I am sick of you Sup Forumsictims and of you /biz/ness bellends:

The source of my anger:
First of all, Sup Forumsictims, GPUs aren't just for you and you certainly aren't the primary concern, they should be being used for cryptographic research.
And as for you, /biz/ness bellends, stop driving the price of GPUs so high, just for your GREED, it is despicable. As mentioned above, those GPUs should be being used for cryptographic research, not so-called "capitalism".

Other urls found in this thread:



You need to stop, other, more important and serious people, require them.

>products of capitalism shouldnt be used for capitalism

is this what passes for bait these days?
how embarrassing

>only farmers should eat their crops

Crypto jews are worse than gamer babies.

Yes I'm sure nvidias main customer for their graphics cards is for cryptographic research

>Don't you dare use those research chemicals, for research, they're a product of capitalism!

Agreed, they should be BANNED from buying them for a month after release.

>you certainly aren't the primary concern
>nvidia just issued a statement to all their distributors to impose limits on how many cards can be bought by a person at a time and to favor gamers

No, no, that's actually so researchers can purchase them.

Nope. They specifically said that gamers are their primary focus because retarded bitminers will eventually flood the market with high quality cards for nothing, cutting nvidia off from their main source of income.

Cryptocurrencies == worldwide crytographic bug bounties

Prove worng. Go!

>they should be being used for cryptographic research

lol, OP is jealous

The result of mining is available crypto, not just personal gain to the miner


>they should be being used for cryptographic research.
I agree.
So why are they being wasted on mining?

>Productive capitalism that is beneficial to society
>Speculative capitalism that is detrimental to society.

>The result of mining is available crypto

Remove the free market thank you very much

Not to imply that all speculative capitalism is detrimental, just that this one very much is.

You don't know how it works, do you?

Sure, educate me, what is this product "cyrpto"? Describe it to me.

>when a person mines gold, only they profit from it, the gold exists only for them, not the jewelers or people wearing it
yeah, no.

which internet drug tokens can i mine using server hardware instead of graphics cards?

Oh okay, so what kind of grrat things can you make with crypto?

>"cryptographic research."
>dont you mean skynet so we can cleanse the world from your bullshit?
aint the real source of your anger is the recent "DIPP"?

>Another day
>Another crash
Feels good man

it's an imaginary product of fluctuating value so people can make money off it

your post makes no sense. crypto has no uses besides trading it back and forth

The world runs on trade which runs on money, not memes.

If you can't afford a faster toy, get money instead of snivelling or deal with slower performance or rent time on a fast machine or become miner to pay for many vidcards.

The vast infrastructure producing the toys you desire could not exist without capitalism.

>cryptographic (((research)))
fuck off bitcoin jew

>they should be being used for cryptographic research
By that you mean bitcoin mining?
Then, fuck you.


virus dont come


F-fuck you!

>cracking ur mums hashes m8

Jealous of gaymers and capitalist pigs? ppfffft, hardly

because scumbags

no, that's for slowly scum

socialism is objectively better, prove me wrong

buttcoin is bullshit, any coin is bullshit
you're trading a concept, nothing more

no, i mean cracking the hashes of worthwhile crypto

money is the root of all evil

This exactly. This is kind of what happened to Intel when companies started selling their Xeon systems for dirt cheap. Why pay more for new hardware that's slower than this cheaper older yet faster hardware?

Those cards are getting NO AIR.

make me

Give these cards eah!

I like you a lot.

That makes me happy. I like you too.

Apparently it's fine, because they're low energy founder editions.

There is no GTX10.0 on the planet that wouldn't throttle itself into a hole under any load in this configuration; unless they underclocked it so hard that it negated any advantages to just pulling out half the cards and letting them run properly.
They would probably be better of ripping the shrouds off and letting the case's forced air give the cards some level of cooling.

They're also getting no power by the looks of it.

If you are getting paid to do cryptographic research, your company can afford to buy you GPUs regardless of current price inflation. In fact, they will probably buy the overpriced "compute" models that aren't touched by mining or gaming.

They make money by selling their products. Gaymer buys one card. Miner buys 40.
Gaymerz are main source of income.
How old are you, 12?

You are immensely dense.

miners buy all the cards NOW, but anyone with a brain can see this is a ridiculous fad that's going to crash so of course they don't want to alienate their actual customer base

Few miners can and will buy more cards than few dozen gaymur manchildren.

Until it crashes, I don't give a fuck. Got a new place, new car hell even earned 3700€ day trading at work during the latest "crash". All my shit is payed and even if everything crashes and burns tomorrow, I'm still in plus 40k. Sorry you can't play your gaymz kid

You are a cancerous meme ridden brainlet.
Get an education so you might be able to see past the tip of your own nose, homo.
It literally doesn't matter what you say, my post was a paraphrasing of an official statement from nvidia.
Your opinion is assfoam.

The only socialism is national socialism.

do people make up posts like this to rope other people into the bitcoin shit?

My favorite is always:

"Why don't you use ASICs? They're specifically made for mining and don't rape the GPU market or burn nearly as much energy."

"Because there are coins designed to be impossible to mine on ASICs"

Let me get this straight- the logical and responsible solution is intentionally being made impossible, yet miners think they aren't being jewed?

Sunk cost etc.

>he's a no coiner
lmaoing at you

>Calling your selfish quest to line your own pockets "cryptographic research."

L. O. L.

> they should be being used for cryptographic research.
They really, really should not. They are not energy or cost efficient for actual RESEARCH in any regard.

>the logical and responsible solution is intentionally being made impossible
The intent is that "anybody can mine", it keeps it decentralized and out of the hands of a few that can afford large ASIC mines.
I mean, it's still going into the hands of a few that can afford enormous mining warehouses, but still. That's the intent.

