


Anyone still like jQuery?

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I started using React and have never looked back.

Why would you even use any of that Meme.js bullshit? Literally the only reason to use jQuery was because it made the http requests slightly more convenient to do.
Nowadays you can just do fetch(...)

this. really killed everything else for me.

jQuery hasn't been useful since document.querySelector became available.

Even over Vue or Angular?

Jquery is fucking useless bloat.

still use it for small things


>facebook meme language

Write your own code you lazy fucks

This. People shouldn't need to download megabytes of JS in order to view the most basic websites.

Basic Animations or AJAX handler, don't need something so massive as React.js,webpacks,Vue.js,ember.js,angular.js,bababel.js... js

let $ = s => [...document.querySelectorAll(s)]
$.ajax = (...p) => fetch(...p)

Whoops looks like 99% of jQuery functionality in a two-liner

whats going on here


function $(query) {
return document.querySelectorAll(query)

$.ajax = function(url) {
return fetch(url)

which is like 90% of jquery use

forgot to quote

also how the fuck do you do code blocks

Is that supported on IE8 and mozilla 20?

No. Standards and actual frameworks exist now.
It's been pointless for a couple of years unless you really need to support some garbage browser that should never be run on a computer connected to the Internet.

Maybe if you add enough polyfills.

Vue is better than React because it's easier to onboard brainlets.

For that you would just use Sizzle, not jQuery

And its not kiked by zuckerberg

Haven't really used Vue enough to know it's strengths and Angular kind of turned me off when they changed the entire framework right underneath me.


>that feel when I have to use nodejs for my job

Fucking hate javascript

It's 2018, if you are still supporting IE 8, you're irrelevant. If you are forced to because of your work, find something new.

Supporting IE11 is maaaaybe still ok in 2018, and understandable if you need to for who you work for. Otherwise, let it die.

This is probably already cached to your computer. Access is trivial.

Might be true but companies want it because in their minds it means they'll be the next Facebook.

I really hate the entire technology industry. When I did it as a hobby it was fun and I enjoyed learning new things. Working in it made me not like sitting at my computer, not like learning about it, and not like the people in it.

I wish I would've listened to people when they told me that making your hobby your job could possibly make you hate your hobby.

just becuase your mom has aids doesn't mean you want to get it


Typical fat crusty jobless welfare man

hahahahha no i'm a developer at a nice comfy company. Gettin' by just fine.

>It's 2018, if you are still supporting IE 8, you're irrelevant.

More like: you get paid to do it.

>Le funny soyboi meme XD

I use it all the time and can't be arsed to learn another library
in fact, I barely remember how to do shit in vanilla Js anymore
2bh it just werks, so why not?

How bad of a state am I in?

in most cases where i used to use jQuery (very small, minor site interactivity), i now just use vanilla JS.

anything more complicated, and I drop in Mithril.js. It's a mere 8kb, has routing and XHR built-in, ES5 compatible, and mostly gets out of your way so it doesn't feel like you're constrained by some opinionated framework. React and Angular honestly feel bloated to me at this point. Also I dislike JSX.

>I really hate the entire technology industry. When I did it as a hobby it was fun and I enjoyed learning new things. Working in it made me not like sitting at my computer, not like learning about it, and not like the people in it.
>I wish I would've listened to people when they told me that making your hobby your job could possibly make you hate your hobby.

Damn dude, I feel this. My loathed my first two jobs, and when I would come home, my computer would be the last place I wanted to sit at.

Currently in a comfy state job where every and any project takes several years to actually put into motion, so I find myself enjoying work again. Though, I'm also currently looking for another job because state work pays shite.. but damn I'll be sad to give this up at the same time. What do.

>reinventing the wheel
>and possibly making a bad wheel due to lack of knowledge
I mean, it's a good way to learn stuff, but stuff needs to get done too.

they still teaching it in schools so not terrible

At that point your just a digital ikea furniture builder

Wish I could tell you buddy. I just took a help desk job because I had a contract end and I need income while I look for a new one and this just fell into my lap.

I honestly might try to get out of the industry all together. No idea what though.

some code

(code)(/code), but in square brackets

>>>Sup Forumsrules/3
probably won't work either way

fucking hell, the labels are wrong, but at least it works
>>>Sup Forumsrules/4

Angular lost the war. It will be used in old legacy enterprise applications in some years.

Angular hasn't lost the war, it's a popular framework, it's just more than a lot of people need, and it's not as trendy as something like react that uses meme terminology to describe itself.

Still do loads of serverside wordpress work, so still use jQuery a lot. If it's bundled anyway, I have no issues using it.
But sure, Vue for any newer projects where I can get away with it these days.

