When is Windows 10 going to be stable? Next Windows edition, or..?

When is Windows 10 going to be stable? Next Windows edition, or..?

Every major update/upgrade breaks literally everything, you could just not touch a single thing, registry, services, no modifications and minimal set of non-tweaky software like firefox, chrome, etc and end up with a broken OS during an upgrade/update. Why should I be expected for format and reinstall each update? That's nonsense to expect that from a typical user especially.

Why is there so much bipolar insanity and changes every "update/upgrade" everything overhauled and overhauled again. With remnants of old configurations, critical files left behind or purely corrupted during an overwrite, and therefor corrupt totally no matter what. Some bug you'll run into that is outstandingly annoying, leaving you to reinstall the OS because fuck you we can't get it right.

Other urls found in this thread:


>next windows edition

It's already Stable memelord

when Microsoft finally decides to rewrite the kernel from scratch


I installed LTSB 2016 and it's honestly what regular windows should be, just an OS , granted i disabled telemetry bullshit Among other things but it's comfy and doesnt bother me like regular windows did, nothing ever breaks either, i recommend that and will never go back to consumer windows
>Windows store coming soon
gonna disable that update and never install bb

At this rate it's going to take another 3 fucking years. 1709 is less stable than 1703. It's sad. It's shit. But it turns out I have to install 10 so yeah, I might have to go with 1703.

works on my machine

Use LGBT version, it's stable.

I've never had a problem with it.

Doesn't LTSB get next update in 2019?

So basically enable what's disabled by default?

How do corporate machines in a work enviorment hold up? Keeping image snapshots? Like how the fuck do they hold up to such instability.

>Open People's app
>Doesn't do dick
>Gets CPU usage spikes all over the place
>Open edge
>Google something, click on a result
>It hangs for 3 minutes
>Install Chrome
>Open a link elsewhere, like a mail client
>It hangs the same fucking way
>Try to play something
>Framerate gets halved because the game somehow thinks the display refresh rate is at 30hz

Nah it's stable alright

Yes the next iso will be released in 2019 and called ltsc

When will it be Windows 10 LGBT?

when they update to diversity 3.1

Coming soon: Windows as a TV channel (Windows 10 NTSC)

Their CEO is a pajeet and I don't think south Asians are too supportive of lgbtq+1 or whatever the acronym is at this point.
Wait for the next CEO which will probably be some overweight lady with dyed hair.

So, downloaded this installer.


If I install the Windows 10 Upgrade and I don't like it and I rollback to 7, can I then rollforward back to Windows 10 in 2020 when support ends?

>update win10
>takes 4 restarts
>ok for a while
>suddenly repair/cant repair loop
>tfw win10 just broke

good thing i dual boot, could just copy data of the drive. another reason to main linux.

Just installed LTSB, how many of these are relevant?
I grabbed them from a W10 thread.

Run ShutUp10, click actions up the top, and apply recommended and somewhat recommended settings.

Use Spybot Antibeacon, make sure not to disable anything you'll actually use

Go to Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security > Inbound Rules > New Rule... > Custom > All programs > Protocol tyre: Any > And block ALL of these IP Addresses under Remote IP Addresses:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Disable everything outlined in this video: youtube.com/watch?v=U9kFXnomRWQ

I just installed 1703 because fuck latest version. If you really have to use 10 use LTSB or 1703, they fucked up real hard with that Fall Creator's update.

noone? do i really need to do all that shit on LTSB?

>Windows 10 going to be stable
Never, it's a piece of fucking shit that you have to delete half of the processes to restore functionality to the other half.
Never in my life have I used an operating system where programs re-install after you uninstall them. That's shit that only malware does, and apparently Windows 10 has made it its goal to be malware in every sense of the word.

Everyone hates it, the only reason I haven't jumped ship is because Windows 7 hasn't been discontinued yet. I'll cling to it until i'm forced to upgrade, and even then I'll upgrade to 8.1.

Also notice how smug Wintards only have "IT WORKS FOR ME X^)" as their only excuse as to why it's not fucking shit? I haven't read this thread but I'm guessing it's filled with dicksucking about how, since they didn't encounter every single documented problem that people have complained out in droves, that means it doesn't exist because "IT WORKS FOR ME X^)"

They can't defend having two control panels, they can't defend having applications that aren't visible in the remove applications panel. They can't defend Metro. They can't defend Cortana. They can't defend forced telemetry. They can't defend options re-enabling themselves after updates. They can't defend updates that you can't disable. They can't defend the start menu being filled to the brim with advertisements.

