Is there anyone who actually came to japan here

is there anyone who actually came to japan here
how your opinion on japan changed before and after

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you are all destined for the gas chambers.

what you expect to change our view on the japan?
what special you indicate?

its worse than i have ever imagined, for reasons i never thought possible

Why do all Japanese women wear that autistic fringe hair? It doesn't look good.


i looked up a japanese exchange classmate at my college

true story she saw me do it

Really "IT"?

I lived in Japan for seven years, ask me anything.

Do you like anime?

explain pls

it was shit, was expecting something else but got fucking vending machines

I went to japan, my opinion before is that it would be similar to sydney, clean, fancy, nice, modern (I'm no weeb)
what I got was terrible, I basically kept thinking I accidentally got off in an ex-communist country
>terrible boring architecture (that looks like its falling apart)
>no foothpaths
>no underground electric cables so poles have a million wires going in all directions
>no trees
>no rubbish bins
terrible country

What did you expect? Wise girls in kimonos and samurais in picturesque villages?

>calling it a terrible country when you only went to tokyo

very impressive

>poles have a million wires going in all directions

I find that cool.

Yeah, it's pretty nice. It's where I first found it.


I imagined a polish dystopian cyborg.

>Only going to tokyo
Thats basically going to New York and thinking you'd enjoy it.

You may find this interesting:

You'll never be a cyborg, Polan

>the Pollack wonders what he will do with all these wires when he gets them

Thanks senpai, I will check it out. That's exactly the kind of story I like.

no I went to osaka, kyoto, tokyo and the surrounding regions (day trips out of each city by train is easy)
probably spent two months there and saw a large portion of the country, its all terrible
kyoto historical places were ok but I rode a bike between them and it was just hideous

fucking similar to my own
mess metro without screendoor
loud speaker with useless rightwings
cleaner streets but main streets are dirty with some printed papers
girls loves korea but i dont know if they were anti-korea at home
fine dish but bit salty or sugary for koreans
lots of hangul signs

Can you bring the topic on our usual Japanese Thread as well? It can be an interesting topic for us too...

Shut up korean monkey
You have never come to japan


>t. butthurt jap saru
i went japan two times for high school field trip and backpacker trip you know our cunts are fucking close and cheap to visit

One day we will make walls in the sea not to enter you roaches.

cute :3

I thought Tokyo would be hard to navigate if you don't know the language, but the train system was pretty easy to use and was really lovely.

There were very few fat people, so that was really nice.

I thought the tsunami shit was done and everything was already rebuilt, but I stayed at Onagawa where even ruins of a research lab was still there and everything was under construction.

I thought people would be good at guessing people's nationalities since it's a major hub for air travel(Those from across Pacific Ocean would touch down in Tokyo before going to Singapore or Beijing), but nobody could guess which country I came from when I stayed at a capsule hotel in Shinjuku.