I hope you're able to afford that new place and car without Bitcoin profits. Biggest mistake new money people do is run out and buy a McMansion and a flashy sports car. Both are huge money sinks, especially high-priced luxury cars. It quickly drains their new money until they go broke. Happens all the time with lottery winners.

Fact is Bitcoin right now is a huge speculative bubble, and this may be the all-timehigh. Aflawed system only supported by people wanting to make a quick buck isn't going to have a market cap higher than the USD.

I'm an R&D engineer and I got into crypto early. Also in my current apartment I can spend as much electricity as I fucking want. I still pay the same price. So call me brainlet, homo whatever... Difference between us is I do real shit and make real money while you want to spend life in moms basement playing video games. And I don't give a fuck about nobodies like you or Nvidia. Who ever makes the best card I'll buy 80 of them, cash. Stay mad faggot

Mate, sounds like you're the mad one here.
>I got into crypto early
If that was true you wouldn't be living in a shitty apartment, trying to mine.

>I'm an R&D engineer
In what?
>Difference between us is I do real shit and make real money
Any employed engineer wouldn't bother with crypto outside of as a fun hobby to mine shitcoins in case they jump up to a dollar.
Your LARPing is weak.

>peope think they're part of some elite because they can chain some graphics cards together

>In what?
Invasive medicine devices

>Any employed engineer wouldn't bother with crypto outside of as a fun hobby to mine shitcoins in case they jump up to a dollar.
>Your LARPing is weak.
How am bothering exactly? I just buy hardware for free money I earned so far and leave it making money 24/7. But I do believe crypto has future one way or the other and I like fucking around. I can pay my apartment without crypto, I don't drive some super sports car. BMW m5 old 2 years. You are LARPing here about fucking video games. Grow up

I'm part of the "elite" because of my hard work and my position. I also like technology and think this one has bright future. Stop being sour. Your goal in life is spend money on computers so you can waste time playing games

what does your job have to do with any of this exactly?
> I also like technology and think this one has bright future
you literally sound like a grandma

Narration here is that miners are morons in moms basement who will burn when and if crypto bubble pops. I'm sure some of them will eventually but people with high paying jobs also mine. Not because of the money but because we believe this will be next big thing. And your grandma is a smart woman if she thinks the same. Only if her grandson would grow up and do something with his life instead of playing games and jerking off all day while being a leach

>Narration here is that miners are morons in moms basement
people in moms basement can't afford 50 video cards, they're just plain morons

You mean narrative, you larping brainlet?

I know that, and looks like you know too. But keep in mind that we are trying to explain autists here that while they are bitching how they can't play games, people earn money while investing and changing the world one step at a time.

>people earn money while investing and changing the world one step at a time.
you aren't "changing the world", you're buying into a pyramid scheme, people don't like you because they can't play games they don't like you because you're participating in a ridiculous scheme out of pure greed and then saying it's because you "like technology", lol

Oh sorry fat autist from basement, English is not my first language. When people don't have anything else to say, they try to correct your grammar. Go tell your mom how smart you've been on fucking anime board. She might buy you new GPU

>Projecting pajeet
Enjoy your buyers remorse. :^)

Greed? Nigger I have enough money as it is. What do you think is miners purpose anyway? Read about technology first. But sure, to you technology is desktop screenshots, video games and this CPU, GPU vs that one.

Cash money says we're equally as important. What, just because they scribble formulas, they're somehow entitled?
If they were indeed top dogs, they'd be directly dealing with manufacturers.
Right now it seems their presense and absense are negligibly different.

>What do you think is miners purpose anyway?
people trying to make easy money for doing nothing
if you have enough money, make your GPU farm do protein folding for cancer research

Oh another ad hominem from fat neet, why am I not surprised? Whatever, I'm going to dinner and then have that buyers remorse in my jacuzzi. Stay fat.

Haha, wew. You are delusional as fuck.

You do realise where the money in bitcoin comes from, right? People who profit from bitcoin are taking money from those who are not profiting from bitcoin.

>Whining about ad hominem when literally every post you make is ad hominem riddled
Lel. Hypocritical and delusional. What a predictable mixture from someone who is so clearly a try hard narcissist.

I'm not even a no coiner. but comparing crypto to gold in that way is retarded

I'd rather use the gpu to mine coins that would give me advantage financially and to run an economy than to use the gpu to play some retard virtual game to fill in the void from when your parents divorce and left you like a sad pathetic kid you are.
let the grown up use the card for something useful instead of using it to power your yandere simulator or LOL at 1080p tards

If GPUs are made for mining - then what are these?


Yes, they are you retard.

how do I unsubscribe from this faggot's blog?

found reddit

Give me one successful socialist country that doesn't have elements of capitalism.

>GPUs aren't just for you and you certainly aren't the primary concern, they should be being used for cryptographic research.

Implying that cryto-currencies and their blockchains aren't the product of the NSA's (successful) attempt to farm out their cryptography and decryption work to a distributed network of computing power that both dwarfs the power of what they have internally *and* requires little actual investment on their part.

Hint: they were aware of SETI@home and DNA@home etc, and were taking notes on how to use distributed computing to their advantage.

Reminder that scamming is a violation of the NAP

also how come there's a G in GPU?

Cryptocurrency is a ponzi scheme. Enjoy getting burned.

Where can I buy a crypto encrusted watch?

Minerfags need to buy the dedicated crypto gpus amd and nvidia came out with and leave the regular consumer cards to gamers and others

no "capitalism" here. Just speculative gambling standing on a turbulent hot air column.

>Minerfags need to buy the dedicated crypto gpus
Why would AMD or Nvidia do that,
when they can just sell the regular GPUs to miners?
>Oh no, we're making too much money