What is the best accent?EU-PT or BR-PT?

What is the best accent?EU-PT or BR-PT?



I think the Portuguese is better here, but Brazil has a ton of different accents and that's just one fãm.

>he watches women's makeup videos
nigga find some examples I'm not going to be embarrassed to have in my history.

What is incognito

both sound like drunk spanish to me tbqh

not that i mind

Bons exemplos.Uma fala de pilas e a outra de makeup

Brazilian is more understandable to me but at the same time I don't like how it sounds

Portuguese is barely understandable but sounds better to me


anyway every brazilian speaks different some of them are 100% understandable for a spaniard

>shasosh shopsh shush sshabush

>sameynchi chinichi cheychi chisus

Brazilian sounds awful and really feminine and annoying. EU PT is alright.

Is it really that hard to understand?

So does French, but whereas the Portageese sound a bit tipsy, you frogs sound like you're a few sips from death.

I like Brazilian Portuguese
Original Portuguese uses the "sh" sound too much.

Spoken european portuguese is too thick for me

spoken brazilian portuguese is easier

written portuguese is easy as fuck

Assério?Consegues perceber o que acabei de escrever?

Enserio? consigues percibir lo que acabé de escribir?

even a child would


same, written spanish is easy to me but I can hardly understand spoken spanish

you guys speak fast as fuck

deppends on what spanish

andalusian spanish is almost as unintelligible as portuguese for me

I don't find spanish difficult to understand,i've been to madrid.Sometimes you guys speak like you mix two word together and it sounds fucking disgusting.

>you guys speak like you mix two word together
**requires exemples**

That is the way to go, man. Think english for instance where every word comes together. I wish brazilians would speak faster like you do

first one, even though you don't even understand single words of it

Holy shit they sound different. The bottom one sounds sexier but the top one sounds more proper.
Number 2.


Se escrevesses como deve de ser talvez ele percebesse melhor, otário.

>I wish brazilians would speak faster like you do
Yeah, what the heck. Seems to take you a long time to finish the sentences, but I thought it was just my impression. We've compromised understandability for efficiency. Doesn't even seem like the Portuguese thing to do, desu.

Eh, that's about right.

Both countries are equally drunk, I assure you. wine's great.

o sotaque carioca tbf senpai