Old thread: /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.
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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
I'm a woman in my 30s who recently was sexually assaulted by two men at a local open source convention. I'm just posting here in hope that they read this and realize that their days are numbered.
Xavier Cruz
Hi, I have a question regarding 'aliases': Why does the following alias work: alias='sudo apt'? Now if I type 'sudo apt update/upgrade' etc into the terminal it does what I intended to do. Now I am wondering why the alias does not work in the way like pressing 'enter' immediately after 'sudo apt'. Why am I allowed to finish the command? When I use the alias='cd Desktop' for example I am not allowed to attache a deeper path. Thx.
Zachary Thompson
I just traded in my Chromebook for a Thinkpad and installed ubuntu, did I get meme'd? Liking it so far, but I have no idea how to do anything. I followed a Youtube video to get Linux onto a flashdrive and then boot from USB, but I have no idea what I'm doing. Where can I go to learn how to download files and what is different about Linux vs Windows?
Daniel Hall
Installing software is really easy. Just type "sudo apt install " into the terminal and away you go. The Install Gentoo wiki seems ok for learning the basics.
Juan Gonzalez
Okay, thanks user. I guess I'll try stripping out ubuntu and installing gentoo? Truth be told I mostly just browse Sup Forums and youtube and school stuff.
Caleb Wilson
aliases are literal text replacements if you have alias cdd='cd Desktop/' and want to attach a deeper path cdd subfolder it becomes cd Desktop/ subfolder the imprtant part is the space between / and s obviously cddsubfolder won't work either. in the sudo apt example you expect and need the space after apt and thats why it works
Cooper Adams
Please respond
Levi Reed
Installing gentoo is extremely difficult if you are a beginner. You could try it in a virtual machine though, you'll learn a lot. I say stick to Ubuntu for now though.
Isaac Butler
Tits or GTFO
James Young
Then you don't need Gentoo. Gentoo is the meme distro on here, if you don't know why you should be using Gentoo instead of Ubuntu. Then you don't have a reason to use Gentoo. Stick with whatever works instead of listening to the meme'd gentoo'tards on here
Jace Mitchell
>sexually assaulted by two men at a local open source convention Did they ask you for coffee or what?
Jace Young
hi anons, i'm new to linux and i'm installing Manjaro on a acer aspire e1 522, anything that i should know before the installation?
Kayden Robinson
ah thank you very much.
Connor Hughes
>anything that i should know before the installation check if there are drivers for your hardware. usually searching for "LAPTOPNAME linux" should give you plenty of information
Owen Allen
is out there a wiki for this purpose?
Charles Young
how do i install themese on ubuntu?
Lucas Powell
William Hall
I'm trying to setup easy file hosting on my Parabola-running server, ftp proved to be a useless mess once you leave the internal LAN, SFTP/SCP doesn't liek password auth… Wat do?
Julian Sanders
>update Ubuntu Mate with kernel 4.13 >VirtualBox doesn't work anymore >my fucking microphone doesn't work anymore
Kayden Martinez
>Assaulted at an open source convention I suggest putting an assault clause in your software license.
Eli White
After I realized it was a kernel bug, I was looking desperately to see if I could roll back the update. But thankfully, I found out I can just load Ubuntu with the previous kernel in GRUB.
Caleb Hall
"Always update your kernel, user," they said. "You don't want to leave your computer open to obscure vulnerabilities, user," they said. Fuck this, I'm going back to updating my kernel once a year.
William Morgan
Sayonara Player is fucking neat
finally a music player that supports drag-n-dropping folders
Luke Reyes
doesn't virtualbox recompile the kernel for itself upon installation? Meaning updating the kernel will require recompiling it again?
Easton Reyes
I believe so. After I booted back under the old kernel, VirtualBox still couldn't load the kernel driver. I tried reinstalling the driver but it didn't work, so I ended up purging and reinstalling VirtualBox (virtualbox and virtualbox-dkms). That did the trick.