Have idea that can save people money on airfare

>Have idea that can save people money on airfare
>Create website that alerts people when prices go down
>ShutItDown.gif within weeks
>Barely make $45
>Will probably get raped hard in court

Do big companies and the laws that protect them stifle innovation?


Other urls found in this thread:


>scraping websites for price data and then profiting off presenting other people's price data

yeah that's illegal

why the fuck is that illegal?

Because free market is a fable spread by monopolies.

because crony capitalism

copyright infringement

Go to bed Pavel.

>displaying prices is copyright infringement

Of course they do, why the fuck would they lobby for laws that help others?

This is some nigger tier shit.
Also, I'm getting tired of these faggot ass dynamic price models that are present everywhere especially on computer hardware.

i give zero shits about some faggot's startup, don't host stuff like this in the US

Yeah, this. Scraping websites for information and displaying that information in a way that has the potential to take ad revenue away from websites is only okay when you're one of the largest tech companies in existence.

Wait, wtf is kayak/orbitz? don't they do the same shit?

Did Goku finally beat him?

it'll get dismissed
scraping isn't illegal and airfare prices aren't copyrighted

RTFA. SW doesn't participate in those and only has prices on own website.

Maybe those niggers need to start participating then. How the fuck are your prices being displayed illegal?

Scraping websites is not illegal, especially if you're combining multiple sources

It's illegal because the courts have to protect business, we can't have competition putting already established businesses under, it'll destroy the economy

they have a mandate to make money once they employ over a thousand people.

Australia is already setting the bar on corporate innovation, when the utility companies started losing money because everyone went out and bought solar panels, did they just go out quietly into the night? No! They innovated with the government to tax people so they could stay in business.

Companies have a RIGHT to make money, and if you don't buy their stuff, you will be forced to buy it through taxes. This is how the world really works kiddo, and if you don't like living in a hypercapitalist society like this, then you can just go move to a communist shithole.

>paying taxes on solar just so the companies could not lose any money
Don't remind me, I want solar but if those cunts are going to get my money anyways what's the fucking point?

>when the utility companies started losing money because everyone went out and bought solar panels, did they just go out quietly into the night? No! They innovated with the government to tax people so they could stay in business.
I'm not Australian but you're lying, there's no way

You can't have a copyright if you don't apply for one.

Not him, but my partners parents got solar and this is what they have to pay "to put energy back into the grid"

no, copyright is a natural right in europe
as soon as you make something you have the copyrights

welcome to capitalism boyo
this is how the free market works for real, not your fairytale fantasy free market

It's clearly not free if the utility businesses can get into the law making and punish consumers for finding and using alternatives. Please stop shitposting

The anarchists were right, government was a mistake

Copy rights to what? The prices you publish? None of that is copyrighted, its not some original work of art

If that bullshit was true then sites like expedia or other websites that actively compare prices would also be in the shitter. Southwest is an american company punishing an american. The only reason they're doing it is because they can get away with swamping a single business owner with little money to his own with millions of dollars in made up "damages" so he can't compete

>"to put energy back into the grid"
lmao thats not how electricity works at all. You can't "store it in the grid" lmao

That's a free market

no rules means they make rules that favor them

you're just too dumb to understand what really happens in a free market

Prices are pretty regular actually, they don't vary too much. Tuesdays and Wednesdays tend to be cheaper for example. They use algorithms to determine the prices, most of which you can figure out pretty well.

>Prices are pretty regular actually, they don't vary too much. Tuesdays and Wednesdays tend to be cheaper for example. They use algorithms to determine the prices, most of which you can figure out pretty well.
They actually vary a lot. Many airlines and hotels will use tracking cookies to monitor how much you browse their site then increase prices for you specifically so you're more prompted to buy tickets before prices go up further.

>no rules means they make rules that favor them
Then every single thing ever is a free market. It's a tautology.

Did you bother reading the article? It's literally the first line
>No rules
>Except rules
I don't really feel one way or another about the free market, I just think what the utility companies did was wrong.

>Did you bother reading the article? It's literally the first line
it just says "south west's proprietary data"

They publish the data publicly theres nothing private or proprietary about it.

