Tfw somebody forked my GitHub project

>tfw somebody forked my GitHub project

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every single time

It's one of the best acknowledgements you can get, really. Proud of you, frog.

I renamed it, changed the logo and I'm now selling it on the Google play store for $0.99 and with ads.

sheeeeiiiiiiit should have used GPL

>iiiit should have used GPL
Why would Google care about this? How will you prove that closed source app uses GPL code?

I accidentally hit the fork icon on flathub
Sorry user

GPL doesn't have anything to do with price. You can put price on free software and sell it. It's free as in freedom not price.

>He thinks gpl protects from code stealing


PCSX2 team managed to get DamonPS2 out Play Store for violating GPL.

It's a shame because it was the only good ps2 emulator for android

>tfw someone porked my wife

GPL only protects from official code stealing. BSD allows it.

>and it wasn't you
Poor little white boi

The absolute state if MIT license cucks

I'm asian.

Poor little little asian boi

Licenses are a mistake

ikr, my most popular repo has 8 forks, feels good man

literally this. the GPL is a joke. If the code is left in the public domain where anyone can access it then it can and will be used in proprietary closed source projects and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. hell all you really have to do is change the variable names and technically its a completely different program.

>tfw actually get paid a salary for my work
>tfw my hobby apps bring in revenue because I can sell them without fear my code will be rehashed and sold by someone else because of cuck licensing like GPL
>freecucks will NEVER know this feel

It will give bad rep to the stealing company. Bad rep can lead to huge losses. And renaming variables does not lift GPL.

variables is the only thing unique about a program. you can't claim rights to language operators and function types etc. if that where the case i could just copyright "main()" and every company in the world would have to pay me a royalty.

Have you ever heard of algorithms and software design?

>the gpl is a joke because the legal system favours big corporations instead of individuals
calm down there buddy
>hell all you really have to do is change the variable names and technically its a completely different program.
objectively false

>copyrighting math
this is the most asinine thing i've ever heard. i swear the capitalist would copyright the air we breathe if they could get away with it.

> Not obfuscating and domain locking your MIT licensed "open source" javascript files when selling them to your clients.

this is why gpl has stipulations for preferred format

javascript-obfuscator/javascript-obfuscator is a great clone of jscrambler for anybody interested in doing this. I had no luck de-obfuscating my own code so it should be good for script kiddies/nullers

>tfw 50 repos
>fork of uboot with latest updates + custom features
>Go library for VR
>Some C and assembly for a simple OS with keyboard and kernel tasks
>no forks whatsoever

>someone stars your GitHub project
>it's just a chinese guy who stars random shit ( )

same when someone follows you. I've reported 2 of such people to github and they quickly removed them from following me. Now I've got another few doing the same

> no bleeding edge javascript library
> no "-awesome" list of meme pages
> nothing with the word transpiler in it

found the problem

Lol why do you even care

>tfw somebody deleted my GitHub project for using eggplant emoji
That didn't happen to me, though.


5 stages of a programmer
>self satisfaction
>end users
>contributing FOSS
>wearing womens clothes
>bashing python

>you are so shit at a good project someone had to take it away from you since your and incompetent hoe.

It does if your willing to go to court, and thus they must get audited