Their only excuse is the same.
"I HAVEN'T FOUND THOSE, IT WORKS FOR ME X^)" *blows load of semen out of nose*

I think at this point we just have to accept the fact that Windows will never be good.
We tried so hard and got so far, but in the end MS decided to treat us with utter contempt, literally making us beta testers and serving us ads and we just take it, because what else can we do? Switch to Linux? It's still as shit as always for desktops. Switch to Mac? It might work for some people, but many others want something more.

Let it go, man. It's just computers. Maybe in 100 years MS will be dead and our grandchildren will be free. Be grateful for what you have, spread the truth and one day we might see salvation.

We are in the post stable era. Everything is continuous delivery rolling releases. Same with hardware being pushed out early with minimal testing.

I would call it the irresponsible era, not being able to provide a product to people who just want something that fucking works and that is the end of it. Not everyone needs a stupid update other than in the security department.

how does one get windows ltsb and pass the business shit, also does anyone have a free ltsb key.

works for me ;^)

do you have a free key laying around user if you do can i please have it

lolwut use an activator


Pirate bay and KMSPico

You're Microsoft's beta testing bitch with W10. They don't give a fuck about their code actually working, they just want features pushed out and they will "fix it later".

thats real fucking neato, thank you very much i dont have to look for keys anymore, also do you have a good windows 7 iso link preferably ultimate, also do you have any source that i can store lots of data on incase i wanna downgrade to win 7 and i lose everything.

>I think at this point we just have to accept the fact that Windows will never be good.
it never was, and most of us accepted that a long time ago

>Switch to Linux? It's still as shit as always for desktops.
It really isn't, it's far more stable and polished than Win10

This ship now, fix later mentality has really turned the tech industry to shit lately. Shit should always be as stable as they can be on release, don't turn the consumer into a beta tester.

Now ask about when windows will have a consistent interface

With the amount of spaghetti code in Windows, probably never.

Hey user not sure if you're still here. I'm building a ryzen in 2 weeks. How is ltsb for ryzen. I've read fall creators update had many improvements for multicore support. I'm not sure however though if it's worth all the bloat/telemetry over ltsc.

I'm in the fast ring and have never had to do a clean reinstall. When I rebooted yesterday I was at nearly 23 days uptime... it's so much more stable than previous versions of Windows, at least on my end.



Yeah, well that argument works in the other direction too. If someone is experiencing everything that can break breaking, it doesn't mean it's broken.

I just decided to try doing the free upgrade from a fresh install of 7 activated with daz idk if this is a good idea anymore, I had 7 on an ssd raid0 and decided to nuke that and go back to single drive, I used LTSB for a while and didn't like it as much as 7, haven't run normie 10 on my desktop but I figure I might as well try to get a "legit" license for it since apparently the assistive tech upgrade is going away on tuesday. Knowing ms they will extend it again though they just want to sucker goyim like me into the botnet. 20% downloaded so far... oh well I can go back to 7 easily if I want.

blog update:
upgrade from fresh 7 ultimate daz activated to 10 pro ultimate botnet edition worked flawlessly and activated so if you want a license for 10 before it maybe goes away on tuesday, just do it goy!

Also the sheer amount of botnet I currently have running on my machine is absolutely horrifying

It works fine for me. It is probably not compatible with your hardware or you didn't install Windows 10 drivers. Installing Windows 10 on your computer doesn't magically mean it will work and be 100% compatible. I have no problems with running Windows 10.

>updated today
>start menu won't work
>search won't work
>taskbar keeps freezing
>alt-tab doesn't work
>windows key won't window
>have to fucking ctrl+alt+delete every time I want to window out of a movie or a game

never, it is now developed by pajeets and system is no longer usable or stable.

Windows used to be good because you could just wait few years for service packs before switching to new version and always enjoy stability and minimum bugs and predictability

now it is just joke

Hell no nigga. Don't get your OS from the piratebay.

Go to Mydigitallife forums and register. It's a fan run site for Microsoft stuff and from there there's a ton of useful stuff like links to .isos, activators and more.

