ITT : Name famous architectural landmark from the country above us

ITT : Name famous architectural landmark from the country above us.

Hard mode : No googling

cn tower

Does the Arc d'Triomphe count? If not, Versailles.



t. nigger who apparently took 3 years of french for nothing

Falklands war memorial

The grave of Mengele?

michael schumacer statue

Cologne cathedral

Bradenburger Tor

best i can think of is the the brandenburg gate

Helsinki cathedral

Portuguese fishing house in Bergen.

Ullevaal is the first thing i thought of

Statue of Martti Kitunen

haga sophia

Trump tower

la statue de la liberté

Discount Tokyo Tower

things le corbusier made (see i didn't go for the eiffel tower)


Notre-Dame de la Garde

wrong cunt you leaf

Ponte de Salazar

fuck I've been there in 2005 but I don't remember


Aquela torre no mar.

Leaning tower of pizza

circus maximus keksimus

Estátua de Cristo à espera que o Sporting ganhe para bater palmas



Fuck if I know, maybe that aquarium in Lisbon? Don't really have the chance to read much news about Portugal.

eh you gave us our ampitheater so i'll give you a pass
how did you like your visit?

the alvar aalto buildings scattered throughout helsinki

Christ the Redeemer.

mount rushmore

That really big Mr. Peanut statue on the roadside in New Brunswick

The only one I know has been said. There's some sort of famous government building in Montreal I think. Surely you lads must have a big maple leaf (no bully) statue somewhere?

Hadrian's Wall