My sister wanna study abroad to Singapore to study ENGLISH!!!!

Say something to my sister and stop her
And tell me your opinion on Singapore English

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Singaporean colloquial English is fucking disgusting. Discourage her from doing that.

Whats wrong with studying English in Japan?

I don't get it, why not just move to the usa?

Japanese people don't speak English in daily life
And she wanna experience foreign life

Post a picture of your sister so i can better understand the problem you are having and give good advice

American English is cool comparing with Singapore English?

This. Heading here is terrible for learning English. All you will come back with is a weird creole.

>And she wanna experience foreign life

Then you cant do anything if she has already made up her mind

Its probably more cheaper going to Singapore. However its probably easier just finding some private English teacher in Japan.

Singaporean colloquial English is hardly intelligible with prestige dialects.

Unless your sister wants to come back speaking English dotted with words of southern Chinese dialects and Malay, tell her not to come here for that purpose.

>Its probably more cheaper going to Singapore.
what about australia? She can also learn how to shitpost and bring it to japan.


She is look like this

No she doesnt

Now I'm interested, I will teach her the best english. The first lesson would be to eat a burger.

I don't know a lot about Singapore.

It's an Anglophone version of Hong Kong with a larger minority population.

>4 flags for Singapore
4th one is your street?


I guess better place to study English
1. England - obviously
2. Canada - Canadian English is so neutrality
3. Ireland - it's so cool
4. USA - they have various accents
5. Australia - sounds a little bit provincial
6. Wales - I don't know
7. Scotland - their English makes no sense

What do you think of the addition of accents to Greek municipality flags?

Peiraias --> Peiraiás for example.

Admittedly my sample size isn't great, but I know a guy who was born in Hong Kong to a Chinese Malaysian dad and a HK mum who moved to Singapore when he was young and his English is just a generic American accent

See - that's how most people here speak English.

will people "switch" to a more standard dialect if they're speaking to someone in English who isn't from Singapore?

Depends on their level of education, if they're street trash they won't be able to. The accent won't change though.

I'm disappointed when I search "Singapore girls"

Thell her to go to the US or UK so she won't pick up bad habits from ESLs
She can't go to Australia though, we're full, sorry.

I tell her she should go to kiwi land

ESLs aren't the problem, the problem is that even native English speakers use the shit creole we have to varying degrees.

>telling her to go to middle earth
You are a terrible brother. Also nothing interesting there compared to here except sheep shagging.

Nice "Singaporeans speak shitty English" meme here.

Why and how did we let this happen to us? ;_;

If she's cute I'm sure we can find room for her here.

Sure, that sounds nice

What meme?

Singaporeans (youths at least) are fully capable of writing in good English. But speaking it? Nope.

The quality of a dialect depends on colloquial speech, not what you switch to when you must.

Alright. I'll add it soon.

If your flag doesn't display, it's because accents were added. Just reset your flags like so.

England has weirder accents the further north you go.
Canadian English sounds very American unless they're from the middle of nowhere or are Quebecois

Is she cute?

OMG I hate our educational system now.

>The quality of a dialect depends on colloquial speech, not what you switch to when you must.
Ain't this the sad truth, I'm pretty sure at least 80% of Singaporean youths are capable of using a faux generic American accent, but using it among their family and friends? Nah.

You didn't hire enough maids from us.

>1. Luanda, Angola

Yes. Send her to Melbourne.

The education system is fine IMO. It's the refusal by people themselves to eradicate the creole that is the problem.

It's an oil-powered city. Ndjamena used to be #2, now that's the one I don't know about.

Why are japs so afraid to post a real picture?

Can she learn cool English there?

They're goblins.

99% of Asian women are goblins.

Post your sister then, nerd.
Yeah but our accent is universally hated.

>Speaking good English

Pick one.

Their exorbitant prices are just here to leech money off expats.

Same reason why cheap hotels offer free wi-fi, and expensive ones require payment to use their wi-fi.

Our government's been trying to eradicate Singlish for a long time, although their efforts have been diminishing of late. I wish I could live to see the day where your average Singaporean don't sound like a cringefest.

Dutch people don't know about danger of the Internet?
Can you show us your real face?

>not studying English in India, so you can work at Google, Microsoft and all other silicon valley companies

It's like my animes are real.
Flips all have American accents, it's hilarious.

>Our government's been trying to eradicate Singlish for a long time, although their efforts have been diminishing of late. I wish I could live to see the day where your average Singaporean don't sound like a cringefest.

What, making hard drives and cold calls?
The real magic of middle management still happens out west.