The creator's update changed my mouse settings.
Just why?

Tried W10 on a laptop, everything about it pisses me off.

>Not everyone needs a stupid update other than in the security department.

History disagrees. It's why where here in the first place.

agile, stable

pick one

That's gonna be a lot of waiting then

What is a Sup Forums-approved utility for un-fucking windows 10? In the olden days I used to use CCleaner to clean startup services and trash in registry, but it seems to have gone bad in the recent years.

What utilities do you use for tweaking Win 10?


I actually chuckled. Nice.

I have a Windows 10 box for gaming-only. I turn it on only for the sake of using Steam, usually only on weekends. My primary machine is a Debian laptop and my home server also runs Debian.

If I could game with my friends without issue on linux I would, but as it stands I need windows for this one thing.

BTW: ShutUp10 UI is weird. If an option is green, does that mean it's disabled, or enabled? The wording is pretty confusing.

Don't be a negro?

>ShutUp10 UI is weird. If an option is green, does that mean it's disabled, or enabled?

It depends on what the option is, but the basic idea is if it's green it's better for privacy.

That's what I assumed, but it is confusing. Thanks!

There are no negros on the internet friend.

>utility for un-fucking windows 10?
>What utilities do you use for tweaking Win 10

I've been having trouble updating ltsb with security updates. One of them just gets stuck at downloading for the entire day. If I use WSUSoffline and download security packages with windows 10 will it install teh right ones without all the other bullshit?

>Sup Forums
>often won't even clean install
>break windows on purpose
>never update
>commit every user error possible

When is Windows 10 going to be stable? Next Windows edition, or..?

Every major update/upgrade breaks literally everything, you could just not touch a single thing, registry, services, no modifications and minimal set of non-tweaky software like firefox, chrome, etc and end up with a broken OS during an upgrade/update. Why should I be expected for format and reinstall each update? That's nonsense to expect that from a typical user especially.

Why is there so much bipolar insanity and changes every "update/upgrade" everything overhauled and overhauled again. With remnants of old configurations, critical files left behind or purely corrupted during an overwrite, and therefor corrupt totally no matter what. Some bug you'll run into that is outstandingly annoying, leaving you to reinstall the OS because fuck you we can't get it right.

I figure I should make a guide for the slow users on Sup Forums. I must be doing something special to never have problems with win10.

The biggest problem is the UI, even the GNU/Linux UI is more consistent at this point (look at KDE or Gnome, it's really consistent).

>forces an "important update
>okay whatever just update and shutdown
>turn on pc
>literally all my settings are gone
>doesn't let me go back to previous update because it made a new account for me
>doesn't let me delete the account because no other accounts exist even though I can clearly see the files of my old account on my hard drive

>When is Windows 10 going to be stable?
Never. No version of Windows has ever been stable. Ever.

Won't that break all the programs for windows?

compatibility layers like the one for pre-NT

The fact that I can't permanently disable automatic updates / downloading of updates makes me so disappointed in Microsoft.

Windows 95, XP, 7: Great! But Windows 10, the final Windows OS (?) is such a let down in regards to consumer integrity and privacy wise.

And if anyone here is looking for a way to disable Windows Update: I really don't think you can. As in, not even Win 10 Pro users. I guess this is all due to MS's new "Windows as a service" philosophy. I guess I don't like Microsoft's current philosophy then.

Just use W7 retards.

This is easier said than done since few computers are shipped with Windows 7 preinstalled. I don't know how else to get Windows 7.

Would you mind telling me of a method?

>removed explorer.exe from my w10 install
>running W10 just fine
>mfw reading all those "w10 botnet" posts


Pick one

I thought it looked nice and liked the task manager, so i gave it a try.
>two days of staring at the screen waing for updates
>waiting 5 min for it to shut down
>waiting for 5 min for it to turn on
>bluescreens and restart loops
>ridiculous ram usage
one day the lock screen wouldnt fucking swipe up and after wasting a whole day trying to fix it i gave up and reinstalled win7

>They can't defend Metro.
>They can't defend Cortana.
>start menu being filled to the brim with advertisements
It took me seconds to remove those. You are supposed to customize it.
>two control panels
It's retarded, but that doesn't make it less stable.

Can you make the scroll bars not auto-hide yet?

>works on my machine :^)