How come sub Saharan Africa is always assumed to be the worst part of the world when Latin America and North...

How come sub Saharan Africa is always assumed to be the worst part of the world when Latin America and North Africa/Middle East are considerably more violent as evidenced by Liveleak videos?

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Subsaharan Africa is more violent, but they don't have camera.

Such is daylife in Africa.

Are you retarded or just shitposting?

What the fuck is up with this American and loaded questions?

Well officially Latin America has a larger homicide rate than Africa

And there are more terrorists and terror groups coming out of the Muslim world than Africa

Most of us associate violence not with Sub Saharan Africa



Is that any worse than ISIS?

Subsaharan africa has no way to register the actual amount of murders and rapes that happen so of course its going to be less than Latin America which actually has functioning governments

Depends many states in Africa with functioning states can record it but others it's an estimate good estimates but nonetheless estimates.

Yes it's worse, ISIS has a goal, they don't kill just for the sake of killing.

>Killing for the sake of killing

This man was burnt because he stole potatoes.

These children were burnt in Mandela's country, the former Nobel price, isn't it ?

This guy was burnt for another stupid reason.

Ever thought why they don't send people there to measure it?

Again, that isn't worse than ISIS. In fact its better because there's no dumbass political ideology behind it.

Guys you are letting the American trigger you.

>they don't kill just for the sake of killing.

Nah Isis kills people for no reason and commit acts of destruction nationwide let alone a wackass goal

I'm less worried about black Africans running around the world than Sandniggers

Black Africans can integrate and be brought into our civilization

Notice how everyone on pol and int complains about Muslims and Spics but rarely about Black Africans

Food for thought

t. Bait

>In fact its better

How is it bait?

Do you see a mass political movement against Africans? Are Africans threatening the existence of Israel and the West?

The ones that can record it (Namibia, South Africa, Botswana) have a pretty big murder rate.

Africa is complete anarchy, there are no videos because it would be suicide to film there

>Latin America is threatening the existence of Israel and the West

But middle Eastern people can though OP.

>Are Africans threatening the existence of Israel and the West?
As they develops it will.

There are videos though.
Why do people trucking think tech doesn't exist there or it's 1940's over there. They have mobiles for God's sake and huge mobile penetration.

Through mass immigration Latin Americans are threatening Western Civilization through the US

lmao, I wish.

Does anyone outside of Spic haters believe African crime stats?

the only ones who don't integrate are either religious zealots or entitled little pricks i've been to Montreal and the lebanese and north african community there are some of the nicest i ever met it's just not the same in europe

this. go check out Kenya, it's like India or South Africa atm, even dirt-poor people use contactless NFC e-currencies to buy what they need. entire cities of people live in first-world conditions only hours away from giant mudbrick slums.

why is North Africa more developed than the rest of Africa despite having more subhuman type people?

because we're not at nig nog levels of stupid

Kenya modernized too quickly desu, Nairobi is chaotic now due to traffic. Maybe Rwanda and Ethiopia can plan their urban centres better before they get crowded with little infrastructure.

Because at nay given time there's two or three of these ongoing in the continent.

Nevermind Africa remains by far the largest recipient of humanitarian aid with millions dependent on it for their basic subsistence.

Honestly most people here are glad they didn't go to Europe because Europeans are to quote "so head up their ass about everything. nothing pleases them".

Hey no need to be so mean

Because North Africa has had contact with the outside world much more then Africa.
Calling others sub-human hurts not only the person it's said to but the person who's saying it just saying.

They don't even have cameras or internet to upload any videos

>this sharter has been posting the same shit all day long

>Western Civilization

rwanda is already crowded as fuck

but looking at that map of conflicts sure makes it look like north/west africa is pretty fucked up (which it kinda is atm) among sub saharan africa only nigeria, somalia, and the congo have ongoing conflicts according to wikipedia

Personally, I've got a lot of confidence in places like Botswana, Namibia, Zambia (despite recent ethnic/monetary troubles) to develop and lead the way for a new era of southern african countries. While Nigeria (minus the north seriously fuck that shit), Cameroon, and even recovering places like Sierra Leone could help their fellow west african nations and provide examples of stability in that part of the world. And east Africa has Kenya which is doing great.

Africa is fucked up desu but I think if there are countries who can lead the way while the population of the continent explodes then we could see some really great stuff happen

BUT (and this is a big but) if the governments do a shit job of harnessing all that new people-power then we could see more of the waves of civil war and inter-ethnic conflict that characterized africa from the 1960s to roughly the 2000s (i think the end of the 2nd congo war was a big turning point for sub saharan africa)

I'm going to make sweeping judgments about quality of life in places I know nothing about based on what I can find on liveleak

Jesus the amount of retards today is absurdly high

That is because africans dont have all of their violence on record and are even more corrupt than here.

Where do you think the Sahara desert is located that Western Africa isn't south of it? Or do you think that's a common way to refer to countries in the Mahgreb like Morocco?

Botswana and Namibia are barely above 2 million inhabitants and that along with dismissing off hand Zambia's problems does not make for much of an argument. Nigeria isn't going to split, Cameroon is dealing with Boko Haram, Sierra Leone is a long way from recovering to colonial era (1960's) standards, Kenya has an HDI of .519. I'm not looking down on the continent but the premise here is Lat Am is doing worse which even ailing Venezuela isn't. Your sole argument on Lat Am is violence which even with Africa's deficient statistics is disngenous, the arguably economic best South Africa has twice Mexico's murder rate WITHOUT being in the midst of a war, which Mexico is. It's quite easy to look at it's sparsely populated neighbours and think Southern Africa is doing great when in reality those are buffer zones of sorts going through quite inhospitable terrain for any large settlement of peoples, The herat of Africa, the Congo is a little below Mexico when it comes to murder rate at what is arguably one of the best moments in its history (with ethnic cleansing ogoing but at "low levels") Nigeria is only slighly below that, only in Kenya do you see a significant difference. What really drives murder rates in Latin America up is the literal banana republics (Central American countries in which the American United Fruit Co. operated) like El Salvador and Honduras which are being hit hardest by the drug war, even so by any other measure, such as education, income, healthcare, etc. the Central American countries are far ahead when compared to most of sub Saharan Africa.

Arguing that Africa is doing better than Latin America is disngenous, it's economic powerhouses, Keny, Nigeria, South Africa and Egypt all compare unfavorably to Colombia, Argentina, Brasil and Mexico.


You bring up some really good points! I actually didn't compare LatAm with Africa at all in my post(despite that being the topic of discussion), I was just trying to point out some bright spots for the future of Africa that I think go slightly against the prevailing narrative of sub-saharan Africa as a unredeemable shithole. I happened to use your wikipedia link as a jumping off point for that discussion.

All the things you bring up w.r.t. the issues facing the countries I mentioned are real points of concern that shouldn't be brushed aside but I think it's important for me to say that these countries are doing well when being judged on African standards. For example, Sierra Leone is by no means a developed country that could compete with anything in the rest of the world, but as a country that survived a brutal civil war (not uncommon among sub-saharan africa) it's doing pretty good. An example of countries that did not deal with this well would be places like Rwanda or the DRC, where there doesn't seem to be much hope for reconciliation and ethnic/intertribal conflict is still a daily reality. Comparing that situation to Sierra Leone, it seems like SL ain't doing too bad.

All that said, I would never argue that Africa is in better shape than Latin America, I completely agree with you there but it's nice to have some competing ideas about the future of the continent. I'm a glass half full kinda guy in that respect

anyways, thanks for the discussion! Africa is a fascinating place and it's nice to get the chance to talk about it