Why are the FSF drones only ever mad when it's Western companies using their GPL code...

Why are the FSF drones only ever mad when it's Western companies using their GPL code, but not when it's the Chinese ones?

Really makes you think...

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Because good luck filling a copyright suit against a Chinese shell company.

So what you're saying is that the GPL doesn't really protect your code because the Chinese can still take it, the only thing the GPL does is put Western businesses at a disadvantage against Chinese businesses, who can now harness all the collection of GPL code against them?

Because linux users are cucks.

Well I'll be damned if that didn't just make me rethink being a freetard

Exactly. The GPL is the real cuck license at the geopolitical scale.

Who cares about chink codes?

Proprietary licenses don't do shit against Chinese copies either. Fuck off

if your code's proprietary, then you're presumably also guarding your code so that it doesn't get stolen in the first place. The whole issue here, is that freetards naively think they can give away their goods, and simultaneously get companies to follow the "honor system" to avoid being "taken advantage of", dumbfuck.

>guarding code so it doesn't get stolen
>gets stolen
>can't do anything besides throw a little temper tantrum
>"b-but my IDEAS ARE UNIQUE AND VALUABLE!!! tell them to stop being mean!!!!!!!!"
Don't hate open source licenses for China making a botnet, hate the Chinese government. At least open source license users don't cry when others use their code.

>hate the Chinese government
Which is run by Chinese.

>implying chinese won't steal proprietary code either

Fascinating. But since both propriety, open source, and GPL code are all abused by the Chinese why the fuck are you crying about GPL code specifically? It's the same across the board, no one not in China (or the Chinese legal system more exactly) can do anything about it and yet here you are crying about the Chinese using GPL code without giving back. Fuck off

Not only the code, gooks like stealing the whole product anyways.

Now go show me where I specifically said about GPL code.
While we buy Chinese, we support their politics.

>violate copyright.
>get motion to bar selling of product in relevant countries

pretty easy actually. not like they can profiteer selling to one another in china

The exploitation has come full circle

In the OP

>if your code's proprietary, then you're presumably also guarding your code so that it doesn't get stolen in the first place.

>nonfree turds think their code is safe from IDA using faggots.

My mistake there were 2 people dumb like the OP instead of just the OP. From now on I'll call all not propriety licenses "open source" to avoid confusion. Unless you're just a random user saying "but their government is run by Chinese", then I apologise
Does that mean when you use Google/Intel/nvidia/insert entity that can have different values you, you support their policies?
>inb4 you don't use anything like that

Chinese projects are not really as competetive or as upto the standard as their western counterparts. Hence no one cares what gooks do.

>But since both propriety, open source, and GPL code are all abused
Bullshit. If you've ever been to china or used chinese knock-off products, you'd know they just /pirate/ proprietary software, not reuse it's code (which is the whole point of this thread). But the vast majority of the actual /code/ they go around reusing to build their "products" is open source. You gnucucks are just in fucking denial, trying to make everything else seem worse just to make yourselves feel better.

>GPL doesn't really protect your code
Of course it doesn't. It's a licence, not some kind of DRM scheme. It is words.
If someone violates your copyright, nothing is going to happen until you sue them. If they're in a position where they can't really be sued, you're shit out of luck.

Yeah, because corporate espionage doesn't exist. Things get leaked. And again, you're crying about software with code being open when you don't even like the license.
>Why are those evil Chinese using a license I don't even like in a way I don't like!!
Stop crying, bitch nigga. There's nothing anyone can do

>If you've ever been to china or used chinese knock-off products, you'd know they just /pirate/ proprietary software, not reuse it's code (which is the whole point of this thread). But the vast majority of the actual /code/ they go around reusing to build their "products" is open source.
Never been to china, nor do I intend to. But what difference does it make again?

Nobody ever said developing proprietary code was smart nor totally safe. But if you're going that route, you might as well at least try to secure your shit. Otherwise just accept reality and open up your source with a legitimately permissive license. Why is this so hard to comprehend? Do you freetards even know what you're arguing about anymore?

GPL allows for copying/usage no? You just have to share your code. For the most part they have followed this with their operating systems based on GPL distros

>Does that mean when you use Google/Intel/nvidia/insert entity that can have different values you, you support their policies?
Well, yes, since we are living in the world run by money, paying them makes them confident that they run correct policies.
>inb4 you don't use anything like that
Nah, I don't think I'm really righteous and I'm pure in heart. There are people that are a million times as humble as I am.

>GPL allows for copying/usage no?
Yes, so long as you follow the restrictions of GPL, you are free to use, tweak, distribute and sell GPL software legally.

>You just have to share your code. For the most part they have followed this with their operating systems based on GPL distros
I don't understand where you are coming from. Care to rephrase?

>oh, I wouldn't wolly about that, laowai!
>heh heh...

