G/int/s, why dont we just reorganize east euroland like this. there isnt any significant difference between them anyway...

g/int/s, why dont we just reorganize east euroland like this. there isnt any significant difference between them anyway, i gave them two countries just to balance things out a bit visually, no other reason. this way we dont have to learn so many irrelevant details all the time.

That's the most efficent way to get another war in Europe I've seen today. Congrats.

lol, Balkans would become literal slaughterhouse

Balkans will implode.

>that colour choice

You did that on purpose

Colour me I wouldn't expect a French to be sensible to other's cultures

well honestly op's house should be reorganized into a landfill first
that should be the top priority at least

Table hockey was invented by Anglo Canadian Don Munro

That's cultural appropriation

Do eastern Euros actually hate each other this much or is it a meme?

it's all just friendly banter and rivalry, trust me

Blues probably not as much as the green ones desu

they learned their lesson with that war tho.

ok, i improved it a bit. but point stand: less kleinstaterij svp

It's mostly just the balkans. They've always been aggressive towards each other.
We are like brothers. Stand together when there is outside trouble but the moment we have some peace, we start fighting amongst ourselves.

no thanks

Shit b8.

made you look :^)

>Kaliningrad is blue
Do you mean Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova are also parts of Russia?

how about this one? I think this pretty much solves all of Europe's problems

i like it

