If you could rewrite your country's national motto, what would you put it?

If you could rewrite your country's national motto, what would you put it?

"Big Old Ass and Titties yup"

I'd say "abandon hope all who enter here"

"it's not that bad"

"Don't export Anime stuff to outside of Japan"

ex pluribus defectum

Eternally united in misery.

My favorite saying about anime was coined by the creator of anime himself:
"Anime was a mistake. It's nothing but trash."

death to freedom

We have no official motto.

My preference:
>Live Free or Die
>furthermore, replacing our legal code with that of New Hampshire

"Fuck off we're full"

"Don't trust anyone and I do fucking mean ANYONE"

"Regardless of who you are or where you come from, we fucking hate you so leave."

"Keep England White"

"If it has no use, it may fuck off"


Fuck the commies.

"Jog on"

Top kek

no country for white men

>"Finland, more like Sinland, Halleluja.

"Death to Tyrants"

Poland tweaking out, once again

There is no secret stash here go away

"The Revolution was a mistake"


ayo kid remember we wuz romans n shit

"Spudro spädrö"

"Don't blame us because of Mexico"

Egalité, Fraternité, and Fuck off we're full.

Hey, thats pretty good (your comment)

high quality olive oil

Live free or don't

Travail, Famille, Patrie.