I've been off Sup Forums for quite some time

What the fuck is this meme?

delet this

soyboy nourishment

nah, doesn't actually have soy.

soy is the new cuck



Soy products and their feminizing properties would explain the numale and hence named "soyboy" phenomenon of weak effeminate outspoken men with no real personality traits except for conspicuous consumerism.

There's a better term for these people, bugmen.


Burger foods come with vitamin lists? Jelly. Here in Germany all we get is fat, sugar, etc.

Ignore me - was thinking of an earlier version.

Wow really? All of our packaged stuff gives full nutrition info.

Doesn't do them much good.

Sup Forums are dumb shitposters who can't keep their shit brainlet memes to themselves. They're convinced (against all logic) that soy milk makes you a liberal socialist. I don't understand it, they don't understand it, nobody understands it. All that matters is that it allows 14 year old Redditors to act manly on the internet, which makes it's incredibly popular on post-normie nu-Sup Forums.

The nazis on pol revived the old canard that soy makes you feminine and weaponized it into an insult

But it does

I actually drink Soylent and I still use soyboy as an insult because it causes massive butthurt for whatever reason.

Pretty sure it's manufacturer's discretion. Some labels won't give you shit. whereas more specialized foods like clif bars will have everything in micrograms/IU's.

Every thread some retard says this. Why don't you do the minimum amount of research? The bulk of the protein in soylent is soy protein isolate.

This. I don't think soy contains enough xenoestrogens to be harmful in moderate doses, but I still love the insult since it makes people go absolutely ballistic. In German there is a proverb which roughly translates to "dogs bark when they are hit" and it very much applies here.

The latest altrighter nonsense. Basically people who know nothing about science or medicine or food thinking they do.

Just the protein though right? Not the shit in soy that's similar to estrogen. Unless that's the protein.

Why is it so hard for you faggots to understand that a thing made from another thing does not share all the properties of the source thing?

Some vitamins are actually damaging if you take too much.
So I assume it's mandatory to list those if your product contains more than a few % of the daily recommended amount.

But most of that would be for bragging rights, yes.

It's not about the soy in your food, it's about the soy in your heart.

This is nothing new.
I remember growing up and being told not to drink mountain dew because it has estrogen and I would grow man tits.

I don't give a shit about soy and afaik the connection between it and pumping you full of estrogen is tenuous at best, but goddamn if soyboy isn't a hilarious insult.

>Basically people who know nothing about science or medicine or food thinking they do.

Which is only fair.
Because the faggots insisting soy milk is some kind of magical health elixir know just as little.

Except nobody actually says that - they say that consuming regular milk probably isn't all that good for you.

Which is also bullshit.

Sup Forums is extremely easily convinced to campaign for/against things, and loves to go off-board
the investors in the corn industry have hated the soy industry for some time and have launched social media strategies to try to get people away from buying soy products so they can buy more corn meal/corn syrup, etc

Trips don’t lie.

it is a reddit/the_donald meme

The corn companies should start pushing cornboy as a meme. Honestly surprises me that these two industries aren't owned by the same mega corporation.

Soy protein isolate contains isoflavones, so I don't know what you two are on about.

People get mad because they don’t like seeing this board get overrun with unironic shitposters brazenly using Reddit memes, and not even putting up the visage of an attempt to fit in. It’s the equivalent of making a thread where you pretend not to know what Linux is. You’re just shitposting. You’re actively attempting to lower the post quality. Don’t pretend that it doesn’t matter just because “you were only pretending”.

It was originally a /fit/ meme

t. soyboy newfag


>reddit memes
This soy baboon actually thinks that it's a blebbit maymay.

What is it, then?

Not every meme is from Sup Forums holy fuck. Soy came from /fit/ how do people not know this yet?

That would never happen, instead they and every farmer is forced to buy seed from the same "seed company". Monsanto.

Also fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides and pesticides.

Farm worker here, they have a damned monopoly, never have I seen anything come through the area that WASN'T a Monsanto product or a product of one of there subsidiary.

Pol is smart as fuck, but people keep underestimating them because anti pol tells everyone they're dumb.

Both soyboy and bugmen can be traced back to a somethingawful spinoff forum a few years ago, some things never change

thats the most retarded thing i've ever read.


I call people soyboy all the time and I have a very feminine frame and body, but at least I can see that this is not a desirable thing and I am lifting to change that. Better to be a hypocrite than to be a leftist complacent with his misery.

you stupid fag, soy came from /fit/ cause soy reduces your testosterone . fucking shithead libtard blames everything on Sup Forums . get out you autist

The more I read this the more I realize you aren't trolling and it gets even funnier


How so? I am pretty soy and I don't want that. What's funny about that?

I'm not sure which one is worse, the alt-right virgins taking pol too seriously or the alt-left soyboys taking pol too seriously.

fuck off and go back to rededdit you scum.

Why did you type this in Microsoft Word?

>mfw the bugmen discover soylent is people
Harry Harrison's legacy lives on.

Real talk, I had a bone marrow transplant that involves a massive dose a chemo that destroys your entire gi tract from the lining of your mouth to your butthole. I couldn’t eat anything, taste buds fucked, everything tasted like shit on top of 24/7 nausea. Fucking Soylent saved my shit. Staff hadn’t even heard of it. I lost a total of 3 pounds in 2 weeks and tied the record for early release. Most people are in for 3-4 weeks and lose 20lbs.

You need a serious break from the internet, maybe join the military that would probably be good for you

>Fucking Soylent saved my shit. Staff hadn’t even heard of it. I lost a total of 3 pounds in 2 weeks and tied the record for early release. Most people are in for 3-4 weeks and lose 20lbs.

That's because most hospitals prescribe Ensure or another medically certified meal replacement product.

WTF. Yeah it tells vitamins, minerals, etc. along with ingredients in decreasing order of amount. Britbong labels show percents of the total food for each ingredient as well as the stuff we get, and I thought all Eurocuck labels were like that.

Dude ensure is literally sugar water with a bit of protein, it’s terrible for you.

It's honestly some pretty good stuff.

Why "bugmen"

I would if it wasn't for neo-liberal globalism. No way I'm getting shipped off to some over seas "intervention". I also have a job that I quite like, so no army for me.

It only has a few grams more than a bottle of soylent 2.0, and it has less than soylent 1.0

33g of carbs in ensure for 220 calories. Soylent is 37g carbs for 400 cal.

I will admit ensure tastes great if not a little too sweet.

>feminizing properties
It's commonly known that girls have cooties, which are bugs. It's theorized that the cooties are what causes feminine traits to appear as a girl matures. So a man who contracts cooties becomes feminized and is a bugman.

No, it's not. Dairy contains huge amounts of estrogen and cholesterol. There is no estrogen in soymilk, just estrogen-like compounds.

>dead rich piano
This is brand fucking new. Soyboy is not a fit meme.

The calorie difference is really that Ensure as a meal replacement isn't expected to be used unless you are completely immobile. Soylent is used by adults that could easily cook themselves proper meals.

>not embracing your place and becoming a cute femboy

I want a wife and child, you leftist asshole. How am I supposed to do that if I'm a faggy twink?

...why the fuck did you make this thread on Sup Forums? is soy technology now?

topic related: it is a /fit/ meme that Sup Forums cancer took seriously

Image is recent but I remember the arguments flying around about soy with its estrogen and how onions turn you into man.


soy protein gives you bitch tits

>Pretty sure it's manufacturer's discretion.
Nutritional information and a basic ingredient list is required by law. Any extra information is optional.