No, to become CEO.

Thank you Holland for reminding me of an accent that's cringier than ours.

t. Never heard a flip talk

What goes on in Luanda, Angola?

t. Padjeet de Jong

Poorer, African version of Dubai.

t. Never heard a flip talk

To be CEO you at least have to live in the US, and suck enough dick to be diversity hired to the top, where you'll proceed to only promote Indians in a bid to finally beat whitey - but wait! The board of directors are all white and you still answer to them.

If I studied in India I would've bought some extra diplomas a long time ago.

How can Australians even compete?

Back to catching crocodiles with you.


I wish UK or US were nearby Japan
There is no any countries correct English speaker live nearby Japan

>Post your sister then

Watch them run these companies into the ground.
It's already happening at Microsoft and Adobe.
Being good at business is genetic, that's why jews are all rich, and whites are 99% genetically similar to jews.

I work in international shipping.
Singaporean English is clean, understandable, but sometimes hilariously varied.
I've known 5 Singaporeans, born and raised: three spoke with an American Midwest accent and two spoke in RP.

It's a lot better than japanisu engurishu.

google thinks she's a qt

Studying a language abroad is kinda strange, you could just learn it there living there anyway.

No, it's divine intervention.

Indian will rule this world

>Singaporean English is clean, understandable, but sometimes hilariously varied.
>I've known 5 Singaporeans, born and raised: three spoke with an American Midwest accent and two spoke in RP.
Chances are they don't do that colloquially. When communicating with foreigners many people switch to clean English, and often an imitation accent.


The higher-educated Singaporeans should be comfortable and proficient in holding an understandable conversation with westerners.
It's just that among their circle of friends, they will switch back to Singlish.

The less-educated ones on the other hand...

Honestly OP's sister could learn pretty decent English in Singapore if she avoids nearly all human interaction.

Just tell her to go to America.

>The less-educated ones on the other hand...
Bydło trash in back alleys.

Superpower by 2030, honestly it's embarrasing that there aren't more Indian CEOs considering there's a fucking billion of them. And how they have to resort to taking over US businesses unlike the Chinese.

We don't care how bad Japanese English is
But I care that Singapore English my sister will learn is useful in other countries or not

I like how you haven't replied to a single Singaporean post.

It will be useful, honestly I can converse comfortably with westerners without them going, "pardon?" every few sentences, and so can most of us here.

To answer the question- depends on who she talks to (and learns from).

Have you ever talked to other county's native English speaker?
Is there problem?

>tfw sister is going to Australia for a short term job

You mean a short term fuck.

Again, it depends on one's level of education. People will use a different brand of English when talking with foreigners, as opposed to talking with their friends. I believe asking for personal anecdotes from two very obviously biased people is not going to help.

See For me, personally. I have spoken with tourists and co-workers without a single problem.

1. why does a glorified city get 4 flags?

2. why do they all look white with a corporate text/logo on them?

3. why is your national flag a blatant rip off of the indonesian flag with a turkstamp on it?

Most of the college students can speak decent English?

>1. why does a glorified city get 4 flags?
Because I added them.
>2. why do they all look white with a corporate text/logo on them?
Because they are logos. Logos are allowed in the extension if they are representative of an area.
>3. why is your national flag a blatant rip off of the indonesian flag with a turkstamp on it?
Not sure. I hate it.

They can and will speak decent English if they have to. But to other Singaporeans they will not.

Most likely, I hope she finds a decent guy and someone normal, unlike her ex.

Is it true that Nordic people speak English since when they are college students?

>mfw this japs sister is gonna be riding the BIG CHINK DICK every day

kek, say goodbye takeshi

no, not with eachother. (the courses might be in english however)

What about Netherlands?
Do you usually speak English?

it may be excuse.
your sister only want Chinese' dick

no, not with eachother. (the courses might be in english however)


Do Singapore people also speak Chinese?
Can she learn two languages?

Singaporeans speak terrible English. It may be ok to communicate and whatnot, but learning English in Singapore is a fool's errand. Tell her to go to the States or Yurop; the cultural shock will be bigger but she'll get to know firsthand other continents and broaden her mind.


Also, lol at all the Singaporean inferior complexes here. Probably the same people who feel the need to imitate a white accent when speaking to foreign native English speakers. Just slow down and drop the colloquialisms, faggots.

Don't Singaporean folk learn English from vidya? As a kid I got my foundation for the language from Everquest and Runescape, then just read some books and checked every unknown word.

I know this is totally off topic but would someone tell me the best ratio to make a kopi?