Why are Finnsh people so racist and xenophobic of brown people?

Why are Finnsh people so racist and xenophobic of brown people?
>pic related

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Because you smell nog

Common sense, brown people are either Muslims or communists.

>xenophobic of brown people
>germany and us ranked 2 and 3 as favorable


>Russians worse than Turkroaches

No such thing

Swedes don't deserve it they treat us like we're subhumans


Because Finns know what's up.

Also, why is Estonia "Viro" in Finnish and not Eesti?


>tfw not even considered for graphs
mammipizza is over

>xenophobic of brown people
who likes them? LITERALLY WHO? till today I got banned because of "Muslims are as risky as Chinks" in despite of the fact that's fucking true.

>"Viro" in Finnish and not Eesti?
Because we speak finnish, not estonian

One would've thought that it'd be Eesti since the languages are mutually intelligible / related.

>who likes them? LITERALLY WHO?
white leftists

You might think Japanese leftists are bad, but trust me, there is no single greater destructive force than white leftists.

>mutually intelligible
they aren't

They're the same family, like English, German and Swedish are for example, but they're still quite different from one another.

>ilmeeni kun ilmeisesti jotkut pitävät somaleiden maahantuloa erittäin toivottavana

Eesti comes from Aesti who were some random tribe with nothing to do with Estonia. Viro is the original name and people in southern Viro call themselves Voro.

>depicting American as a cowboy

Why are Swedes so hypocritical?

Except the forces they invite into your country

Sure, but at the end of the day they're the cause

Although I'd like to add that it's not just leftists, it's also neoliberal centre-right capitalists. However, it's the leftists who make it impossible to criticize or change the system.

Swedes are so racist that they make me want to vomit.

The Joe Goes to Finland vid also had anti-Swedish racism

Kiitos suomi t. per göran

the oppressed can't be racist t. america


See OP. Swedes legitimately hate Finns for no reason while only 2% of Finns hate Swedes for a valid reason(Swedes hating Finns for no reason).

Why can't you just be friends? Swedes and Finns are very similar like Canadians and Americans

Swedes aren't like other people. They are devilish and cruel with a fondness for placing human beings in hierarchical structures with themselves at the top and Finns at the bottom except when it comes to cocks(they put black and brown cocks at the top).

How can they talk about Fins in that way but yet at the same time want more and more refugees? It doesn't make sense.

Maybe the just want to look good and the nicest people on earth in eyes of foreigners

>Why can't you just be friends

Outside of Sup Forums (15y faggots), we are. Banter is real and fun and it is more like brothers bantering each other.



And then brag about how everybody thinks that Swedish people are nice to people of similiar background

because they are smart


never forget