What language do i learn after JavaScript ?


A true language.


I picked python myself.



this is the only sensible choice

If this is your code, you should learn JavaScript first.



Because if you do string to num, yo jast cast type conversion, illiterate.

You can avoid all those issues simply by not being retarded

If your goal is webdev which has a lot of freelance work then HTML and CSS.

If you want to learn an OOP, then Python, or maybe Java if you want to work across platforms.

I'm a newb that doesn't even know anything about the backend or what a library does or why everyone keeps telling me to learn SQL so...

Don't take my advice.

Because dynamic typing with implicit casts shouldn't exist. Ever.

How about using a non retarded language?

Nothing, that is the pinnacle.

What is 'use-strict'

Don't know JavaScript, don't comment.

pinnacle of autism.

It's the most useful language.

No, it's being used because there isn't another choice.

Wait until your statically typed language receives data as strings and you have to convert them into a type.

How does that contradict what I said? You're just making my point..

Try Python or C#. Ignore the neets here if you don't have a job/want to move up a ladder. If you already have a non-programming job and intend to keep it, feel free to learn whatever the fuck they suggest here. If you want a programming job, look up what's in demand in your city/nearby and learn that.

No it is used server-side (nodejs), its syntax is copied by swift (iOS), it is used for everything from neural networks to front-end frameworks. It is the best language.


Being used != Being adequate

Javascript is a clusterfuck for anything bigger than a medium sized front-end.

Just wait your trash language be destroyed when WASM receive GC and DOM support.

You don't need to learn anything else. You can run JavaScript on the browser, server, desktop, and even on mobile devices.

what this nigga said.

>Javascript is a clusterfuck for anything bigger than a medium sized front-end.

It is used in every front end (web), there is no choice.

Being used == adequate because people actually chose to use it to make their server-side code or their binary tree or command line application as seen on github.

Native and effortless
Nodejs, fast as fuck
Electron, a bit shit, but maybe it'll improve, global, cli, npm packages are also a option
>mobile devices
react native

With just 1 (one) language you can develop for pretty much everything, how can you refute this?

this tbqh. waiting for that retard linus to get with the times and rewrite his OS in js.


>Javascript is a clusterfuck for anything bigger than a medium sized front-end.
TypeScript can help a lot here. After reworking a large React application from JSX to TSX I'm spending way less time reading through the code and trying to guess what is what at a given time.


Your first one.

> You can run JavaScript on the browser, server, desktop, and even on mobile devices.

Being trash everywhere doesn't sound appealing, user.

Everything about the post you just quoted is true

not LITERALLY everything

already going full slippery slope

do you consider typescript to still be a reliability even when compared to ES8?

A reliability what? ES8 does not add anything that could make JS more reliable, as far as I know.


Why would you use a decrement operator on two strings in the first place? If you don't know what type a variable is then you're doing something wrong.

Learn something that teaches you to think in a new way.
If you want to learn OO inside and out, I'd recommend Ruby with the book Practical Object-Oriented Ruby. You'd also be able to use Rails, which is super useful for webdev and jobs.

If you want to learn functional programming (which is useful for JS, too), I'd recommend Scheme, Elixir, Clojure, or Haskell.

Python/django rest, "master" css and HTML, do some shit with sql (frameworks are doing 99% work for you anyway - just learn how this shit works) learn angular/react/vue, find a job.

Work for some time, learn C, and then do whatever you want. I picked cpp myself, trying to make video gaymes and shit like that.
