1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Would you have been able to do it?

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I prefer to die


it blows my mind that someone can cut through their arm in between short breaks with such a tiny blade.

Man can do almost anything he puts his mind to. You can do it.


If sufficiently motivated, a person can do anything.


I would say no, but after being locked out in there for a couple days, who knows?

man or woman you bigot


I would rather die a slow death from hunger.

to separate my hand from my arm? maybe when i had pushed it towards the rock and made it numb

Why not just cut the rock instead s m h?

Now I'm not an expert in the slightest, but I really doubt my capability to cut through fucking bone with a tiny ass blade; it's gonna go dull not even midway through. In that situation I'll probably just let hunger set in or stab my self in the jugular.

You're separating your forearm almost to your elbow

>those sharp, intense noises when he's trying to cut the nerve so you can imagine in your head what it's like

I know. I would make it as painless as possible

Except get a gf


What's this

Should've just chiseled at the stone, I think I could mentally psych myself in the zone in a life or death situation like that if needed though but I doubt it would be pretty

i am confused


you cut your limb at the joint, silly

That makes it more feasible but still not an easy task.
But it says "Based on a true story" so naturally hollywood fucks things up. Maybe the original dude had a serrated blade.

>Maybe the original dude had a serrated blade.

No way. I'd probably just starve to death.

but what about all the nice Sup Forums threads you'd miss out on

Considering I would have been delirious at that point like him probably

>that happy tree friends episode where the moose does this but finds out in the end he cut off the wrong leg

I wanna say yes, but I have no idea. I guess after some time you stop feeling the pain, I can't imagine how else you would do it.

No, because I'm not some idiot. I wouldn't go rock climbing in some secluded area by myself. Idk, I think this guy made a lot of bad choices.

I wouldn't have minded the situation too much

producers of this vid probably never heard of anatomy

