Girls in far away countries are sometimes attracted to me but Nordic girls aren't

>girls in far away countries are sometimes attracted to me but Nordic girls aren't
>I'm stuck in the Nordics

too white eh

Kom hit, min vän. Jag ska ge dig pão de queijo.

You'd be loved here

American women love most European men

>swedish flag

Nordic girls don't like him, that means he's European

not with nordics but I know that feel

It's pretty much impossible to move to USA, I wouldn't be able to get a job anyway.

Why's that? It's hard to permanently immigrate here but it's not hard to move here temporarily

you think you have a choice? nordics have to breed with other nordics to keep the white bloodline pure

The choice is between a non-white gf and being kv for life.

Get a white gf from the new world, they are thirsty for yuro cock

it will never be the opposite

I dated a dane for awhile and got in a three way with her and another girl it was nice.

but im a lonely piece of shit on the verge of killing myself due to crippling bipolar 1 i refuse to take medication for so yeah no woman will ever look at me again.

It's easy for Americans to get pussy in Europe

I've had more game with spanish, italian women than swedes danes, norwegians and finns ever.

It's a world of possibilities out there.

and dutch*

>30 euros for a plane ticket to another tiny european country
>I can never leave my country
Europeans, please.

die normie

How well do American girls know geography? Should I say I'm European instead of Finnish? Or Nordic or Scandinavian?

>a fucking yankee
>get anything except poo in their food

southern european women wants to be with rich nordic guy. wow what a surprise.
ffs why didn't i born a fucking fag. or better, assexual.

>i would be very exotic in most parts of the world but instead im just a regular faggot in this shithole

Nordic-Iberians are the true master race.

I know that feel

>not a single country in the world has people who on average would find me good looking

I didn't tell them I'm a rich Nordic guy, most of the time they approached me.

It's not noticeably better in any white place.
Also just going on a vacation wouldn't do anything, I'd have to move there.

Interesting, can I get a job without skills or education?
I don't think USA would be a lot better though, I tried a fake location in USA with tinder and it was only a little better.
Maybe if I went to the non-white third of USA but then I'd get shot.

The only people that like me are middle eastern women, med women and gooks. And gay jewish men and gay arabs

You can't get neither a gf nor a job without education or social skills.

Better move to Norway?

post pics if yur a qt brazillian gurl

if you want to get laid, tell them you're scandinavian.

>Yes, yes it is. It's in northern Europe. We're Scandinavian.

>there are weeb women out there that want to marry an asian like me

>wanting a girl to be with you becuase of a weird fetish and not love

Yeah, at least I'd have more money even if I'd still be kv.

>tfw GF is a self-loathing brown little latina turd
She fawns over my green eyes.

nasty, not her but her ethno-masochistic attitude

>asian qt's think my autistic tendencies are cute
>I'm stuck in America because I'm a poorfag
fuck man..

easy lad, homeboy's got his probs. even a blind squirrel find nuts sometimes aight?

>I was so popular in school apparently that girls created a secret fanpage about me.
>There was a collection of 16 women who obsessed about me and I had no fucking clue.

I just can't compete with other men here, the Chad memes truly come alive in Oz

what are you?

Why is it that nordic girls are attracted to brown men? Obviously brown men would be attracted to nordic girls, but why the former?

All shitskins know that they're inferior.

I tried tinder with a fake location in Japan and had very good results.
Unfortunately it seems like I can't move to Japan, not Korea either.

I have native, lebanese, spaniard and black genes, i would look pretty unique in other countries