Why does the GOAL need to be "secured" when the entire fucking point is letting others use it, and giving the users of their version the same rights?
>paying them makes us confident they're running the correct policies
O I am laffin

Deepin is open sauce, I think, maybe not RMS standards but good enough

The more obscure ones like neokylin I'm not sure.

It's true, though. If Microsoft steals code from GCC it a big deal. If xuan-soft steals code from GCC, no one gives a fuck.

>Yeah, because corporate espionage doesn't exist. Things get leaked.
Can you even read? or are you a Chinese GPL shill that can't even English? or are you just so retardedly oblivious that you think leaks and espionage are more common than the huge cornucopia of "free" software out there?

pretty much this
the only serviceable Chinese software I remember is Deepin and they actually respect the GPL
in an ideal world they would steal GPL code but until China actually starts making software worth using it's a non-issue from a practical perspective

>O I am laffin
Well, maybe I haven't expressed my opinion properly.

it doesn't, that's the point. GPL retards think their magical license actually guards against this shit somehow, and use that to shove it down western developer's throats.

you're not the one paying Google

Why would anybody "steal" code from that slow-ass bloated mess?

no one can do anything because they are in China, so smart people don't cry over stuff they have no jurisdiction over. I don't care if some Chinese company copies MS code either, it literally doesn't matter
The point of free software is to be usable by anyone. "Securing" it against evil bad people serves no purpose, because it defeats the purpose of free software. You're arguing that it should be locked down, closed source, whatever, because the Chinese don't follow Western licensing practices.

I feed them with info which they use to show ads for me.
Not directly paying, but ads may influence on my opinion, so I may buy some product which was made by some company which paid Google to show me that ad.

>You're arguing that it should be locked down, closed source, whatever, because the Chinese don't follow Western licensing practices.
>literally can't read
I wasn't encouraging proprietary licenses dumbass, the whole point of this thread is that you should use permissive licenses instead of copyleft ones so that western developers can take advantage of code as well, instead of just letting the Chinese get away with everything. Proprietary nonsense has nothing to do with it, freetards just brought it up as a weak ass "defense" to show it happens with everything so it "doesn't matter" or some bullshit.

GPL is not a magic guard. It's a piece of legal document. In legal papers, person A is not allowed to murder person B, but the piece of paper doesn't protect person B at all.
Because MSVC is decades behind GCC, in terms of code optimizations, linking, standard complience and ABI stability. Hence GCC actively prevents itself from being "stealable" by MSVC. It's a well know strategy, I use it as well in my projects.

the primary point of the GPL is making the software free
the copyleft provisions are an added bonus
nobody thinks it's a drm scheme

>shove it down western developer's throats
>waaah people won't give me their work with no strings attached woe is me waah
fuck off entitled retard

Nothing is preventing Western developers from using the code beyond their decision to release the source or not, nothing more.
>actually viewing ads
I thought people on Sup Forums were better than this

>MSVC is decades behind GCC
Imagine actually believing this.

Nonetheless, you missed the point. Why "steal" GCC code, when clang is much better and is not copylefted?

>so that western developers can take advantage of code as well
under the gpl they are more than welcome to take advantage of all the code they want as long as they're not being leeches who only want free stuff without having to contribute anything back

>feels entitled to control what other people do with open sourced code
>calls defending developers' rights to level the playing field with China "entitled"

How exactly does the GPL make the "leeches" contribute something back?

It doesn't, it just prevents them from distributing the software without having to comply with heavy-handed communist bullshit statist requirements!

>I thought people on Sup Forums were better than this
I don't view ads, but people on Sup Forums is a tiny fraction of all users of Internet.
Not viewing them doesn't make much change.

>Imagine actually believing this.
Every developers I've met in my 30 years of carrer in various software engineering, no one (ONE) person even dared to claim MSVC is superior to GCC in any criteria.

In fact, MSVC is so mediocre, it breaks C++ ABI in every major release, while GCC has been offering C++ ABI stability since GCC 3.5 onwards.

In terms of optimizations, MSVC generated C++ gets its ass handed over to D, which is a garbage collected langauge (a bad GC at that): github.com/kennyalive/DigitalWhip

>you missed the point
I hope I did. Sup Forums can do better.

>they are more than welcome to take advantage of all the code they want
>as long as they jump through all these additional hoops and stipulations that the Chinese don't have to
>doesn't see how this is a competitive advantage for China
are you dense?

This, the GPL only places big burdens on Western businesses, without really guaranteeing anything for the community.

If it's statist what state is imposing them?

If you want to use my code under a license other than the GPL then pay me.

>level the playing field with China
Do you actually think Western software developers feel threatened by Chinese ones because they used open source software? Maybe you should get on the open source software gravy train instead of being a whiny bitch
>I feed them with info which they use to show ads for me.
>Not directly paying, but ads may influence on my opinion, so I may buy some product which was made by some company which paid Google to show me that ad.
>Ads may influence my opinion so I may buy some product
>I don't view ads
Which is it?

eh phoneposting is terrible. Disregard those typos

How do you enforce it?

