1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Will you be able to die for your country?

I'd rather live for my country


>the only first world country above 55%

This. Also, I'd rather see enemies of my country dying for their own one.

A country is a stupid thing to die for.

>t. Donnell the draft dodger

really makes you think

1. f(l)ag
2. not anymore


For cunt no, for idea yes yes 1 thousand times yes


The rate of Japan is the same as the before ww2.

don't lie netouyo, you're the last person to die for the nation actually

why do you deny the defeinite differences of the mentality of japanese between before ww2 america came and today
But I know it's very common among current "JAPANESE" because they dont want to be pathetic barbarian fucked up by white like philippine but actually we are all pathetic just like them
It's too pathetic and the only way we get back our dignity is getting rid off murican army in japan obviously

11% is enough to beat down China and N.Korea.


Yes, of course

Yeah, sure. It's the same after decades of pacifist education as it was when nationalism was hammered into people's minds with the State Shinto.


Why are there so many people from shitholes wanting to die for their shithole? Like Fiji, wtf? Who wants to die for a fucking micro island?

>tfw I have a degree in science working in R&D and I'm much more a destructive asset than a grunt on the front line while I walk around with a pocket protector full of pens


yes, yes, yes

and on top of that you would have been arrested by the special political police for treason, had you answered no in imperial japan.

1. national banner
2. no hell no

I would give my life for Israel.

I don't need to fight. All we really need is few thousand people working the jets. But if I have to I will. I don't give a fuck about my life when it comes down to it.

I'm ready

Good goy

pure cringe

Ofcourse Im willing to die for saudi arabia

Depends if it was in a war worth dying for

Crusades against mudslimes?

So a civil war? Yeah I guess

It's easy to die for your country. The question is whether you really wanted it or not

No, we're such pros we'll make the other poor bastards die for theirs

yeah why not

I now understand "poles are patriotic" is actually a meme

Don’t die for your dear country’s sake,
But let the other chap die for his.

>Will you be able to die for your country?
If there is no other choice, but I really like living.

I have palmar hyperhidrosis so they won't let me.

I've considered, what with the chronic depression and all.

Many people respond "no" to the question just because "give your life for your country" sounds old-fashioned and primitive, but I'm sure many of these people would die for their country.

They will die defending their home, their family, their belongings, their city, their way of life and their personal honor ... and that is fundamentally THE COUNTRY.

based patton

Of course it's a meme.

This shithole could burn to the ground for all I care, and I wouldn't even blink an eye.

>and that is fundamentally THE COUNTRY.
"The country" is the government.

I would die protecting my property, my family, myself or my city from harm; what happens to the Democratic People´s Republic of Finland is none of my concern.

>but I'm sure many of these people would die for their country.
I understand an American when he utters those words of patriotism, but not when anyone else utters them. The USA is the only exceptionally free, and thus virtuous and good, country on this planet - the rest of us have to make do with second-rate governance.

Poles are definitely more patriotic and religious than the other countries in the region (Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary)

no lmao