Which graphical DE is best for keyboard-heavy workflows? I tried i3, no thanks

Which graphical DE is best for keyboard-heavy workflows? I tried i3, no thanks.

Any DE will be made to be similar to windows with mouse usage in mind. Besides, dwm is better.


bspwm for another tiling wm, 2bwm for tiling-style floating wm, or openbox for full floating wm.


XFCE, you can set easily all your shortcuts and do everything by your keyboard

kde desu unless ur running a shitbox

takes a few moments to set bindings similar to i3, environment is reasonably familiar to xfce and windows users


Any of them + xbindkeys


keyboard driven

tiling manager that can into floating windows

has some DE features like tray icons, applications menu, taskbar and notifications.

can be easily configured with lua.

Thinking KDE, but I’ve had it behave severely buggily in the past. Does Debian Testing have a good, stable version?

Former, long time user of i3, here. My suggestion? GNOME, it works in a very similar way.

I don't use kde with debian anymore but what fixed all the issues for me was switching the compositor to Xrender and disabling flat volumes in pulse.conf. It really sucks you have to do that to not have graphical and sound glitches

Being that there is a bunch of tiling DE people in this thread. Do any of them support high dpi? I tried i3 but everything was tiny


underrated post of the day

If you can into common lisp use stumpwm


I almost fell for the XMonad meme
Went for stumpwm instead though

stumpwm startup time is insane

Xmonad configuration is a pain.

Install debian 9 tardo.

Also, xfeces


Just don't use X.


Gnome is bloat. I thought Mac OS would be full of bloat, but Gnome has even more bloat when you compare ram usage. Gnome is a meme. Anything will work even KDE. I thought KDE used a bunch of ram and was full of bloat, but apparently KDE uses less ram.

Gnome was great during the Gnome 2 days, but now it is a meme.

dwm is nice ootb desu

awesome or cwm


What seems to be the problem ? Just change X server dpi and it werks.