Why don't you use solarized, user? It's the most beautiful and balanced colorscheme out there...

Why don't you use solarized, user? It's the most beautiful and balanced colorscheme out there, designed by an autist for other autists

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I hadn't heard of it until now. I have a limited capacity to know things.

It's fuckugly. Gruvbox or any other halfdecent dark color scheme is better

but I do, user. It's gorgeous, I use it literally everyfuckingwhere - in firefox, thunderbird, terminal, emacs, telegram, etc.
If I could, I'd use a general recoloring addon for every single webpage - shame that it'd break a lot of them, though.

I'm trying to build a general userstyle right now. I think on userstyles.org is a really good general user solarized dark script that sadly looks very bad with solarized light

I know, I'm using it; I just don't like the fact that I can either enable or disable it for all the sites at once. I think I'm going to fork it and start a whitelist for it some day.

Yeah it's a shame... I wish there was a universal theming standard all websites would use so you could just apply a standardised theme and have everything look good without breaking stuff

I'd like that too, yeah. But then, unless it were enforced by something, nobody would respect them causing even more mess than there's now.

...and then there's react with its giant "FUCK YOU" expressed under the shape of the generated classnames

Crap for crappy people who fall for every meme, incl. Powerline PS1s.

Because while you bother with finding the "perfect" colorscheme non autists are actually programming using whatever color they feel comfortable with.

Only retarded soyboi macbook coders give a fuck about this shit. Consider suicide.

I gave up on those, too. But then again, most sites I use are built by humans and have same classnames
>not wanting your stuff to be useful

I'm not autistic enough to search for it either, so I just took the whole finished thing and use it like a sane person
>whatever color they feel comfortable with
So solarized light it is

>while you bother with finding the "perfect" colorscheme non autists are actually programming
Setting a colorscheme is literally one setting, it doesn't even take 1 minute to change it everywhere.
Also, since you're here to educate everybody - show us your magnum programming opus. I bet you don't even know what's a fixed point combinator.
yeah, that's what I did, but with the dark one

because i can't see shit

>I bet you don't even know what's a "insert last thing you learned about in your 10k CS class"

I'm not here to educate anyone soyboi. I'm only here to laugh at your autism. Why do you need to feel more intelligent than other people by implying we do not know about widely known shit that anyone could just look up in under a second even if they had no idea what this shit was?

Could it be because you're actually very insecure about your own programming skills?

Solarized light is nice. I use it from time to time.

desert is better

fag = \f.(\(You).f((You) (You)) (\(You).f((You) (You))

Monokai >>>>>>>> Solarized


you're the closest thing to a brother I'll ever have

Also what's your CSS for solarized URL bar, I've been fighting with it forever.

I personally don't like it

Do you guys know how to change the color of an empty page, while the page is still loading in Firefox with the userchrome.css? I don't like it burning my eyes everytime I open a new page for half a second

I actually just changed my urxvt colorscheme to it, but the rest of my arch theme is zenburn, so now i'm going to try to update that to match

awesome wm*
i dont know why i said arch. i'm not even running it

Solarized is an ugly soyboy color scheme. Don't fall for the meme.

what do you use, user?

It's proven that certain combination of colors in solarized light scheme cause eye cancer.

Monokai obviously

thanks, i'll look into that one as well

I'd be very interested in that study

That's a really cool setup, user. What's with the firefox sidebar? I got the "tree style tab" addon, but it looks kinda different from yours
about the URL bar: I don't use any CSS, I just set it to use my GTK theme - which is the numix solarized dark one pulled from github.
Double on this please


Nord is obviously the only choice

I would, but it becomes hard to read when using warmer color temperatures with f.lux/redshift

I tried the tree style tab addon but the less popular "tree tabs" turned out to be better. If you like it I can export my theme for you so you don't have to change all the colors yourself. I solarized my gtk and qt themes already so I don't know why Firefox is ignoring it then. Also, you should use pixelization rather than gaussian blur for redaction in the future because if some user was bored enough they could probably de-convolute your image well enough to read it. Strangely, gaussian blurs do not irreparably destroy any information.

>Also, you should use pixelization
or a much larger kernel, probably. Yeah, for the next time will do that
>I can export my theme for you
yes, please
>I don't know why Firefox is ignoring it
have you tried checking the default setting? On my machine it worked OOB (Firefox 57.0.4)

I do not know how to seti it up on ubuntu 16.04, colors are fucked

tree tabs theme

danke shön

The backgrounds are too colorful and the contrast is too low. I just backported the Visual Studio Dark theme to vim and stuck with that one instead.

solarized is ugly but i appreciate the work that went in to it

It's "Dankeschön"

dank, son.

yeah, right... been working in the krautland since, like, more than a year but still can't bring myself to learn that fucking language. Everybody knows english or russian anyways, here

Monokai was designed by a bigger autist

Knowing the native language will improve your chances of getting employed


Just noticed that he has updated it and now charges €10 for a license for the VS Code and Sublime themes... top fucking kek.

soyboy JS programmers will buy everything that retarded

I commend you for your dedication but your taste fucking scusk

other than the palestinian taxidermy enthusiast's forum's CSS, which I will update as soon as the 4chanX fags fix their shit - what's wrong with it?

His taste is great tbqh

You're being a tad unfair. It's available for free to evaluate but requires a license to disable the pop-ups a la sublime text.

I like 256-jungle

I just really don't like Solarized tbqh, especially Solarized Dark. I guess I just wanted a (You).

Is the best theme and I love it

I love it so much I'm gonna paint my house with the solarized pallet.

>le ebin hacker expressing himself in hackernese

Hello newfriend! I think that, instead of the videogame board you usually visit for recreational reasons, you accidentally ended up on Sup Forums - the one dedicated to the technology.

Allow me to link you back to your intended destination:

>but requires a license to disable the pop-ups



me solarized colorscheme
notice how some colors (reds and greens) are slightly different from the defaults
looks better to me

Gruvbox light and jellybeans are superior color schemes

is that some kind of a userscript for the maximum shitposting power?

Soyboy MacBook coder here, Solarized has too many colors for me. I like to keep things simple.

> // std::cerr

Why even -

> // ipv6 loopback in ipv4

No, loopback address is ::1 not ::. Also, doesn't mean what you think it means.


Also, I'd recommend you randomize your port, there's no gurantee 9090 won't be in use by another process -- such is the nature when working with ephemeral ports.


>No, loopback address is ::1 not ::. Also, doesn't mean what you think it means.
Yes I know, that's old code that I forgot to correct.
>I'd recommend you randomize your port
It's literally hello world dude calm your tits

Best practices, my guy. Starts with the smallest things.

you are trying so hard but it just looks pathetic

Because the levels of contrast in Solarized are nonexistent which makes it harder to read.

I'm using solarized in vim and I'm actually not 100% certain if I'll keep it.

Maybe I want a larger color palette or such.

>complicating a program designed to introduce people to the absolute basic usage of a library


It would literally take you less than half a line to assign a random number within the ephemeral port range.

C'mon son.

Neither the dark or light theme appeal to me.

exercise for the user ¯\_(ツ)_/¯