Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau schools reporter on quantum computing during press conference

How many world leaders can do this?

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>hurr durr normal computers are either 1 or 0 quantum computers are both
But that's not how it works you fucking idiot.

So? He was correct enough. He's not a fucking physicist you autist.

It's not at all you fucking idiot. By that logic you could have quantum computers by just changing binary to ternary.

This guy thinks people with cocks can be considered women.

He's retarded.

What? He didn't say they are both.

Based as fuck, meanwhile in America:

Is misquoting him the best retort you can come up with? A baseline level of understanding in critical fields like physics and computing is something we should expect from world leaders in general, so I'm not going to clap Trudeau on the back for this, but neither does he deserve to be criticized for it.

It is a bit funny in contrast to the current state of American politics.

I'd rather have someone who knows how to run a business as a leader than a high school drama teacher.

>implying a piece of shit isn't a piece of shit because there's a stinkier piece of shit right next to it

You have no clue what you're talking about.

why are conservatives so obsessed with stranger's genitals? get a hold of yourself

>A baseline level of understanding in critical fields like physics and computing is something we should expect from world leaders in general
I'd rather they remain laymen in the fields of sciences and be educated in economics and law, since it actually has something to do with their fucking job in the first place.
But yeah, US politics has been a joke for a while now. I'd say since the end of the Reagan era is when shit went down the gutter really.

I don't particularly care about trannies or what they want to call themselves, but don't you think it's a little bit overboard for the Canadian gov't to force people to call a transgender individual by their preferred pronoun instead of granting them freedom of speech in such an instance? It seems kinda overboard for such a mundane issue.

We're not. We genuinely don't give a fuck what you do in your room with your genitalia. That's your business. What we have a problem with is men parading down the street wearing assless chaps ramming themselves with dildos and women wearing strapons hot glued to their forehead while being walked on leashes and calling these events "pride xyz". We don't want our children exposed to that, nor are we particularly interested in you clogging up traffic (disrupting society) to show us how much your gayness doesn't disrupt society. Have some fucking decency and people wouldn't treat you like freaks.

I dunno man, a lot of world leaders have a field of expertise.

Because it's now illegal to tell the true.

>Reporter asks PM about Canada's commitment to fighting ISIS
>Prefaces it with a joke about asking about how quantum computers work
>Trudeau nails the answer like a boss
>Nobody noticed he didn't answer the question about Canada's commitment to fighting ISIS

Trump may not, like, be a smart person Compared to Trudeau but he deflects far better than them

>"Sikhs are bros dude"

He needs an eye patch


I get the feeling you fucked up your post somewhat.

Not used to posting via iphone

>fight me you bigot

wow he answered a pre-scripted question with pre-scripted line he had to practice in front of the mirror 12 times for

so impressive

This is Justine Trudeau's pick for immigration minister

Only brainlets won't understand the genius of this man

Sums up every tard talking about quantum computing

>asked about ISIS

Canada's best virtue signaling politician.

Wow you're fucked

Separated at birth and nearly as edgy

his response was a pre-scripted deflection
>ISIS? Nah, just look how smart I am!!!

and 200% more homosexual

As a Canadian I can safely say that Trudeau was elected almost entirely on the grounds that he was not Steven Harper.

For all his political failings, and whoo boy is that a list, that one fact was justification enough to give him our country's highest elected office.

How do they script a random joke by a reporter with a history of asking questions critical of Trudeaus policies?

wow, what an authentic question and answer

Don't kid yourself, he was elected because he promised to legalize pot

How can a country pick such a clown as their leader?
>amerigoblins can either pick between the cheeto scam man or a corrupt madwoman with a thirst for blood
This truly is the future for all nations.

>can't name a single thing wrong with stephen harper or his regime
noice one thar yee fuggit

more like
>ameriblobs can either vote for a millionaire that empowers a man that wants to destroy the free internet or a corrupt ambassador killing warmonger

>Trudeau has a bachelor of arts degree in literature from McGill University and a bachelor of education degree from the University of British Columbia

Problem runs deeper than that. You either vote for one party who doesn't care about you only their donors or the other who doesn't care about you only their special interests. It transcends borders too.

