People who hate IDEs like Visual Studio or products from JetBrains

>people who hate IDEs like Visual Studio or products from JetBrains
is it the biggest sign of someone who completed fizz-buzz at most in their life and nothing bigger?
the usual argument is literally
>just dig holes with spoon man its so much lighter and takes less space than shovel

Writing code in a simple environment using as little resources as possible is mentally satisfying.

>you can't write code with gcc, vim and gdb

>his OS isn't designed to be easy to code in
keep using inferior software

I code with an IDE, am i a brainlet?

What are the benefits for not using one?

IDEs have greater mental overhead. When I say bloat, I'm not referring exclusively to computational resources. There's too much crap in the interface itself.

>Writing code in anything more than mspaint

Okay webshite


Yeah, you can also dig holes with spoon

>There's too much crap in the interface itself
Pretty much every IDE lets you completely customize the UI.

>using java coded programs to dev c++
enjoy your compile times

>you are definitely slower if you don't use an IDE


They don't have enough features for me, vim is where it's at.


so OP is correct then?


You have autism, I am positive of that.

>tool made to save time
>hur hur i can do it just as fast without these toos

>waiting on the tool to work for you
>hurr why don't you just save time with an IDE

>it's just as fast as typing, i swear!!!

>why work smarter when you can work harder

>why work when you can wait

Visual Studio with Resharper is amazing. It practically writes everything for me.

>you can set up custom keybinds for everything
>hurr only a mouse exists, how do computers work???

>i just like the mouse more
>t. muh normie programmer cuck

Is there a fucking reason why this errors when i post it? Fuck you hero

probably something with cloudflare

>this is good workflow! I swear!

JetBrains is fucking based I can't want till I get some time to play around with Rider (Visual Studio killer, allegedly).

Also getting their shit for free cuz student even tho I graduated already.

This thread.

>jet brains

I am a life long visual studiofag who just discovered beauty of jet brains full list of offerings. Amazing. DotPeek just helped me resolve a very time expensive DLL hell situation at work.

This meme is getting beyond hands

I never get any real answers about why VS is good.

What I want from an IDE is syntax highlight, code compleition, refactoring, error highlighing, integrated debugging / building / version control.
Many IDEs give me this.

VS is the only one that also is a billion gbs in size, bloated to hell, wants me to use it's own toolchain and libraries then have users install redists, is often not compatible between versions/OSs and other Windows idiocy, wants me to pay for the "real" version, is closed source, etc etc etc.

>Many IDEs give me this.
I'm curious, which ones do all this? As for the answers you're looking for, I dunno.

Hell, even text editors do all this.

Except for the compiling/debugging/version control, sure. I'm talking about IDEs that include those components, or at least make it easy to have it use a particular compiler/debugger/VCS.

Emacs and vim both have integrated make and debug utilities, and refactoring too

Does it take more than 1 hour to implement?

>not sshing into your workstation and using vim + ycm + clang-tools as your IDE
l m a o

Depends on the language, but pretty much every IDE that isn't shit provides that functionality either by default or via plugins.
To name a few, Eclipse, IntelliJ whatever, MonoDevelop/Xamarin, Code::Blocks, KDevelop, Android Studio.

Geany is the best IDE, minimalistic, not bloated, all needed features, works with gdb, fast.

Godly IDE.

Emacs has plugins for all of those. Sure VS debugger is better for the few languages it works well with, but i don't lose nearly as much as i gain by using Emacs over VS. VS can't integrate radare2 or any formal verification tools.
In case of Emacs, it takes few lines per project. Which is about a minute.

What does VS even have that Unix tools don't besides a better graphical debugger?

How to I get function definition in autocomplete dialogue box? I use ycm and vim, but I get definitions in preview window which is somewhat annoying

>In case of Emacs, it takes few lines per project. Which is about a minute.
Any good tuto? Im new to programming and I dont want to use harmful software like IDEs (at least thats the idea I get from Sup Forums)

I don't need an IDE for shitting out code, but how can you work efficiently without pic related?

not everything uses databases???

What Emacs packages do you use?

>changing directories, opening/closing vim on every single file change.


I have never found a good C++ refactoring tool for vim. And ycm makes vim just as bloated than every other IDE. I'm saying this as a vim fan.

>What Emacs packages do you use?
More Like
>What Emacs kernel are you using?

>the language an IDE was written has anything to do with the composer's output, which the IDE almost certainly called with a command line

Compilers output*

> digging a hole with your hands when you have a shovel

Have you used Emacs?

On Win 7:
>Sublime Text 2
>MinGW with gcc and gdb
Compile with -g for debug info and it works.

Unix is my ide.

>why use std when you can write it yourself
>why use boost when you can just make everything a c string instead
>why use threads when you can just make multiple processes
>why use pipes when you can use http
>why use c++ when you can use c?
>why use c when you can use asm?
>why use asm when you can write binary blob?
>why use headers when you can just cram everything into global?
>why use ide when you can use vim and a piano?
>why write your program when you can stare at a text editor in it with "hello world" in it and wonder how you compile?

Seems like bad bait but Ill bite. If you need your autocorrecting, line completing, click forty menus to compile ide to hold your hand the whole time maybe you're the one who can only write fizzbuzz at most.

Meanwhile fucking Vim ninjas will zip around you, commit cleaner code and spend the rest of the day banging your boyfriend over a table while you play catch up.

Data Grip + vim plugin is very nice.
But I recently use vim + dbext + 40-50 predefined templates in _vimrc.

I guess it depends on language. For example, for C++ you can easly use vim + autocompletion + syntax-checking + cmake. But for Java IDE is much better, because you don't have to care about imports etc


The major ones are PG, helm, projectile, magit, ocp-indent, tuareg, merlin. The rest is mostly utilities to reduce boilerplate when integrating radare2 and our static analysis tools.

I love a good IDE, and Visual Studio with ViEmu is amazing.

However, I do see why they're problematic. It's been 5 years, but the last time I worked on IDE heavy projects:

>had to remain small in team size because 12 people modifying the same project files is a mess
>had to remain small in code size because IDEs become slow and laggy when depending on thousands of packages
>annoying inconsistencies if using multiple different IDEs
>loss of control over the build process: hard to add ci/cd/testing/reproducibility when you only know to press "build" in VS

>Why have a computer that has the power of a kiwi?