I'm a certified computer technician, so believe me when I tell you that if their wifi is secured correctly...

I'm a certified computer technician, so believe me when I tell you that if their wifi is secured correctly, there is no feasible way for you to hack it.

Cracking WPA2 was just recently made possible and it is not easy. You'd probably need a Kali linux distro, a very powerful computer, and a fair bit of technical knowledge. It would involve potentially months of brute force attempts and/or some Mr. Robot-esque social engineering.

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This is good bait.

Computer scientist here, I can confirm OPs findings and I would like to commend OP on such a quality thread.

Jesus christ I lost so fucking hard reading this.

Never underestimate a br trying to get free internet.
He will hue his way in your network and never ever leave.

>Google business phone number
>Enter as password
>Shit, didn't work...
>Enter business name

Works 90% of the time.

You literally cannot break into a wifi.
1: You don't have the password
2: Modern routers implement wpa2
3: All routers that implement wpa2 are implementing it perfectly (if not you betcher ass that this major flaw would make it front page on every newspaper)
4: Routers absolutely can NOT implement WPA2 improperly
5: There is absolutely no way you can guess the password.

Skids on Sup Forums pretend like they can do this, but it's not like breaking into someone's front door.
It will take you a few years just to brute force your way into someone's wifi. Anyone who says otherwise is a lying sack of shit who doesn't know anything about computers.

End of fucking story.


>I'm a certified computer technician
And my dad works at Nintendo.

>so believe me
Belief is overrated compared with proofs, evidences and good argumentation. And you provided none of those.

>You'd probably need a Kali linux distro
I hope you realize Linux distros are all the same under the hood. What matters here are the necessary programs.

>a very powerful computer
How powerful? Gib numbers.

>and a fair bit of technical knowledge
Which type of tech know-how? Networks is a given, but what else?

Nice shitpost dude. Search up KRACK attack and then come back. Nah, you know what, I'll link it for you: krackattack.com/
Obviously, that won't get you a wifi password, but for around 10 Euros, you can capture an encrypted 4-way handshake and upload it to a dedicated cracking server and get results in a couple of days; heck, if it's under 8 characters, I saw you could get it done for free on one of them.

>Never underestimate a br trying to get free internet.
Of course, you can't play Tibia and CS without internet!

You must be over 18 to post here.
You're trying to make hacking wifi seem like it's easy, or even scientifically feasible, but I'm going to take a stab in the dark, and make a certified guess that have never done it successfully.

Don't listen to the shills wpa2 is obsolete.

Its certinaly not hard if they have put a dumb password on it

But people who are smart enough to change the default password and then not change it to something decent would be pretty idiotic

>You must be over 18 to post here.
You must be able to read and understand sentences written in English to post here.

>You're trying to make hacking wifi seem like it's easy, or even scientifically feasible, but I'm going to take a stab in the dark, and make a certified guess that have never done it successfully.
I didn't. Reread my comment ( ) after you learned English and try again.

>But people who are smart enough to change the default password and then not change it to something decent would be pretty idiotic
The router comes with an unbreakable 70 letter password directly from your ISP. Only a brain-dead moron would assume that they could make a better one than that, and to properly do it without certification is a joke.

>70 letter
>WPA2 passwords are limited to 63 characters

63 random characters + anonisafag scattered. It's scientifically unbreakable.

Yeah, thats why i don't have WIFI at all. Ethernet masterrace

>scriptlet can't write own script
>muh kali muh tools muh XYZexploit-001.com

>needs to crack wifi using bundled software or through using specialist distro
>to get free internet
>not phreaking BTS/telco directly
>social engineering
>not stealthily pressing WPS button or telling them to press it via prank calls
>not portscanning mobile data networks
>not phreaking in hidden WiMAX networks with duplicate mschap credentials or abusing netbios to steal existing credentials
>not IP+portscanning LTE networks
>not bypassing cuckflare and ISP firewall manually
>not using a frequency/cellid locking modem with 22dBi directional antenna or LTE Yagi to avoid triangulation
>not splicing ether cables and installing an embedded tranceiver to grant you special access and comes with programmed self-destruction


I got the password to my store I worked at by clicking "view password" on a windows 8 machine. Since my boss liked to hook all of the display computers to the secured wifi.

See, your initial claim was that you would have a pretty tough time doing it, but it's doable.
Now you're claiming it's not doable at all, regardless of the fact that somebody has actually cracked wpa2, hence why all those news reports about wpa2 being deprecated and what not coming out.
Good bait, made me reply, 2/10.

W-what are those girls doing?



Clearly possible.

A local ISP provides routers that have a default password consisting of 8 decimal digits. You can bruteforce it in a few minutes with a decent GPU, it's amazing.