I don't know much about quantum computing but I could repeat back some basic nonsense from a 5 minute buzzfeed video on quandumb computing as well.

It pissed me off how at the end he says "don't get me going on this or we'll be here all day." No, no we won't. I'm pretty sure you just shot your load on quantum computing. Please explain the stuff on the blackboard behind you then.

Must be nice to have been born with a gold spoon in his mouth. I can't afford to take a Six month animal cate course without taking a government loan

Oh yeah. That too. How's that working out?/s

>can't name a single thing wrong with stephen harper or his regime
Saying a lot of xenophobic shit about refugees while that one dead kid on the beach photo was at the height of it's exposure and trying to institute policies that would keep Canada from assisting in the crisis.
Not saying he was entirely wrong. But it went over REALLY poorly.

It's always been like that but at least they tried to pretend they weren't absolute clowns. I guess it's the product of our times thanks to the mass zombification of the public and the selfish consumerist culture of me, me, me!!!.

could have picked any degree, but he picks the most boring and tedious ones.

This is you right now.

Trump's son in law did sociology at harvard and papa jew even had to make a donation to get him in.
Rich fuckers just get their kids into easy degrees so they can have a paper from some ivy league type school and gather future connections. They don't really need to learn shit, nepotism and consultants get the hard work done.

but sikhs ARE bros

>can't name a single thing wrong with stephen harper or his regime

He tried to get David Sasuki foundation, Green Peace and various other enviromental groups labeled as terrorist groups

He defunded native education, law enforcement, and shelter funds to the point they could barely function

He argued access to drinking water was not a fundamental human right to the UN

He sold GMs shares back, bought in a bailout paid by tax payers at a loss of 2.5 billion dollars just to keep his promise of balancing the budget in his last year

...and I could go on about his attacks on science, education, R&d, manufacturing, workers rights, ect

Harper was basically our Margret Thatcher

The public noticed he didn't answer and refused to talk about anything other than the new shiny he just was lectured about.

Not to mention he turned a 9 year surplus under Cretein into an 10 year deficit... but hey he got that small surplus in his last year

>correct enough

it's idiot voters like you why we have him as PM

>budget balanced enough
>budgets will balance themselves
>record-breaking budget deficits
>budget deficits while not in a recession

In other words same shit different PM

why are liberals obsessed with genitals? they've completely gutted school curriculums to focus on queers and trannys at the expense of science and math.

t. Ontarian

That's a really fucked up list, Is that the same guy that forbid fags from donating blood? no wonder leafs voted the virtue signalling bafoon, he had in the bag without even going on a tour around the country probably.

>fags donating blood

This should never happen you idiot


I never said it should mong, just that it gives more vote fuel to whoever comes after and promises stupid shit to fags.

Why are you so defensive? Nobody is attacking you or your country.

You have issues.

>Green Peace and various other enviromental groups labeled as terrorist groups
you mean that group which was attacking national oil company rigs and having their vessels used as mules to transpo weapons nd terrorists? sounds bretty good to me, maybe you should look up how the defence department defines a terrorist organization in the first place.
>He defunded native education, law enforcement, and shelter funds to the point they could barely function
it's not the federal governments responsibility to deal with local communities affairs such as law enforcement or schooling. this was in line with shrinking the over spending/expanding and corrupt as fuck liberal government he seceded. you don't want a federal government dealing with schools anyway, they just end up using them as vessels to spread propaganda rather than teaching children anything of value
>He argued access to drinking water was not a fundamental human right to the UN
lol wot? citation needed.
>...and I could go on about his attacks on science, education, R&d, manufacturing, workers rights, ect
everything a federal government SHOULDN'T be dipping its dirty fingers in. leave it to the private sector. do you not have even the faintest grasp of what a government is for?
it's not for handouts or bankrupting and subsequently enslaving its citizens with ludicrous expenditures.
>Not to mention he turned a 9 year surplus under Cretein into an 10 year deficit
only further proves you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
there's a balance needed up federal budgets, generally you want the government to be in a deficit, otherwise you're taxing your citizens too much and not doing anything with the money besides filling your coffers.

