Is it just me or do Japanese girls make girls from around the entire world look pathetic in comparison...

Is it just me or do Japanese girls make girls from around the entire world look pathetic in comparison? Pic related is considered average Japanese girls.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Thinks all japanese women look like anime

>has never been to Japan

Japanese girls are top quality.

Making a thread about japan : 10USD costs
It will be paid from your credit card. (If it fails, we will send a letter to your house)
Thank you for your cooperation, user.

>Comparing 3D with 2D
Spastic much

Don't worry I love and respect Japan. I'm posting on a IPhone right now and all my vehicles are Honda. I'm not even joking. Your nation makes all others look like total shit in comparison and I wanted to thank you for talking to me.

America and Japan unite and nothing can stop us!

there is no japan actually. they're completely fake. They're just figments of our imaginations caused by mass hysteria, they don't actually exist.

Japanese language? Made-up gibberish
Anime? All made by anonymous internet groups
That one Japanese guy I met a while back? He's actually a Chinese spy sent to spy on me to check out my awesome anime collection
Japanese video games? Actually made by North Korea as a secret invasion of culture
Japanese landmarks? Photoshop
Samurai? Actually just hunks of armor with no uses
Ninjas? Never existed
Weeaboo? Secret agents made to make us all think Japan is real

Me on the upper left

>tfw you wish durkadurka musslam was just a bad dream, but you wake up and it actually exists.

2D > 3D

Kill yourself weeb shit

That's your average 4chin's Sup Forums post quality, keep it up boys!

Can confirm, I spent September to August 2012 rowing a boat off the coast of Korea into the Pacific Ocean; I was found dehydrated 40 leagues off Hawaii and there was no trace of any such place.

oh no.

You only think they are the best because they can't look back, so they haven't laughed at you yet.

Degen rejected irl

>Hunyadi János
you mean Iancu de Hunedoara

With Americans it's really difficult to know if they are joking or not when they they say something embarrassing.

Regardless of the true intentions behind this thread, this is pure neckbeard cringe



Daily reminder that this is how everyone thinks about all the pathetic beta virgins who get Japanese girlfriends.

You've hooked quite a few OP.