It would be free market if those rules were voluntary as part of the contract between you and electricity companies.

Government is not a free market entity, they don't need you to agree to their rules because they will just put you in a cage or shoot you if you don't follow what they prescribe.

My article had nothing to do with Southwest. Two different conversations going on, user

They should buy a Tesla Powerwall or similar

>Many airlines and hotels will use tracking cookies to monitor how much you browse their site then increase prices for you specifically so you're more prompted to buy tickets before prices go up further.
I know hotels did this, but I have my reservations accepting that airlines do this. They make, on average, like $4 on each customer. The hotels though definitely have room to price discriminate.

The "grid" is not some storage medium. You either use it or you lose it.

They have to pay fines to put the energy back into the grid for others to use it, is my understanding


Well thats retarded, they should just let it disperse into the ether as heat. Yea "put it back into the grid that you can't even do"

Its literally the solar roadway fiasco all over again. A bunch of non-engineers make up a ton of fake shit that can't physically happen and then when they can't go through with their claims they feign ignorance on how it wasn't their fault

Out of curiosity, why can't energy generated at someone's house be output back into the electrical grid?

And now you understand why the "free market" is a farce, a joke played on you by charlatans.

Libertarians are a joke too.

There are always rules. It's just whether or not you arbitrarily accept them. Nature and the universe impose rules, other governments impose rules. Criminals impose rules. Law imposes rules. You can either say that there is no such thing as a free market because something or someone is always fucking with the system, or you can say the free market always exists and it's simply whatever you can get away with.

In the end it depends on your point of view. Libertarians have this fantasy though, that if they just get rid of enough regulation, the markets will magically correct themselves into perfect systems that always rewards good behaviour and punishes bad (of course the morality of good vs bad behaviour, who defines it, etc. is left out)

What's good for the market? Mass employment? What if mass employment means slavery? Is it better to have 50% employment where half the population lives in luxury and the other half is starving and dying? These sorts of 'end goals' of the system are left out by libertarians because it is a wholly jewish philosophy meant to trick goyim into adopting classic communist style rich lording over poor. Both communists and libertarians usually get triggered by a statement like this, because they like to pretend communism is about the people owning the means of production, but what it actually means in practice is a select few capitalists who are also the government, owning the means of production, and employing the people as slaves.

Which is exactly what our modern "capitalism" marches towards, day by day.

The "freer" the market, the less protections the workers have and the more they can be exploited by the unscrupulous.
Too many regulations are used to stifle competition.
Too few are also used to stifle competition.

Libertarians need to wake the fuck up and start using their brains.

because the grid isn't some battery or capacitor. What they're describing is the same bullshit that Solar Roadways claimed to do but can't do.

>It would be free market if those rules were voluntary as part of the contract between you and electricity companies.

blackmail is ok because it is voluntary
t. you

>the moral standards of a libertarian
not even once

because the grid has to be constantly tuned to be in perfect frequency and amplitude. Random people only make noise with their generators, which is a hindrance

These fucking utility companies. I'm pretty sure they made it illegal to store excess energy in batteries for the house, but I can't be bothered finding a source for that so take that with a grain of salt

I'm trying to find a video of an austrailian engineer who debunks all these solar panel bullshit made up claims and energy outputs. I think he even finds a company that claims to have some how created more energy than they used or some dogshit


found it.

Blackmail is not voluntary. You have access to many online dictionaries, search them for words you don't recognize so you know the meaning.

What do they pay? Feed in tariffs is what they /get/ for providing energy to the grid.

I'm not exactly sure. I'll ask next time I see them but this thread will be dead by then

Blackmail is entirely a voluntary contract.
You can either choose to VOLUNTARILY accept the blackmail under the conditions of the terms, or the blackmailer releases information you don't like to the public.

If you can't control such information about yourself, that's your own fault.

This is all perfectly in line with libertarian morals.

You're going "FUCK NO IT ISN'T" because you're not a jew. The sooner you wake the fuck up and realize that libertarianism is a jewish ideology meant to fuck people over and institute jewish rule, the better.

Protip: go look up the names behind and largely involved with libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism
You're being played my man

>If you can't control such information about yourself, that's your own fault.
How is it your fault that someone comes into your life and steals your information and uses it against you. That just seems to contradict your original point.