>I wish I would've listened to people when they told me that making your hobby your job could possibly make you hate your hobby.

>tfw still using Angular 1
>tfw everything is still ok
To be honest, it kinda sucks how nearly every large JS framework needs to run a transpiler or compiler of sorts.
Vue seems the most appealing to me since I can just slap it on and start writing some JS.

jquery is shit nowdays it doesnt play well with angular 2 so i never use it anymore

You shouldn't really have to use jQuery with any real front-end framework.


say whatever you want, jquery gets the job done, multi billion dollar companies use it and yall are a bunch of bitches

> JQuery
> Still works flawlessly
> Somehow i shouldn't use because "IT'S CURRENT YEAR" HN/Reddit Autism

Fuck off, faggot.

vanilla all the way for me. Sure it's a hassle trying to make advanced functions but you're guaranteed no novice is going to touch your code

multibillion dollar companies also felch cum out of your dads butthole

>Also I dislike JSX
stop being a brainlem pham

>not a meme
you really tried but it really doesn't matter. react just sticks in my head. i can't tell why

you should check out elm ;)

Why im


> mithril
muh nigger.

comfy as hell to start using on some crusty old site.

> react
> tutorial
> tutorial
> tutorial
> 5 different approaches

>get an entire library for "small things"

the only reason to use JSX is if you have some non-programming people on your team who at times need to look at your JS. or if you're still trying to convince your stubborn co-workers to use a view library. it's for this reason that I use Mithril + JSX at work. Otherwise, it's just another thing to parse and inserting faux HTML into your JS just creates inconsistency.

So just use hyperscript. JSX is built on it anyway, and its far more natural to indent.

you forgot
>Makes your code look like absolute shit

>tfw gotta get it togetar & lazily learn es16 and THEN React to update my 3 or so long outdated pajeet frontend design pajeet skillz so i can get a proper employment and dont have to cobble together complex UIs, drafted in Illustrator, with boatload of shitty jQ plugins and inneficient, semi-funtional workarounds.
>tfw gotta cobble together a basic Node backend to pllay around with

Still love dat Masonry and Bootstrap

var user = $('div#p64429102');
var faggot = function() {
$(user).find('blockquote').append('Also I\'m a fagget');
//fag him up

//>having to use spaces
//wtf I hate textboxes now

Looks alright to me

var user = $('div#p64429102');
var faggot = function() {
$(user).find('blockquote').append('Also I\'m a fagget');
//fag him up

//>having to use spaces
//wtf I hate textboxes now

Looks alright to me

>spend a couple hours writing a minimalistic fetch and animation script for my old company's website
>dropped jquery and a bunch of other unnecessary bloat
>site performance fucking doubled and conversions tripled (i also redesigned crossmarketing shit and checkout)
>get fired for being too efficient and making a bunch of people useless since all they did was maintaining crossmarketing pages that i automated
>not even joking

How about looking at real code? I remember many years ago the company I worked at used a jquery date-time picker. Not necessarily the same, but this is part of the code for the first result on google on searching "jquery datetimepicker"
>those $ everywhere
if (options.allowBlank && (!$.trim($(this).val()).length ||
(typeof options.mask === "string" && $.trim($(this).val()) === options.mask.replace(/[0-9]/g, '_')))) {
} else {
var d = dateHelper.parseDate($(this).val(), options.format);
if (d) { // parseDate() may skip some invalid parts like date or time, so make it clear for user: show parsed date/time
$(this).val(dateHelper.formatDate(d, options.format));
} else {
var splittedHours = +([$(this).val()[0], $(this).val()[1]].join('')),
splittedMinutes = +([$(this).val()[2], $(this).val()[3]].join(''));

// parse the numbers as 0312 => 03:12
if (!options.datepicker && options.timepicker && splittedHours >= 0 && splittedHours < 24 && splittedMinutes >= 0 && splittedMinutes < 60) {
$(this).val([splittedHours, splittedMinutes].map(function (item) {
return item > 9 ? item : '0' + item;
} else {
$(this).val(dateHelper.formatDate(_xdsoft_datetime.now(), options.format));

Absolutely disgusting.

>needing a framework to select nodes

Ehh? It's fine. It's honestly less project/vendor locking than most newer JS frameworks. As a normie in this industry, I care about the right approach to a project. If I'm project lead, picking good tools. If I'm onboarding, doing my best to use the projects current framework, and if I'm on long enough, suggest better tooling/frameworks/whatever in future versions of the product.

And how is this jquery's fault?
You can write shit code with any language.