing, only ever did once for hell of it.

aight, got me to kek
infantile humor is a great piece of escapism in the face of certain inevitabilities /emo

Link to article

>He would literally beg reporters to let him do it, sometimes going so far as to threaten canceling the interview if he wasn't allowed.
Evidence of this claim?

Bill Gates please just let me and my girlfriend live in your house she'll bake you cookies and I'll keep your computers clean and listen to you rant about the super cool shit I bet you rant about

He made it up

Bumping for this.