>do big companies and the laws that protect them stifle innovation

What do you think

How do you arrive at questioning my so called "libertarian morals" when you think that if you hold a gun to someones head, tell them "give me your wallet or I'll shoot" it constitutes a voluntary transaction because they can choose not to give you their wallet.

You have no right to question anyones morals while being that morally impotent.

Same reality as you can starve to death or get a job

>Have to enable javascript and cross-site calls to enable the fucking scrollbar
Into the trash

What? No those aren't comparable at all. One supports your own well being, the other is an invader that commits theft and violates your lively hood then weaponizes it to either force you against your will or publicly murder your reputation or livelyhood if you don't comply

This is why blackmail is illegal, it is a criminalous act against another with absolutely no remorse.

>hypercapitalist society
>the free market works for real
>no rules means they make rules that favor them

Government intervention is the opposite of free market. That's litteraly in the definition of free market.

But you're some kind of socialist and hate capitalism, we get it.

>State intervention is free market

>We are marching towards communism
>Too many regulations are used to stifle competition.
(libertarians want less regulation)
>but libertarians are somehow wrong

the grand paradigm is without a government entity, the ultimate freemarket crux is a monopoly or domineering type of market where large companies are allowed to oppress their consumers because the struggle stops being about some sort of government balance but rather power

Because of the way the system works, power is the ultimate weapon against people with less power. This is why southwest is allowed to (and probably will win) sue such a small competitor knowing that southwest can throw more money at keeping them suppressed even though what that person is doing isn't illegal in anyway.

tldr, the corporation(s) become the government because they have the power

>it'll destroy the economy
>Companies have a RIGHT to make money
Bravo!, user. 10/10 Haven't seen bait this sophisticated around here since a while.

>implying murica isn't an ancap society

Except they can't force you to do anything, with violence, threats of violence...

Sure they fucking can, don't do what they say? They can use violence to just kill you and do it all over again.

>they can't force you
Do this or die
>you just CHOSE to die lmao they can't force you to do it.

Then they are a actual government and the situation you are describing is not a free market.

Its the same company that used the freemarket to isolate and collect power, gained dominance and used that power to oppress you.

There is no difference in what you're describing as a "government" or a "free market company".

lol nigga next time launch it not from the police superstate of USA.

sometimes it really pays off to live in shithole countries!

Then every major company today is a government.

I ain't him, but I think you're severely underestimating how hard it is to get power over people. The reason the government has it is because they have legitimacy. People consider government abuse to be acceptable and the government to be a representative of them.

>Do big companies and the laws that protect them stifle innovation?
Yes, it's one of the inherent problems of captalism, big companies will get bigger and bigger, acquire more influence and help creating laws that favors them.

who cares what kind of power it is, whether its legitimate or illegitimate. The abuse of power is present in all of it.

People consider the corporations abuse to be acceptable and the corporation to not affect them. This is how southwest is gonna get away with this suing of a guy for doing nothing wrong but they know they can force him into submission.

The difference between legitimate and illegitimate power is that people will fight against the latter while they will not fight against the former.

>This is how southwest is gonna get away with this suing of a guy for doing nothing wrong but they know they can force him into submission.
Completely irrelevant, they can do this because the legal system is designed to facilitate it. All legal systems around the world are set up so that large corporations can use the court systems to stifle competition through frivolous lawsuits. Copyright and patent laws are explicitly designed for this purpose.

This is so fucked up.

>The difference between legitimate and illegitimate power is that people will fight against the latter while they will not fight against the former.
lmao no they fucking won't, they won't fight at all. No one is so desperate enough that they feel like they have nothing left to the point of some universal revolution is going to happen.

>they can do this because the legal system is designed to facilitate it.
And without a legal system they use the more efficient approach of direct violence because they can and they will. The facilitation is the power, not some made up bureaucracy

>Copyright and patent laws are explicitly designed for this purpose.
and patent law is currently being used by companies like the makers of the Epi-Pen to stop others from making cheaper alternatives and then they will reserve their "right" to raise the prices so that they can drown people out of their money.

