Built a 2000$ PC

>built a 2000$ PC
>mostly shitpost on Sup Forums like a retard

But can you shitpost at 120Hz?

the only practical feature i got from this build is the "flicker free" display for anti-headache/fatigue for long shitposting sessions.

Gayming PCs are always a bad choice desu

>build $10,000 pc for machine learning
>dual xeons, 128gb ram
>tesla gpu
>move overseas for new job
>sell pc on ebay for $4,000


That’s your own fault you’re an incompetent retard that can’t use the tech you bought resourcefully.

>buy 1080
>monitor is 1080p
Welp, I'm dumb.

>buy some gay dell laptop
>only browse Sup Forums
>could've bought a thinkpad for a fraction of the price

>buy 5k€ machine
>use it for gook toons and video games

If you do this, you do not deserve to live

what is 5k monopoly money anyway,500dollars?

>buy affordably and reasonably priced machine
>install linux
>use it to its fullest extent
>replace after it literally dies
>backups to other machines on the extranet so i dont lose precious info and code
why would you do anything else in 2018? we are at the height of human engineering and civilization yet we waste $2000 on a machine that we will use 1% of.

Sadly I can't keep using my R61 as a build server.

>mfw i3 laptop is my development machine

> falling for the PC is expensive meme

>move overseas for new job
>sell pc on ebay for $4,000
y tho

>144hz monitor
>Intel i5 7600k
>GTX 970
>16gb of RAM
>95% of the time I’m shitposting on Sup Forums using using Arch with Sway as my WM and surfer as my browser because I fell for the minimalist meme.

I’m not even using the Nvidia gpu because Nvidia sucks with Wayland.

So? 2k is literally nothing for a PC.

Same. I do 90% of my work on a x220 with i3 now. $1400 desktop sitting upstairs.

if you fell for the gaymen meme

Just mine a cryptomeme currency while you shitpost and make that money back.

Why not take it with you?

no electricity where I am moving to

>no electricity
Where are you moving?


I still have a debt of $6000 and no job, so they will send me back to my home country.

Buy rift.

>build expensive gaming pc
>actually play games on it to relax after programming all day
Am i the only one?

>mostly use computer for shitposting, occasionally talking to people, torrenting new music and streaming
>don't play gaymes
>8 GB laptop, £200, and only paying for just as much internet as I need

Literally why would you do anything else, get a good computer if you actually need one.


Laptop development is just so comfy.

>bought a 200€ x220 a long time ago
>mostly shitpost on Sup Forums like a retard


2k is expensive for a consumer desktop pc in the current year, dont kid yourself

>every year get better at programming and developing stuff
>vidya has less and less of an appeal
>havent played anything since August
>dont even miss it

I thought Sup Forums was fucking with me when claiming vidya is normie shit

>I do 90% of my work on a x220 with i3 now
then you do fuckall

>using multiple programs with an i3
>doing anything other than running notepad++ with an i3

this bait is fresh

who's this cutie?