Hey, Sup Forums. What's the best, free, non-botnet email provider?

Hey, Sup Forums. What's the best, free, non-botnet email provider?

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Proton Mail.

It doesn't work like that.
EVERY free mail provider goes through your shit to some degree.

If you want privacy you have to pay and host your own, easy as that.


Yes protonmail does work, secmail (a deepweb mail provider that's free) works as well too.

Can I send with an alias and receive from Mailgun, like Gmail allows me to with IMAP and SMTP, with Proton Mail?


only option right now

I hate people that want things for free.

That is precisely why I use Gmail. I give myself up to the big G!

jewish botnet


So you pay to your email service?

This is the only answer. email is trash technology.


>you have to pay and host your own, easy as that.
Good luck sending anything to a Gmail address from your own server.

Why would that be a problem? Do they spam filter it?

you still care about your privacy? are you 16? are you a pedophile terrorist doing illegal shit?

Make your own

I've found mailbox.org to be pretty good. And fairly cheap.


second post best post
third post second best post



Hosting your own on AWS