Could someone explain quantum computers in comparison to regular ones? I really don't get it

Could someone explain quantum computers in comparison to regular ones? I really don't get it.

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Science... and stuff. Watch Rick and Morty, you'll understand.

search that shit we are not in the explaining business here

>Science... and stuf
> (OP) (You)
>search that shit we are not in the explaining business here
I don't have fingers.

Quantum computers use entangled particles to calculate things probabilistically instead of deterministically. A quantum computer will sometimes say 1+1 is 3 but can factor numbers at O(log N) instead of the deterministic O(N!). Some programs run better on normal computers and others on quantum computers.

im a brainlet, but this is how I understood it

>normal computer
>you tell it what is 2+2
>the normal computer tells you its 4
>quantum computer
>you tell it the same, what is 2+2
>it says its 4, but it also shows you different stances where it isn't technically 4

its like

>normal computer: 0 or 1
>quantum computer: 0 AND 1

Instead of bits, you have qubits.

Bits are binary set scalars in a finite field of order 2.

Qubits are probability vectors in a Hilbert space.

Computations on bits are composed of logic gates (Boolean functions).

Computations on qubits are composed of Unitary transformations (which means they are always reversible and can be expressed as Hermitian matrices).

Try understanding Deutsch-Jozsa's algorithm and Grover's algorithm, that might help you get started in quantum computing. Read Nielsen and Chuang's book. Watch David Deutsch lectures on YouTube.

Links in order on how you would start learning seeing how you’ve done all of that I’m assuming. Maybe in chronological order of how you would have someone next to you learn it? I want to get a job in technology field as an engineer, but I’ve never been good at math. I’m wondering by the time I get out there quantum computing might be the new thing you have to have knowledge in to even be hired.

Start here:

not op, but how is this implemented in hardware tho?


normal computers use binary, that's the 0s and 1s thing, and well, it's limited to or 0s or 1s at each postion, quantum can be 0 and 1 at the same time in a position, making so that you have 3 possibilities instead of 2 in each postion

well i think you wanna know how quantum pc will have higher performance.

Well according everything to i know diffrence in performance is kinda simple but has huge impact. Its about of state of bit.

Normal computer has 2 states of bits (0 and 1) while quantum computer has 3 states of bit (something like 1, 0 and 0,5).

Why it has huge impact? Well, data in qantum will have less bits than the same data in normal computer. And 1mb/s in quantum will transfer more files than 1mb/s on normal computer.

Quantum computers are a very specialized form of coprocessor designed to solve very specific problems, cryptography reversing being the most notable. They cannot and will not replace a standard CPU, as among other limitations it is impossible to copy any data without destroying it due to the observer effect, making storage or comparison operations impossible.


Pic unrelated.

The Soviets already made a ternary computer (the Setun) in 1958. There's really no incentive to bother with it, as on/off is much simpler to work with via transistors than 0/1/2, even though we could easily do the latter.

Here's mich simpler explanation what qubit is: qubit can be 1, 0 or superposition of either.
With really good optimisations you can fit 2 bits into one qubit.

phew, I was worried AMD would go bankrupt since they have like 2% of Intel's and IBM's RnD development budget

The truth is.... nobody get it.

Just ask Justin Trudeau.

you are confused brainlet


tbf he'd have to have a fairly high iq to understand

>yfw compooters are mystery again

People do understand it you are just a mongoloid

quantum computer is a meme while a regular one is not

Quantum computers don't calculate the answers, they just calculate everything the answer isn't and gives you whatever wasn't calculated

>0 AND 1
Doesn't that always eveluate to 0 then?

Right! Also 0 or 1 must always evaluate to 1! Hmmmmm... *thonking*

The only sensible answer. I'm glad there are more than Sup Forumsermins in here.

Oh fugg, I should have been a woodworker.

Binary != boolean logic. Boolean logic is an abstraction.

Also it is never simultaneously 0 and 1. Each transistor-like thing has the potential to be either right up until it's utilised and then it becomes one or the other.

An electron can be a wave or a particle and that is how computing works. In a quantum computer, it is both a wave and a particle and it manipulates electrons differently. In short, if you give a normal computer 8(as in bits) calculations and their possibilities, it will check each 1 by 1... a quantum computer will check all at the same time.

>a quantum computer will check all at the same time
I get it's much faster like GPU>CPU cores>core. But how does reading it as wave and a particle work/differ from current binary and how does it read the wave. Need it spelled out

>0 AND 1
>Doesn't that always eveluate to 0 then?

I may be wrong (probably am) but the way I understand it is that a quantum computer can see both states simultaneously and there may be a higher potential for one state over the other and there is also potential for some margin of error.
Think of a coin you see on your desk, if you see heads facing you, it's a 1, if you see tails it's a 0. When the coin is lying on a flat surface it must be one or the other, but if it's floating in space and, hypothetically, can turn in any direction due to the unseen forces of muons striking it, and it's not horizontal then it has the potential to be either state but usually higher probability of one state over the other, and until the state is measured and a result is returned it is in a superposition.