>Its the same company that used the freemarket to isolate and collect power, gained dominance and used that power to oppress you.
yeah that's a cool hypothesis about things that have never happened. You could actually make a point about how a company could turn into a government in a ancap (not libertarian) society, instead of the retardation bellow.

>There is no difference in what you're describing as a "government" or a "free market company".
Since you have trouble understanding the words company and government I'll help you along:
Governments are allowed to hurt you if you dont do as they say.
Companies are not.

Yeah they sure wouldn't be in any legal trouble if htey started killing people...

>who cares what kind of power it is, whether its legitimate or illegitimate.
Most people. Because one is a crime and the other is what they voted for.

And since you think anarchism, libertarianism, communism, AND capitaism leads to the same detrimental outcome, what DO you agree with? National socialism?

>ask money for it
That's where it went wrong since you're selling access to someone else's property.

Make it a registered non-profit organisation and ask for donations next time, silly.
Law protects you because you are just a front for original data, and since original data is provided free of charge you can do the same.

Direct violence is not something corporations are good at. Fully trained and equipped soldiers are expensive to maintain and get, so they have to have huge profit margins and lack of competition to even attempt to explain a need for a personal army at a board meeting. If you're in a scenario where you have a government and big corp double teaming you where government provides the army and framework to fuck you vs a scenario where you're engaging in physical violence against a big corp using their own resources to fight, pick the latter. You can win that one. Because the resources of a corporation are finite, the resources of a government are not.

This is actually a pretty pretty bad.

>go to store
>look up prices
>go home, tell your dad about the prices
>dad tells you better not to buy stuff
>this is now illegal, youre only allowed to look at prices if youre a buying customers
>you and your dad get sued
>dad loses house

What he is saying is that suddenly one day a large company is gonna overthrow the current government and enslave the people.

Not that a corporation is going to use violence, because that obviously won't fly.

You've all been baited. OP's post is a farce. He didn't make such a website, if he did it wouldn't be illegal.

>What he is saying is that suddenly one day a large company is gonna overthrow the current government and enslave the people.
I didn't say that at all.

You can't be somehow ok with a government using its power to maintain a monopoly on violence and not ok with a mega corporation taking hold of a monopoly in a freemarket and using its monopoly on power to oppress you.

>Fully trained and equipped soldiers are expensive to maintain and get, so they have to have huge profit margins and lack of competition to even attempt to explain a need for a personal army at a board meeting.
apple has billions and billions in the bank with many other companies following. All their people have armed security and none of them seem to have a hard time paying anyone for it.

I know you are a troll. I know this because you haven't said anything constructive, and you won't even when asked.

Yet they aren't allowed to murder people...

>litteraly paying a fee everytime you decide to reduce carbon emissions


Aussies are such cucks to big business HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAH! Bendover to your elected officals HAHAHHAHAHHAHAAHHAHA

You don't just "take" monopoly. It doesn't work like that. Monopoly is only easy to achieve when you're granted it by government mandate.

Apple revenue is less than half of US military budget. That's REVENUE, not profit. Lets say Apple buys and maintains itself an army big enough to drive their profit down to 0 which would put them at level with some smaller countries. What now? Another corporation sees that Apple has an army and is up to no good, so they hire their own army. Where do you think this is gonna lead?

>100B+ and growing debt
>growth fueled entirely on stock buybacks and nothing else
>more and more debt being taken on to fuel growth
>massive sign of desperation
>huge amount of value is solely in 400B stockholder equity that can vanish overnight
>no staying power besides fleeting brand recognition
>easily and readily replaceable in every product category
>100B+ dodged taxes governments are cracking down on
>250B+ in liabilities
>all "cash" stashed in tax dodge shell companies that can't be touched or they'll face massive repatriation taxes
>zero actual cash on hand to even fund operations, fueling even more debt
>start back at top

Literally history's biggest bubble waiting to pop.


Thanks Sprint. Bought muh cheap ISP just to shut it down.

>Another corporation sees that Apple has an army and is up to no good, so they hire their own army. Where do you think this is gonna lead?
To them running to the US army and applel having their gay white plastic guns destroyed.


>pay lots of people to constantly walk around and take pictures inside a store
>store tells noncustomers to fuck off