Are you fucking stupid? Reporter asked about ISIS and Trudeau answered by deflecting with some pre-scripted line about quantum computers, its total bullshit, and you're a retard

>he fell for it
it's 100% staged.

If you're not then stop talking about it. Nobody cares but you.

That's why I voted for him. Harper was selling our asses to America. I'd rather a stoner than a sellout.

Wait, you didn't mind crypto like the rest of us? There is no excuse not to be rich in 2018.

as is everything in life
im so bored even this place is no more fun. sigh

Truth. Pajeets and Muslims aren't, but sikth totally are.

I fucking hated Harper

so, you fell for it right? You like to be entertained don't you?

Onterio liberals are different than BC liberals, right? Like very different?


They're all liberal degenerates. Not that it matters anyway. There is not a single strongman with enough power to take control of the country without being backstabbed by whomever provides him funding. This country is sliding into shit.

Why does this work though? Fags are less than 1% of the population. And they die early.

Yes Trudeau giving the most basic explaination of quantum computing that even I could have made must be staged because you couldn't have put it as eloquently like he was some kind of politican or something.

Guess thats the difference between finishing high school or being a conservative

but WE are the entertainment


Except for the fact that I live in Ontario where electricity rates are obscene. I be spending thousands to make pennies.

Okay Sup Forums, if Trudeau is so wrong why don't you explain how quantum computers work in a simple way.
Oh wait, you can't.

they've both been subverted and stupified by the same goys disrupting western society in an attempt to prop it up for the coming colapse

Wonder why Trudeau isn't pointing out the fact that quantum computers basically render modern encryption toothless

Hi, Justin Cuckeal.

If you can't explain to me in a mathematically rigorous way why at least one commonly used asymmetrical encryption method is vulnerable to quantum computing and why increasing the key length on at least one commonly used symmetrical method is enough then you know about as much as I do about quantum computers.

That is to say absolutely nothing. This is the very basics. You either know enough about quantum computers to predict what kind of problems they'll be good at or you know anything useful about them. Other wise you're repeating the same pop sci garbage I've already read and you might as well sit down, stfu up let the people in this field say something.

Nice arbitrary goal post you got there.

It was staged:

Yes, Trudeau needs to rehearse even for a few words.

Explain you fucking pricks!

Trudeau is one of the most powerful men in the world. I think he knows a bit more than some anonymous poster on a cartoon board.


Justin '20b deficits til the end of time' Trudeau

As an example, Trump is one of the most powerful men in the world. I could, in this example, take his advice on business strategies or something political. But I would be fucking stupid to take his advice on basically anything physics related. Having power has fuck all to do with how well you know something

Trudeau is educated. Trump is not.

trudeau is great and not afraid of anything

>Trudeau is educated

my sides in orbit


Dude was literally a drama teacher.

What has Justin accomplished other than being the son of a woman who was married to a PM with the same last name as him?

That is irrelevant. Educated does not mean you're an authority on every topic, especially those you are not educated in

You just enjoy being conned. That's all.

He had earlier said he basically read the wikipedia article on quantum computing, and then, to a group of reporters beforehand, said "I hope someone asks me about quantum computing, I think it's really cool." Room temperature IQ Communist Trudeau doesn't know shit.

don't be mad because you fell for it.

>"don't get me going on this, or we'll be here all day."
was about the most truthful part of it all.

>ITT: QMlets read too much shitty popsci
Rule of thumb: if it's quantum anything and popsci, it's trash.

Wasn't a bad response, but nothing too brilliant except the delivery.

You realize there are people who can probably answer this better without being physicists / comp.sci (or related)? Some of 'em probably are even under 12.