Hey Sup Forums, sorry to bother you.. but can anybody help me the fuck out ?what the hell is that? pic related

Hey Sup Forums, sorry to bother you.. but can anybody help me the fuck out ?what the hell is that? pic related

A picture of an electronic device.
Install gentoo.

i'm just curious, because i found it in a hidden room, from one of my tenant..
and i dont know what it is, because i'm a tech noob...

Most probably something illegal, good luck.

Post pic of any logos

Find the graphical output port and connect it to your own monitor

I cant enter the room.
i will be there tomorrow.. but i dont want to confront him..

its a "hidden"room at the attic. You can see it through a small crack

Either a ham radio or a bomb, good luck

Whats a computer? good luck

i'm guessing ham radio

A computer

Looks like some old radio's guts


My first thought was a pbx

It's his electronics repair work bench and a piece of electronics.
See the little drawers and the soldering iron?
Looks like a shitty version of the stations /diy/ers have.

Also quit being one of those snoopy shitty landlords. If you didn't trust them you shouldn't have let them rent from you. It's not like it's a meth lab or something it's harmless electronics.

Yo, dont be mad.. i was just curious,because its hidden behind a wall/door in the attic..

You are paranoid, fuck off.
And give the fellow a heads up to look for new apartment in advance since you seem to be such a cunt.

Oh man. Why are you such an angry kid? I wont do nothing. I was curious, thats all! Now fuck off, and get back in your mums basement..

The only Thing i can be mad about, he gets the juice from a source which no one is allowed to use and every one knows that. The attic needs repairs so he has to move his stuff.

thanks to every one else, who helped me out

t. landlord

wow dude you really are just a complete asshole. glad you are NOT my landlord