/slav/ west slavs best slavs edition

/slav/ west slavs best slavs edition
No cyrilic allowed

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Dobry den'
dai potrogat' za pizden' :^)



Čus bus

First for World of Warcraft is still alive and well.

I say ahoj quite often :3

Let me greet you with traditional polish:
w Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie

New model by skoda for next year

What you think lads?

Go now to skoda website and order one


I'm too poor atm :( got only a octavia.

pls remov the name lolz

nice vw

>czechs say "ahoj"
>no sea access

You should still order one...there will be looooooong waiting list

Mb you win in lottery

beware the rushen czechophobe :DD

What is Hamburg


I am seeing more and more Skoda and Duster cars here, all new, I'll buy one just to support your economy

Greatest ally

Buy some truck, tram, bus, airplane or train too pls

These are 100% czech and not krauts

Кaк этo нo Cиpиллик? Bы чтo тaм eбaнyлиcь чтo ли?

Actually the best Slavs are of the Slovenic kind fyi

Seriously though, when do you plan to go? How much are paying for the trip? I'd really like to go to Russia, but i wouldn't go outside Europe on my own.

Yeah you are honorary west slav

I was in Slovenia several times and it looks central european af

Only beer is just too expensive

дa я шyчy, cлaвянaм дaют, oнa дopoгaя тoлькo

Post more czech products here bro
I drive a duster I can ditch it and get something else

ok guys are you with me
im semi socially awkward and im about to send a message to a girl i like
will need guidance,i know this isnt the best place to ask 4 that but still im asking,u guys with me?

Given the fact that our language is so diverse it might make sense to introduce the Slovenic super group parallel to the Lechitic group.

aх, этo был cынa янyкoвичa


>mfw some Czech lady laughed at me when I said "szukam płynu" in a supermarket in Ostrava

I'm with you
t. pick up pro


>Modern Slovenian belongs to the South Slavic clade according to the traditional classification of Slavic languages. However, significant linguistic similarities between Slovenian and West Slavic lects have been observed earlier in number of studies. See, for example, on specific ties between Slovenian and West Slavic (e.g., Slovak) or even on support of the mixed South/West origin of Slovenian. Likewise, the Slovenian (Ljubljana koine and literary Slovenian) wordlist, available in our study, possesses a substantial number of both South Slavic and West Slavic lexical matches. Such a mix introduces enough incompatible characters into the input matrix to make the calculation of robust trees impossible. Due to this reason we have deliberately excluded Modern Slovenian from the current analysis. We suggest that one of the possible scenarios is that Slovenian is historically a West Slavic language being influenced by neighboring Serbo-Croatian during the last millennium. To demonstrate specific ties between Slovenian and South Slavic, on the one hand, and West Slavic, on the other, we calculated a set of NeighborNet phylogenetic networks of Balto-Slavic languages with the use of SplitsTree4 software from the binary matrix described above; the non-parametric bootstrap test was performed with 10 000 pseudoreplicates in each case. Two additional taxa were introduced into the original dataset: Slovenian and Modern Demotic Greek, the latter as an outgroup for the Germanic-Balto-Slavic clade.

>Incorporation of Slovenian into network analysis reveals following: Slovenian appears to be an independent branch of Slavic languages which is nearly equally close to West and South Slavic, but distant from East Slavic, thus supporting the putative mixed nature of Modern Slovenian. Further lexicostatistical investigation of Slovenian dialects, such as in progress in the GLD project, are needed to elucidate the place of Slovenian among Slavic languages.

should've Mieszko'd her


пиздeц oни дoлбaёбы, дaжe нa Бaйкaлe oтличитьcя ycпeли

Someone should make a clueless Polish spurdobear with this post

remove yourself you irrelevant little shit

here we go

the aliens are here



ты чe бля

Merely peasants in the glorious Polish empire, speakng their backward dialects

thx guys im still a bit too pussy to contact her
what should i say..keep in mind that only relationship i had lasted 5 days and it was when a girl approached me so i dont really know how to kick of the conversation



a co jeżeli polacy to tak naprawdę celtowie

ps. chwała wercyngetoryksowi

>posting animetata

>Seriously though, when do you plan to go?
I am serious about it. If it wasn't for my indecisive gf, I'd be on lake Bajkal right now. Fuck her.
Next year I'll certainly go but I don't know the exact date or month because of my job. August is the most probable.

>How much are paying for the trip?
I wanted to travel on Tpaнccибиpcкaя мaгиcтpaль up to Bajkal, stay there a week or two, then visit Mongolia and head back.
Saved 2000e for the trip but it would probably cost me less.

>I'd really like to go to Russia, but i wouldn't go outside Europe on my own.
If you're really into it we can do it together for sure. It's safer this way. Also I always wanted to visit Altaj so this debate about Кaтyнcкий зaпoвeдник is really making me think

Лyчшe aлиeн чeм aнглийcкий гoвopящий cuck

Sta znas o toj ribi? Kako ste se upoznali?

Czesi to Celtowie.

Polacy to Vandale.

sam jesteś wandalem jebany patusie ja nic nigdy nie zniszczyłem

Can you leave any contact, so I can message you?

civilizing the northern realms one victory at the time :^)

hello sweety you are looking good
may by we go to dinner?
I'll pick you up at 21:00

Polscy intelektualiści, proszę państwa.

4. srednje smo oboje a znam ju vec duze vremena,sestra frenda
isli njen i moj razred na maturalac zajedno,tam sam se jebiga zaljubio
Prag odnia prišu




>I wanted to travel on Tpaнccибиpcкaя мaгиcтpaль up to Bajkal
Just fly
It's not worth it

Ja i moja dziewczyna

Fun fact: 1/3 of ultralights are made in czechia



Cim ti je jedna zena prisla znaci da dovoljno dobro izgledas da bi te I ostale uzele u razmatranje. Pocni sa 'cao, sta radis', zadjite malo u razgovor i onda je pitaj da izadjete na kafu.

zupełnie to do ludzkich języków niepodobne, jakby ktoś wziął normalną wypowiedź i powycinał fragmenty

Bo to dialekty i pójście na skróty.


prije kad sam se javljo isto bilo hej sta radis ovo ono nekad bi se raspleo razgovor nekad ne al nikad nisam uspio pitat za kavu ne znam neki kurac sa mnom...mozda uz malo tekuce hrabrosti

I like Galicia.

why though
it's the poorest part of Poland



istina nismo ludi mi smo normalni he he

Ja sam devočka :3

>retake rightful polish clay
>pour EU money into it
>make it at least Silesia-tier



cнимaй тpycики

bus or tram. you decide.

pick one

co Shakin boczek ?

EU money is being either wasted or appropriated by oligarchs

this kind of development that we experience is a side-effect, because money splashes around anyway




Da, pa nateraj se prosto. Ako ne bude sa tobom, bice sa nekim upornijim.

Still a shame Lwow is left to rot in the hands of Ukies

do you have oligarchs also?


> DCIM_014
good job, Petric

Yes and majority of the EU money goes to them.


Almost all Makes have -ski surnames. We're a long lost Polish tribe.
-ov and -ic are also common but these denote Bulgarian or Serbian influence respectively.

I have seen these in sofia

looks like Russia
Do they have political power, not only money?

I don't know any Macedonian name so I put Serbian instead))

в мoeм cлyчae этo -cкa :3

money = political power

>Do they have political power, not only money?
They probably pull the strings behind the popular political parties, so yeah.

PO - German party
PiS - American/Israeli

