Should i buy a tablet to watch my animu and manga and stuff or should i upgrade my mobo-ram-cpu with this money (plan...

Should i buy a tablet to watch my animu and manga and stuff or should i upgrade my mobo-ram-cpu with this money (plan to get ryzen 3)

This pic is brainlet because the bottom expression is an equivalent of ++C, not C++.

yeah ik

OOP is Poop. It's not how the human brain works, and is only good for getting a bunch of pajeets to shit into street all at once.

What's the equivalence of C++?

pic unrelated guise


You still have to increment C afterwards.

postfix returns the old value

And increments the variable.
D = ++C + 1 and D = (C = C + 1) + 1 are equivalent,
D = 1 + C + 1 and D = 1 + C++ are not.

I mean
> D = 1 + C and D = 1 + C++ are not.

That stuff I can do fullhd on an 3ghz dualcore you don't need ryzen for for sure.

the upgrade is so that i later will buy a gpu and that i can finally play some games

>comparing assignment and unary operators as if they serve the same purpose
this was all totally a good use of bandwidth

>as if they serve the same purpose
They do. You're aware they both also return a value, right?

And they both serve returning a value and incrementing it once you .sort() order because you live in this century and there is plenty of wasted processor power just in the way wordpress is designed.

You're aware that you only need to optimize stuff that is in a loop. right?


c++ is equivalent to c=c+1
the semantics of prefix and postfix operators are irrelevant. it's just sugar that makes code a little nicer to read and write
c++ ultimately results in c+1 because without external context the return value of the expression is assumed to be discarded.

>c++ is equivalent to c=c+1

You've never programmed before, right?
What are the values of a and b?

i understand unary operators fuckface. did you even read the rest of my post? it's like 3 sentences, and they're not long. Sup Forums is so fucking retarded. i come here maybe once every other month and can only stomach you disgusting weebs for 10 minutes before i get sick of you.

t. someone who writes int* a because it's more beautiful
Fuck semantics, right?

>the semantics of prefix and postfix operators are irrelevant
This is the most pajeet thing I have ever read

>a == 1
>b == 2
read my post again, slowly this time
>without external context the return value of the expression is assumed to be discarded
when you have two standalone expressions, one is c++ and the other is c=c+1, and you evaluate them separately (are you still getting this?), then ultimate outcome is equivalent. can you honestly not understand that?

guys i made a question and posted an unrelated pic why you acting like retards for an irrelevant thing?

It doesn't mean the expressions are equivalent, especially when there IS an equivalent expression.

no, i write int *a because the variable itself is a pointer to an integer. c expressions are right associative.

Don't post pics more interesting than your question. You should have posted in /sqt/ anyway.

We actually have a stupid questions thread retard
Ask your stupid questions there

>then ultimate outcome is equivalent
>It doesn't mean the expressions are equivalent
fucking hell man, i don't know what to tell you. you might have to repeat the second grade until you can learn to read.

Equivalency is not defined by the outcome alone, Pajeet.

is ++c still more efficient than c++?
haven't programmed in ages


(++c - 1)
Or without unary

where did i say it was? this board is seriously braindamaged.

just try to write your loops in a way the compiler can unroll. as long as you're not iterating over a gazillion things it really doesn't take that much more space in the target format.

With a statement expression (non-standard GNU extension), post-increment could look like
int C = 2;
({ int D = C; C += 1; D; }); /* evaluates to 2, C == 3 afterwards */

It's very ugly though.