Why is it allowed that 12 year olds hahahaha/apologize/BTFO frog posters and Sup Forums racist scum turn this board...

Why is it allowed that 12 year olds hahahaha/apologize/BTFO frog posters and Sup Forums racist scum turn this board into the cancer of death?
Why does nobody care?
I want my board back!

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums.org/janitorapp

I hate it too

>muh raycism
kys pajeet.

Not gonna lie. There have been cancers in the past, but this has to be the most cancerous time there has been.
Truly is disgusting

Anime is the reason why

In the 6 years I've been on Sup Forums, Sup Forums has only gotten worse over time. But it was never THIS bad under moot.

OP said he wants his board back, not black.

Sup Forums was always casuallly racist, it's the activism faggots and moralfags that want to use Sup Forums to change the world you have to kick out

>racist scum

>Janitors CANNOT...
>Ban users.
What's the point then? It's not fun being a janitor.

The only board posting racist memes was Sup Forums and it was satire for the sake of I don't give a fuck edgyness culture.
Stormfags were never welcome.


You can be casually racist without being stormfront or any other politically related website.

anime website

>nigger gets triggered about being constantly reminded he's subhuman

Just turn your computer off little faggot. Take a walk outside

ITT: newfags LARPing as oldfags.

This. Anything non-white disgusts me (except sexy Asians) and I've never even visited stormfront. It's not my fault shitskins act the way they do

He's right you know. There's no place on a tech board for 15 year old new-alt-rights yelling POO IN THE LOO.
When you don't show them the door quickly enough, they feel welcome. Source: pcpartpicker scum.

> 0x7E2
> being a racist subhuman

Have I missed something? There have always been /pol posters on /g, yet in the past few days if someone posts something that others dont agree the poster is instantly labeled as /pol poster. It this some new meme or something? What gives?

Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums as the entry level board all newfags come to Sup Forums for, but that doesn't mean everyone who says something kinda racist is Sup Forums.

No one will even answer my question...
>to update BIOS or not
I miss Terry

You must be new here. Sup Forums was once a nice place, much anime, no low quality googled frogs, desktop threads, programming threads, making music with printers, pre-/prog/ threads, no Indian hate, no women hate, no jews hate. Simply tech + moe.

>no Indian hate, no women hate, no jews hate
You're making it sound like a bad thing, user.

yeah theres been some serious Sup Forums containment issues for a little while. Fuckin kids man...