I feel entitled to control what is done with my code yes
if you want to use my code you can either pay me for it or allow me to use your code back, you are not entitled to use my work for free

>accuses others of communism
>while complaining other people don't want their work taken advantage of for free

I can't control the Chinese government's lack of enforcement
if I could I would, I can in western countries (at least to some minor extent) so I do

Well the Chinese sure are taking advantage of your work for free, and you don't seem to mind it.

I do mind it but what's the alternative?
if you can't stop every robber from your house should you just never lock and leave the front door open?

Yeah, how did remix OS work out for you?

It didn't, but WPS Office worked out great.

Because there is nothing the can be done without hurting people who use open source software throughout the rest of the world.
>Hurr the Chinese are mean and don't play by the rules!
>Let's hurt everyone else's ability to release open source software because they're big meanies
You guys are either shortsighted, or stupid.

What about this do you find so difficult to understand? If somebody in China violates the terms of the GPL then he's going to be pissed but realistically he probably can't do much about it. If somebody in Europe does the same he will also be pissed but it's much more likely that he will be able to do something about it there, so why wouldn't he?

>BSD hurts everyone
This is what FSF drones actually believe.

GPL = heavy-handed statist regulations that put a burden on software distributors, that end up turning away from free software

BSD = true freedom

What about THIS do you find so difficult to understand?

Who office? LOL

If you want to use BSD for you own code then go ahead. But stop crying about other people using other licenses when you want to use their code in ways that they don't want you to. They're not going to let you exploit their code however you want.

Where did I say that?
If you don't like the GPL don't use it. But for the love of God stop crying because someone in China is using it outside of any Western jurisdiction.

They're letting China do it though.

BSD undermines freedom. GPL defends it.
LInus is successful and famous.
Developer of Minix... I don't even know his name.

>wahhhh! China is being a big meanie, that means no one else should use the toys that they're being mean with

Wow, Chinese IDF out in full force tonight!

>put a burden on software distributors
if they're hurting so much why don't they just release their source code?

Linus isn't really known outside the circle of Linux users, and everyone who knows Linus knows Tannenbaum.

>waaaahhh, businesses are being big bad meanies by selling successful products using the code that I published online for free!

>heavy-handed statist regulations
u wot m8
>that put a burden on software distributors
yes. that's the whole point of the GPL, to ensure libre code remains libre
>that end up turning away from free software
fine with me, if some people don't want to comply with the terms of the GPL then they're probably up to no good in terms of free software

No kidding, their constant shilling of the BSD licence is pathetic

>They're letting China do it though.
See >If somebody in China violates the terms of the GPL then he's going to be pissed but realistically he probably can't do much about it

Exactly, those business can sell my code as much as they want, as long as they follow the license I released it under.

>Linus isn't really known outside the circle of Linux users
Apperently he's know pretty well among Microsoft, Google, Apple, Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, VMWare etc. Where do YOU fit in again?

The population of the US was already replaced without political correctness over the past several hundred years. Beyond the PC part they're right, though.

If you have robbers regularly rooting through your house, you should consider actually closing your door instead of leaving it wide open and trusting visitors to honor the legal stipulations you have framed in your foyer.


>free software is great
>unless I have to release my software as free software too because I used other free software in it
>don't you know I have to make a living here
>from other people's free software

>I can't control the Chinese government's lack of enforcement
You can't control what anybody does period. That's the whole point. But right now you're taking advantage of the fact that you're conveniently in a country that respects IP laws by using such a license without giving any fucks about how your choices affect everyone else in your country. We can argue all day about whether we should have the right to have a say in what's done with code we generously make available anywhere, but the reality is that we don't, and ignoring that actively hinders domestic software development.


what did he try to mean by this?

>it's okay if the Chinese gov't does it
>but it's not if American business does
This is what FSF drones actually believe.


Chinese are well know to make knock-off products. You can't stop them, user.

>he thinks door will save him from a robber
Oh honey

I mean that the people desperately shilling BSD over GPL are parasites and leeches.

>>it's okay if the Chinese gov't does it
Have you been reading the thread at all? It's not okay at all, it's just that there's presumably not much that can be done to stop it.

>change to BSD
>China still doesn't give a fuck about the licensing
Sounds like you're just desperate to use other people's work without paying it forward

Fuck I hate this keyboard

If you get a cold then you must be okay with getting a cold because you didn't do enough to stop it from happening!

>u wot m8
How do you enforce it without using the state, commie retard?

Unironically this

>grasping at straws this hard
Stick to food analogies

thing is I actually do want to share my software with anyone who is willing to share their software with me

>actively hinders domestic software development
it is not my problem if microsoft or apple can't make a living without using other people's work for free
of all the things I worry about in life the idea that "domestic industries" might do poorly if I don't work for them for free is among the bottom of said list